Lovely Substitute Bride



In the movie, almost all the staff stopped what they were doing at the same time and stared at Min Ann'ge, who was completely immersed in the story.    


In front of him was a simple and crude piece of evidence. It was filled with the style of a Republic.    


There were a few mottled corpses lying in the wide yard, and Min Ann'ge was kneeling in the middle.    


His head was drooping, and his long bangs were falling down, blocking his eyes. No one could see his expression, but they could clearly feel the thick pain permeating his entire body, and even the air seemed to solidify with it.    


Just by looking at him from afar, one could feel his grief and despair, and his heart also became heavy.    


A low moan slowly came out like that of a trapped beast. Min Ann'ge's back slowly bent down and his hands covered his face.    


His actions seemed casual, but the veins on the back of his hands bulged as painful emotions infected everyone's heart.    


Director Chen involuntarily tightened his grip on the script that had already been rolled up and stood up excitedly.    


Although Min Ann'ge's improvement during this period of time had surprised him, he never would have thought that Min Ann'ge would be able to perform so perfectly, even surpassing his expectations!    


There was not a single line in the whole clip, only a tiny murmur.    


Min Ann'ge kneeled on the ground and finished the act with his actions and the emotions in his eyes.    


After a long moment, he stood up and raised his head.    


Then the others saw his eyes.    


It was a pair of firm eyes with a faint red glow. However, the firmness and decisiveness in the depths of those eyes made people change their expressions.    


She turned her head and looked into the camera, instantly seeing everyone's heart.    


After a second of pause, Min Ann'ge did not say anything and just turned around and left. He only left everyone with a straight back, which was very shocking.    


Even after the filming ended, everyone was still in shock.    


The studio was completely silent. No one spoke, and even their breathing had become much lighter, afraid that they would disturb the atmosphere.    






It was only when Wen Tiantian raised her hand and clapped her hands that everyone woke up from their stupor.    


Thus, he quickly regained his senses and looked at Min Ann'ge excitedly.    


The next second, thunderous applause rang out!    


At this moment, other than desperately clapping, there was no other movement that could express the excitement and shock in their hearts.    


Until the end of the filming, the grief and determination that filled Min Ann'ge's body slowly dissipated.    


He turned and gave a modest little bow to the others.    


"Is it okay? "Director Chen."    


Chen Xun wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to describe it. He could only nod his head in excitement.    




He had originally prepared to film it more than ten times, or even dozens of times, but he did not expect it to succeed in one shot. Furthermore, it exceeded his imagination and could be called perfect!    


Min Ann'ge's face revealed a faint smile after he received confirmation. Obviously, he was more confident in himself.    


Glancing around, Zhang Xuan noticed Wen Tiantian and Luan Zhi, who were standing outside the crowd, and walked over.    


"I'll go and change my clothes. Wait a while longer."    


Luan Zhi's eyes were sparkling.    


The first time she saw Min Ann'ge acting, it brought her endless shock.    


At this moment, she was absolutely sure that her decision to let Min Ann'ge return to the show industry was the right one, because the person in front of her belonged to the big screen!    


She nodded excitedly, but could not help but say, "Your performance was too outstanding. I have never seen such a perfect performance!"    


Hearing that, Min Ann'ge's calm eyes slowly showed some emotions and joy.    


"I'll be back soon."    


After he finished speaking, he hurriedly walked towards the dressing room, preparing to change his clothes before taking her away.    


Luan Zhi watched him leave, waiting for him to disappear from her sight.    


"Stop looking, people won't run away." Wen Tiantian couldn't help but mock him.    


Luan Zhi's face turned red before she finally withdrew her gaze.    


Wen Tiantian was about to say something when a few assistants walked over.    


Today's filming ended early. Wen Tiantian and the director were going to review the filmed footage together. If there was anything wrong, they would have to review it again.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the itinerary in her hands and thought that it wouldn't take Min Ann'ge long to change his clothes.    


"Luan Zhi, wait here for a while. Min Ann'ge should be back soon. I have some work to do …"    


Luan Zhi nodded in understanding.    


"It's fine, go ahead. I'll be fine. I'll just wait here for him."    


Wen Tiantian nodded, still a little worried.    


"If anything happens, just ask them to come to my office."    


"Got it." Luan Zhi pulled her to turn around and pushed her a few steps away. She urged, "Hurry up and go. What will happen to a person as big as me?"    


After Wen Tiantian left, she found a chair to sit on and waited quietly for Min Ann'ge to come back.    


The studio's environment was a little different from what she had seen on the television. After a simple construction, it would have to undergo a complicated process before it could achieve the results displayed on the screen.    


Wen Tiantian watched with a face full of curiosity. With so many people working together, it took them a long time to finish a perfect movie.    


"You're the woman that seduced Min Ann'ge?"    


Just as he was looking, an angry voice suddenly came from behind him.    


Luan Zhi didn't even have time to react when she heard his words.    


After a few seconds, he finally turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a woman of similar age standing not far behind him.    


The woman was still wearing her work tag around her neck, and she was staring at her unhappily.    


Ever since the matter of Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge was announced, he had also seen the comments of the netizens online.    


Many of Min Ann'ge's loyal fans had already treated her as a woman who was trying to seduce Min Ann'ge, and they continued to curse her online.    


After reading it, Luan Zhi directly closed the webpage and rarely went online again in the future.    


Now that he heard this word again, his mood instantly sank.    


She frowned slightly, but did not answer.    


However, the other party did not want to let him off so easily. He walked straight towards him.    


"You're Luan Zhi?"    


"It's not enough for you to seduce Min Ann'ge, and you still want to use a child to tie him up?"    


With that, his gaze swept across Luan Zhi's lower abdomen, revealing traces of viciousness in his eyes.    


"I don't think this child is Min Ann'ge's at all, right? You lied to him! "    


"Damn it! Why are you doing this? "    


"You bitch!"    


She cursed and rushed forward.    


Luan Zhi was so frightened that she quickly took a few steps back.    


"What are you doing?"    


Before long, the other party had already rushed over and grabbed Luan Zhi's hand.    


"You're the one who harmed Min Ann'ge!"    


Wen Tiantian frowned as she struggled nonstop.    


"Stop! "Don't come near me!"    


The dispute between the two quickly attracted the attention of many people. The staff looked over and found that the woman who had attacked them was originally a crazy fan of Brother Min Ann'ge.    


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