Lovely Substitute Bride



Xu Ping was worried that the mother and daughter pair were playing some tricks again, so he didn't dare to invite other doctors or send them to the hospital.    


The family doctor had served the Ruan Family for many years, so Xu Ping was relieved to have asked to treat Ruan Jiani.    


"Butler Xu, do you think we should go out for a bit?"    


Liu Meilan said, embarrassed.    


Hearing that, Xu Ping's mouth twitched as he pointed at himself.    


"I'm just a shitty old man, how could I be worthy of being avoided?"    


What Xu Ping said made Liu Meilan even more embarrassed.    


But she had just heard her daughter tell her to keep Xu Ping away.    


Helpless, she could only take the risk!    


Xu Ping was waiting for the doctor's diagnosis, but he saw Liu Meilan running past him!    


Xu Ping thought she was going to run away.    


Before he could ponder over the matter, he had already caught up with them.    


Ruan Jiani and the doctor were the only ones left in the room. Ruan Jiani took the opportunity to ask, "Doctor, why are you here so soon? Have you always been living in the Ruan Family recently? "    


There was only one doctor in the Ruan Family, so he didn't really live in the Ruan Family.    


"That's right, Miss Wen is sick. We can't leave her alone."    


The doctor had no doubt that he was the one who leaked the news of Wen Tiantian's illness without being on guard against Ruan Jiani.    


He thought that Ruan Jiani knew about this matter. After all, it was not a secret that Wen Tiantian was sick in Ruan Family.    


However, Ruan Jiani's eyes lit up.    


Wen Tiantian was sick! This was a big news!    


"I wonder what's wrong with her?"    


The doctor however, was unwilling to continue. Even though he was only the family doctor of Ruan Family, he did not know much about the matters of Ruan Family. He did not know that Wen Tiantian and Ruan Jiani were fire and water at the same time.    


However, he was a professional doctor and would not casually expose the patient's specific illness.    


Previously, it was also because Ruan Jiani was from the Ruan Family that she revealed the news of Wen Tiantian's illness.    


Seeing that she couldn't get any more information, Ruan Jiani had no choice but to give up.    


Liu Meilan, who was trying to escape, was caught by the butler and the servants.    


Xu Ping had an ugly expression on his face and he looked extremely stern.    


"You guys stay here. Don't run around."    


Xu Ping said while gasping for breath.    


His tone was full of warning.    


Seeing that Ruan Jiani had already succeeded, Liu Meilan nodded her head and said, "I understand."    


After the doctor and the housekeeper left, Liu Meilan asked Ruan Jiani about her condition, "Jiani, are you alright?"    


"It's nothing, I just received a piece of news," Ruan Jiani laughed softly. "Wen Tiantian is sick, and seriously."    


"He's very sick?"    


Liu Meilan didn't understand. Didn't Wen Tiantian just come back from a vacation abroad? How come she became so sick?    


She suddenly thought of something and looked at Ruan Jiani in surprise. "Could it be …"    


"I remember that Wen Honghai kidnapped her before and then he went into the hospital and went missing. Now that even Ruan Lee has returned, something interesting must have happened."    


Wen Honghai hated Wen Tiantian to the bones, so he definitely wouldn't treat her well.    


Although Wen Honghai failed, he should have caused some damage to Wen Tiantian.    


Thinking up to here, Ruan Jiani raised a faint smile. "I really want to see Wen Tiantian's current appearance. Unfortunately, we're grounded and can't see her."    


I wish she could have died sooner.    


Looking at Ruan Jiani's unwilling eyes, Liu Meilan felt a little scared. "You aren't thinking of doing anything else, are you?"    


She was a little afraid that Ruan Lei would not help them this time, should the two of them end up in the same place again.    


"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I won't easily make a move."    


Ruan Jiani narrowed her eyes as a sinister smile appeared on her face.    




The next morning, Wen Tiantian woke up early. She had wanted to wait for the butler and the cook, but she didn't expect Luan Zhi to come.    


"Why are you here?"    


It had been more than ten days since they last met, Luan Zhi's belly was getting more and more boisterous. Min Ann'ge carefully helped her walk in.    


Luan Zhi was raised well at home and was even fatter than before.    


In contrast, Wen Tiantian was in an even more miserable state.    


Luan Zhi's heart ached the moment she saw Wen Tiantian. "Tiantian, why have you lost weight again?"    


The last time he had seen her, she wasn't this thin. She was so thin that there was barely any flesh left on her face.    


Wen Tiantian shook her head. There was nothing she could do.    


She could feel her body weakening.    


But she could not give up.    


"Let's not talk about this now," Wen Tiantian waved at Luan Zhi, gesturing for her to come over to her side. "Come and chat with me. Are you going to have a baby soon?"    


Counting the days, it would only be a month or two.    


Luan Zhi sat down gracefully. Min Ann'ge stood beside her like a tall and straight bodyguard.    




Seeing them smiling at each other in tacit understanding, the corners of Wen Tiantian's mouth couldn't help but twitch.    


"I might not be able to see you in a few more days."    


Luan Zhi was a little disappointed. She really wanted to talk to Wen Tiantian every day.    


However, her body did not allow her to move.    


Min Ann'ge felt Luan Zhi's sadness and gently held her hand.    


"I'm fine. After you give birth, you can rest for a while. When that time comes, you'll be able to catch up …"    


As she said that, Wen Tiantian suddenly remembered what Ji Jingchen said to the butler.    


40% chance of survival...    


She didn't know if she would be able to hold on until that day.    


Luan Zhi did not notice what Wen Tiantian was thinking. She nodded slightly and smiled, "We agreed to a marriage engagement last time!"    


It was Min Ann'ge's first time hearing about a baby's marriage. He was curious for a moment, "Defining a baby's marriage?"    


"That's right," Wen Tiantian said with a smirk. "I've already said this to Luan Zhi. If the two of us are born a man and a woman, then we're going to be engaged."    


"But you don't have to worry about that. Even if you're talking about a child, no matter what the child thinks, we can talk about it after they grow up."    


Wen Tiantian was afraid that Min Ann'ge would be unhappy, so she quickly explained it to him.    


Min Ann'ge nodded with a smile and did not object.    


Luan Zhi was even more pleased with herself as she said, "Child marriage is a good thing. Since our two families are already so familiar with each other, it would be perfect for them to marry each other!" It's settled! "    


With that, he held Wen Tiantian's hand again, his expression becoming more serious.    


"Back to the main topic, I came this time not only to see you, but also to tell you something else. I hope you can forgive me …"    


"What is it?"    


Seeing how serious Luan Zhi was, Wen Tiantian restrained her smile.    


"Actually, I told Ji Jingchen about you renting a house in the countryside."    


Wen Tiantian was stunned as she did not expect this to be the case.    


Luan Zhi looked at Wen Tiantian in shame. "I'm sorry. I told him about this because I was moved by his sincerity and also because I hope he can persuade you. Even if he can't, at least he can take care of you."    


Wen Tiantian was stunned.    


"But Ji Jingchen said that he was secretly following you …"    


At this point, Wen Tiantian finally understood.    


Ji Jingchen didn't come to secretly follow Luan Zhi at all.    


The reason he said that was because he didn't want Wen Tiantian to blame Luan Zhi. He didn't want a conflict between her and Luan Zhi to affect his mood.    


Ji Jingchen had considered everything, but he didn't think of himself.    


Wasn't he worried that she would misunderstand him?    


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