Lovely Substitute Bride



As soon as she got Wen Tiantian's support, Luan Zhi couldn't wait to start preparing the show with Ke Yanrui.    


Before the show started, Wen Tiantian was worried that something might happen to her, so she took some time to go over with her.    


Luan Zhi laughed. "Don't worry about me. I've been in the model industry for so many years anyway. It's just a rehearsal, so nothing will happen."    


Wen Tiantian insisted, "You were different before."    


She helped Luan Zhi pack her things and led her to the car.    


After several years of separation, Ke Yanrui once again held a fashion show. The theme of his design was also very avant-garde. It was about nature and returning to its original nature.    


The location of the show was a park surrounded by trees. Spring was approaching, and a few flower buds had also sprouted from the surrounding bushes.    


In the middle of the park, a T platform had been set up for the models to perform in advance. The seats and other preparations were still in progress.    


When Wen Tiantian and Luan Zhi arrived, a few models were already practicing.    


Ke Yanrui was standing on the side with a megaphone in his hand, directing everyone's actions.    


When Wen Tiantian and Luan Zhi entered, they attracted a lot of attention.    


Almost everyone in the fashion and modeling circles knew Luan Zhi. One reason was because she was one of the few supermodels in the country, and two reason was because of the matter between her and Min Ann'ge.    


Upon seeing her, he was so astonished that even the work he was doing stopped. He turned his head to look in her direction, his eyes filled with curiosity and puzzlement.    


Ke Yanrui noticed their line of sight. He turned around and revealed a warm smile as he hurriedly walked over.    


As he removed the sound amplifying equipment on his ears, he said, "Luan Zhi, you finally got two people. I have already modified the dress that you chose earlier to fit you perfectly. I am the one who made the cut myself, so you should go in and try it out first.    


Luan Zhi kept her gaze on the T Platform for a while before retracting her gaze. Her eyes were filled with longing.    


"No need. You can go over by yourself. Why don't you go to the usual place?" "You just need to direct the troops at the scene."    


Ke Yan turned his head to look at the models that were still on the T stage. This time, a few of the models that he had hired were new. He was still not used to this outdoor show.    


Hearing this, he nodded his head.    


"Then I'll get my assistant to lead you there!"    


Wen Tiantian wanted to follow, but Luan Zhi said, "Tiantian, there's no need for you to follow me. I'll be out very soon. Help me check if my steps have regressed."    


As he spoke, he passed the item in his hand to her.    


Wen Tiantian had no choice but to withdraw her footsteps.    


"Then be careful."    


Seeing Luan Zhi leave, Wen Tiantian sat down on a chair nearby. Ke Yanrui got someone to bring him hot coffee so he could continue directing the models.    


This time, more than ten models were invited to the exhibition. After a few of them, a few of them sat down to the side to rest.    


Wen Tiantian was worrying about Luan Zhi, who was changing her clothes. She had just sat there for a while when she heard a voice beside her.    


After the models left the stage, they stood together and discussed softly.    


"That was Luan Zhi, wasn't it? She's here for a show too? "    


"A few days ago, I heard from Ke Yanrui that there would be a special guest. I thought that he had invited some supermodel, but I didn't expect that he would be an outdated contestant."    


"Going for a show with a big belly, she's really putting her life on the line. Don't tell me Min Ann'ge's job can't support her? And you have to come out and earn money for your milk powder. "    


"Maybe she has already been divided up. If she didn't use her child to threaten Min Ann'ge, how could he have fallen for her?"    


"No matter what you say, it's her fault. I loved Min Ann'ge the most, but now, he has become like this. A man was ruined by him, and now he still wants to fight over the job with us."    


"Come on, he's an opening guest ordered by Ke Yanrui."    


"Who knows what methods he used? I disdain it. "    


The few of them chatted without restraint, not afraid of anyone overhearing them.    


Wen Tiantian frowned as she turned around, her gaze somewhat unfriendly.    


Sensing her gaze, everyone turned to look at Wen Tiantian, their expressions changing slightly. Only then did they finally stop.    


It just so happened that a few assistants came up to urge them to get on the stage before finally leaving.    


Wen Tiantian frowned, a little worried in her heart.    


When the matter between Min Ann'ge and her was exposed, many fans harbored resentment towards Luan Zhi. Now that she appeared in front of the public again, the pressure she faced was even greater than when Brother Min An went to film.    


Just as he was thinking about this, the surroundings suddenly quieted down. Everyone's gaze fell onto the T platform at the same time.    


Puzzled, Wen Tiantian turned her head to look and saw that Luan Zhi had already changed her clothes and walked out.    


She wore a light green dress that reached to her knees and had no makeup on her face. She was just chatting with Wen Tiantian when she stood on the T stage. Her expression suddenly turned serious.    


He didn't wear shoes, but even so, he was still tall and was looking straight ahead.    


Wen Tiantian looked at him and couldn't help but think of the Queen of the Elves. She walked out from the back proudly.    


The models who had been blabbering away at the side all quieted down upon seeing this scene, their eyes filled with envy and jealousy.    


Wen Tiantian was also stunned for a moment. She was used to seeing Luan Zhi jumping off the scissor platform. The scene was so domineering that even she was caught up in the aura Luan Zhi created.    


In this rehearsal, he was wearing the same clothes as the other models as he was in the job of keeping the design secret.    


However, when Luan Zhi wore it, it gave her a completely different feeling.    


Just like Brother Min An, Luan Zhi was born to be a good person for the T stage.    


As long as she stepped onto the T stage, she would be like a completely different person. All of her potential would be revealed.    


A few days ago, Luan Zhi stayed at home and did not go out. Her face was a little gloomy and she looked like a trapped bird. At this moment, however, she was filled with elegance like a queen descending.    


The envious and jealous gazes from the surrounding people were enough to prove how successful Luan Zhi's show was!    


Wen Tiantian walked over in a hurry when the conversation came to an end.    


Just as he was about to congratulate her, he saw that Luan Zhi had already revealed her true colors. She anxiously pulled Wen Tiantian, her face blushing slightly from her excitement.    


"How was my performance just now? "It's not bad, right?"    


"It's more than just okay." Wen Tiantian praised excitedly, "It can even be said to be perfect! "Luan Zhi, you are naturally suited for this stage."    


Luan Zhi's face turned red again when she heard this.    


"Is that so? I was worried that I was not going to go for so long and that I was not familiar with the station. "    


Wen Tiantian said, "Don't worry. She'll definitely be breathtaking."    


Saying that, Ke Yanrui, who was just watching the show, also excitedly walked over.    


He looked even happier than Luan Zhi and said hurriedly, "Luan Zhi, my God, you did so well!" It really is my muse of inspiration! "You are the most suitable person for this set of clothes!"    


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