Lovely Substitute Bride



"This is indeed a good place."    


Wen Tiantian walked forward happily. In a short while, she had reached the halfway point of the mountain.    


Just as he was about to move forward, he saw a small path appear on the other side of the road.    


Wen Tiantian looked around in confusion. This small path was winding all the way to the depths of the forest. There were still some weeds growing on the path. It seemed that it had been a long time since someone had walked through this path.    


Wen Tiantian didn't hear Mrs Ruan mention that there was another small road here. She turned around and looked at the stone steps on the other side. Her interest was piqued and she didn't continue walking forward. Instead, she pointed at the small road.    


"Let's go over and take a look."    


Ji Jingchen nodded slightly and walked over first. Then, he turned around and held Wen Tiantian's hand, just in case there was any danger in front of them.    


The two of them walked along the path, but they didn't expect that after walking for a while, the path would disappear.    


"Looks like we went to the wrong place."    


Wen Tiantian looked around.    


The path led to a small forest. Unknowingly, they had already stepped on a thick layer of fallen leaves.    


Looking up, the tall shrubs were luxuriant and covered the sky. The azure sky was split in half by the leaves.    


The sunlight shone down from the sky, shining through the gaps between the leaves and onto the ground.    


The surroundings were completely silent. There was not a single sound.    


The place where the sunlight fell was like a beam of light, beautiful and magnificent. Dust floated in the air, dancing in the sunlight, as if the spirits of the forest were dancing.    


Several tall banyan trees extended their branches, tall and large, shocking the hearts of the people.    


It was unknown how many old trees had survived here. Their branches twisted and tilted, forming a beautiful angle that exuded a different kind of charm.    


Wen Tiantian immediately held her breath.    


"So beautiful." She couldn't help but exclaim.    


Ji Jingchen turned around and stretched out his hand towards Wen Tiantian. "Maybe we did not make a mistake."    


Wen Tiantian excitedly took a step forward and was about to stop him, but she didn't notice that the roots that protruded from beneath her feet were thrown forward. Even Ji Jingchen, who was in front of her, didn't react.    


Fortunately, the ground was covered with a thick layer of leaves. They were soft and did not hurt the fall.    


Ji Jingchen was shocked and quickly walked over.    


"How is it? Are you alright? "    


Wen Tiantian shook her head.    


"I'm fine."    


She sat up, and Ji Jingchen couldn't help but laugh when he saw her.    


Although it didn't hurt, the leaves on the ground flew up and landed on her body. A few leaves were added to Wen Tiantian's head.    


Ji Jingchen bent down to help her take it off with a hidden smile in his eyes.    


Wen Tiantian suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Looking at Ji Jingchen in front of her, an idea popped up in her mind and she stretched out her hand towards him.    


"Help me up."    


Ji Jingchen held her hand and was about to exert his strength, but Wen Tiantian suddenly pulled him back.    


Before Ji Jingchen could pull her up, she was dragged down and fell to the ground with him.    


Fallen leaves flew into the air once more, almost burying the two of them.    


Wen Tiantian turned her head to look at his embarrassed appearance. Seeing the leaves on his face and head, she smiled complacently.    


Ji Jingchen's eyes were filled with helplessness.    


Wen Tiantian turned over with guilt in her heart and prepared to remove the fallen leaves from Ji Jingchen's body.    


As soon as he raised his hand, he was pulled by Ji Jingchen. Ji Jingchen instantly sat down and threw himself into Ji Jingchen's arms.    


With a "dong", his head hit Ji Jingchen's chest.    


Hearing that voice, Wen Tiantian jumped in fright. She did not even look at her own head as she quickly replied, "Did it hurt you? It's all your fault, why did you pull me just now? "    


"I'm fine." Ji Jingchen said. Instead, he looked at Wen Tiantian's head carefully and asked worriedly, "Does it hurt?"    


"It was clearly you who was in pain, right?"    


The thumping sound from earlier had indeed frightened Wen Tiantian.    


She still placed her hand on Ji Jingchen's chest worriedly and touched it.    


"Did we just bump into this place?"    


He took a closer look and was relieved to see that Ji Jingchen was alright. He used both hands to support Ji Jingchen's chest and was ready to get up.    


Just as she moved, a pair of hands appeared from her waist and she pulled them back tightly. Wen Tiantian then pressed them back into her arms again.    


She fell into Ji Jingchen's arms again. When she looked up, all she could see was Ji Jingchen's beautiful chin.    


He was looking up at the sky, his eyes clouded.    


Wen Tiantian looked up, following his line of sight, and was instantly attracted by the scene before her.    


The dense foliage separated the sky, and each small part of the sky revealed a different scene.    


The clouds were changing shape under the influence of the wind. Sunlight shone through the gaps between the leaves, falling down like holy light, and the sound of falling leaves could be heard.    


Wen Tiantian's hand was still supporting Ji Jingchen's chest. He could vaguely feel a strong yet rhythmic heartbeat coming from her chest.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


It was as if his heart was beating at the same rhythm.    


"So beautiful."    


Wen Tiantian rolled over and laid beside Ji Jingchen. As long as they turned their heads, they could see each other.    


Only from this angle could one see that there were indeed traces of winter.    


In a few hidden places, there were leaves that were slowly withering, forming a sharp contrast to the other emerald green leaves.    


Looking at the scene before him, even his state of mind slowly calmed down.    


Wen Tiantian took a breath of fresh air and closed her eyes.    


"If only we could continue like this forever." she whispered.    


Ji Jingchen turned his head and looked at Wen Tiantian, who was lying beside him.    


Her eyes were closed and the corners of her mouth lifted slightly.    


This woman was someone he wanted to protect his entire life.    


He understood his greed. However, if he were to protect himself like this, it would not satisfy his ambition.    


He wanted Wen Tiantian to belong to him alone, wanted to live together with him forever, go through spring, summer, and autumn with him, wanted to see her smile happily forever under his care.    


Ji Jingchen's heart skipped a beat and before he could think about it, he opened his mouth.    


"Tiantian, are you willing to marry me?"    


Ji Jingchen had asked this question more than a hundred times.    


After his proposal was rejected, he spent a lot of time trying to coerce others to do so in order to get a definite answer.    


However, during that period of time, Wen Tiantian had strictly defended herself and refused to agree.    


But at this moment, he spoke impulsively without thinking. He only blurted out these words as he made his move.    




Wen Tiantian's voice sounded without warning.    


Ji Jingchen's body trembled and he opened his eyes in surprise. He even wondered if he heard wrong.    


Taking a closer look at Wen Tiantian beside him, he saw that she still had her eyes closed and the corner of her mouth raised high. It was as if she didn't say anything just now, which made Ji Jingchen a bit confused.    


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