Lovely Substitute Bride



Listening to Luan Zhi's words, Wen Tiantian also felt that staying in the house all day long was not good for the baby.    


For some reason, Ji Jingchen's speech slowly disappeared from the internet and television.    


Wen Tiantian felt uneasy in her heart.    


What had changed his mind?    


Give up?    


Or …    


Not daring to think further, she tried to walk out.    


The baby was only three months old, and it was impossible to tell when she was wearing her coat, nor did it affect her movements.    


Wen Tiantian took the opportunity to take a look around the village and bought a lot of fruits and vegetables.    


The people here rarely paid attention to news or gossip, so they didn't know Wen Tiantian at all. They only thought that she was here to visit their family.    


After chatting with the peddlers for a while, Wen Tiantian's mood improved a lot. She picked up her stuff and headed home.    


Halfway there, the bag containing the apple was cut open by something and the apple rolled out.    




She quickly squatted down to pick it up and hugged it.    


How could he go back?    


As he was thinking, he saw a brand-new cloth bag on the ground.    




Wen Tiantian quickly got up and looked around.    


There was no one else in the area but her.    


But when she first arrived, she clearly didn't see this cloth bag …    


Maybe the wind was blowing?    


Wen Tiantian didn't understand, but the bag was definitely stronger than the plastic bag. It had a lot of capacity and could be used again and again.    


The melon fruits she held in her hand could easily be stuffed into a cloth bag.    


He would not hold her hand.    


Wen Tiantian hesitated for a moment before taking the bag away. However, the next day, she still carried the cloth bag out and purposely passed by this small path.    


Maybe the person who lost the bag would look for it here?    


However, it was clear that she did not meet with the so-called 'owner'.    


Wen Tiantian came to the second week in the village, she rented a small house near, opened a convenience store.    


The items sold here were all over the place. Not only were there daily necessities, there were also fresh vegetables, pork, and even fresh milk.    


This time, Wen Tiantian no longer needed to go to the market to buy vegetables.    


However, Wen Tiantian still felt a little strange. The place she rented was rather remote, and could even be considered a small place in the village.    


Open a supermarket here...    


Would he really not lose anything?    


However, this was a matter of someone else's family. Even if Wen Tiantian were to grumble in her heart, she would not go to the supermarket manager and tell him about it.    


It was just that they frequented the restaurant a little more often.    


What she loved to buy the most was fresh milk. She could drink it if she brought it back to warm up, and it would be good for her body as well.    


The owner of the supermarket was a benevolent old man who placed a great emphasis on taking care of his health, which benefited Wen Tiantian a lot.    


Now, unlike before, she had to take care of herself and her child.    


However, what had happened in the past few days made her somewhat suspicious.    


On the way out, if you're tired, there's a car.    


If one wanted to eat fruits, there would be a travelling merchant selling them downstairs.    


Even if she sometimes forgot to bring her purse, someone would give her something to eat.    


Wen Tiantian didn't think she was such a lucky person …    


It was rather strange.    


Back at home, there were a lot of supplements on the table.    


"Auntie, what are these supplements doing?"    


Wen Tiantian looked at these supplements with a strange expression. Each of them seemed to be worth a lot of money, not something that could be found in a small village.    


When the aunt heard Wen Tiantian's question, she suddenly became excited, "These are all from the neighbors next door. They said it's a greeting gift."    




Where did this neighbor come from to be so generous?    


Wen Tiantian was a little upset with her neighbor, so she even paid attention to the other party's house while she was out.    


Nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't know what kind of person lived there.    


Maybe next time she should visit?    


After all, she had received so many gifts from him.    


The next day, as usual, Wen Tiantian received a gift from her "neighbor."    


On the third day, it was the same.    


For a whole week, her neighbors gave her gifts every day, but Wen Tiantian never met her legendary neighbor.    


She had looked for it twice in between, but no one answered the knock on the door.    


Wen Tiantian planned to stay at home and wait for the neighbor to arrive.    


However, after waiting for a long time, the moment he opened the door, he discovered that the other party had actually placed something at the entrance.    


It was too strange.    


Wen Tiantian looked around and vaguely saw a figure leaving.    


The neighbor who gave it to her?    


Wen Tiantian immediately raised her voice.    


"Thank you. If it's not too much trouble, can I treat you to dinner tonight?"    


The figure paused for a moment, waved his hand, and then quickly left.    


That evening, Wen Tiantian was about to ask the nanny to prepare dinner.    


However, the nanny said, "When I came in just now, I met the neighbor next door. He said that he had something to do tonight and could not come over for dinner. He told us not to trouble ourselves."    


Wen Tiantian turned her head in surprise.    


"You saw him? "What does he look like?"    


"He's tall and thin, wearing black clothes. He looks really handsome!"    


Wen Tiantian frowned when she heard this description.    


However, for some reason, she felt that the back figure she saw today was a little familiar.    


She thought for a moment and said, "Since that's the case, Aunt, next time you see him, remember to invite him to dinner."    


"No problem."    


Over the next few days, the neighbor next door would often deliver the goods, but Wen Tiantian never met anyone.    


Coming back from outside, Wen Tiantian bought some things.    


When he reached the second floor and saw that the door was empty, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


From the looks of it, the present today had yet to arrive.    


He wondered if he could see who that mysterious neighbor was today.    


Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt that he had missed a step and was about to step onto the stairs!    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened as her entire body fell backwards uncontrollably.    


This was on the stairs, the consequences would be unimaginable!    




Wen Tiantian's mind went blank for a moment as she tightly protected her stomach.    


Just as she was about to land on the ground, a pair of hands gently supported her.    


Seeing that she did not fall, Wen Tiantian still had some lingering fear in her heart.    


"Thank you …"    


Just as the word 'thank' left her mouth, she turned around and saw the person before her.    


Ji Jingchen.    


How could it be him?    


Wen Tiantian stared blankly at the man in front of her. He was still as handsome as ever, except that his beard had grown a little and he looked slightly aged.    


His hair was longer too.    


Also, he looked more haggard than ever, but his brows were as sharp as ever.    


"You …"    


Wen Tiantian was startled when she just opened her mouth.    


She didn't know when, but her eyes were brimming with tears and her voice was nasal.    


Ji Jingchen's deep gaze fell on Wen Tiantian. He didn't say anything as he just looked straight at Wen Tiantian.    


It was as if he wanted to keep watching.    


"" Finally, his thin lips slightly opened, breaking the silent atmosphere. "Tiantian."    


A thousand words, but only condensed into a single call.    


Tears rolled down Wen Tiantian's face when she heard his voice.    


"Don't cry, I will feel heartache."    


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