Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian nodded in satisfaction. "Sure, then why didn't you say so when you were at the hospital?"    


From Ji Jingchen's tone, it was obvious that he already had a plan.    


But when they were talking in the ward, Ji Jingchen didn't say anything.    


Hearing that, Ji Jingchen's expression froze slightly.    


This made Wen Tiantian even more curious.    


Being stared at by Wen Tiantian's curious gaze, Ji Jingchen could only admit it, "I want to take you back to rest early. Think about it, if I tell you, it will take a lot of time to confirm the time and place."    


"You're not well yet. I want to bring you back early."    


Ji Jingchen could be considered to have put a lot of thought into this.    


Wen Tiantian felt her heart warm up. "Got it. I will pay attention to the time in the future."    


She was worried about Luan Zhi's condition, so she chatted with her for a while.    


It was not that he was not paying attention to his own body.    


Despite Ji Jingchen being careful and doing everything personally, Wen Tiantian still felt uncomfortable the next day.    


"Maybe it's because I was too tired from the trip yesterday."    


Wen Tiantian's head ached and her entire body felt weak.    


After the doctor saw her, he said Wen Tiantian's body was too weak and needed a long period of rest.    


When Ruan Lee heard the doctor's words, she looked at Wen Tiantian snappily. "You heard it all?" You are not allowed to go out for that long in the future! "    


Wen Tiantian looked at her pitifully. "Got it …"    


Seeing her daughter lying weakly on the bed, Ruan Lee couldn't say any harsh words.    


She sighed, her eyes filled with concern. "Don't scare Mom. Mom is too old to be scared."    


When she heard that Wen Tiantian wasn't feeling well, she immediately rushed back from the company.    


He was afraid that something would happen to his precious daughter.    


Wen Tiantian could feel her love for her, and her eyes and words were filled with a warmth that would make people fall in love with her.    


She suddenly felt a little sore in her nose.    


"Mom, I'm fine. I'm just a little weak. I'm fine!"    


Holding back her tears, Wen Tiantian smiled at Ruan Lee.    


She couldn't cry, or else Ruan Lee would suffer even more than she did.    


After sending off the doctor, Wen Hongyu and Ji Jingchen stepped into the room.    


Ruan Lee became angry when she saw them.    


If it wasn't for Ji Jingchen not taking good care of Wen Tiantian yesterday, how could Wen Tiantian be so weak?    


As for Wen Hongyu, she told him to guard Tiantian properly, but she still made Tiantian fall ill.    


She couldn't say anything about Ji Jingchen. After all, it was Wen Tiantian who was going to the hospital yesterday.    


And so only Papa Wen was left to suffer.    


Ruan Lee didn't say anything in front of Wen Tiantian. She just dragged Wen Hongyu out.    


When she returned half an hour later, Wen Tiantian saw that her father was completely at a loss.    


With a bit of heartache, she said to Ruan Lee, "Mom, don't blame Dad. He really did his best."    


Wen Tiantian nodded seriously, worried that Ruan Lee would misunderstand.    


When Ruan Lee saw her serious expression, she laughed and took her hand.    


"What are you so nervous about? I'm just asking him about your recent situation. It's only been a few days and he's already bribed Tiantian."    


Too thin.    


If only he could make up for it.    


"I'm fine. Look at me. Although I don't have much strength, I'm still in good spirits."    


Wen Tiantian's voice was a bit weak, but her eyes were especially bright, "It's useless to worry about my body, but I promise that I will always be in a good mood. Dad and Ji Jingchen are very good to me."    


Yes, physical problems cannot be solved just by worrying about them.    


He could only rely on recuperation to slowly improve his health.    


Ruan Lee didn't expect Wen Tiantian to be the one sick and actually comfort her. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


His heart, however, was incomparably warm.    


She had always felt that she owed her daughter, and always wanted to do something to make up for it.    


But when she realized this, she found that her daughter already had a man she could rely on, and she no longer needed to pay for her daughter.    


This made Ruan Lee feel lost for a while.    


Therefore, now that there was something wrong with Wen Tiantian's body, she didn't hesitate to stop and rest before rushing over.    


He only hoped that he could take care of Tiantian and accompany her more.    


Ruan Lee nodded. "That's good. If you want to rest, I won't disturb you."    


The doctor said that Wen Tiantian needed rest and that it was better not to have too many people in the room.    


With that, Ruan Lee left with Wen Hongyu.    


She and Ji Jingchen were the only two left in the bridal chamber.    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head, too afraid to look at him.    


After all, the reason why she was so weak was because she was too willful yesterday.    


"Now you know fear? "Too late!"    


Ji Jingchen looked at the expression in Wen Tiantian's eyes. He was angry but also felt helpless.    


He was afraid that if he said too much, it would affect Tiantian's mood.    


But she was always angry with him.    


If he had gone home at the right time yesterday, he might not have fallen ill today.    


"I didn't do it on purpose!"    


Wen Tiantian tried to excuse herself. "I didn't expect to get sick just after staying for a short while."    


Ji Jingchen sat beside her and looked at her with a heavy gaze.    


"You're not really angry, are you?"    


Wen Tiantian asked nervously.    


It was his gaze that really made people feel pressure.    


"I'm blaming myself," Ji Jingchen narrowed his long and narrow eyes and lowered them. I should have brought you back directly, not tried to hint at you. "    


Wen Tiantian choked on his words, momentarily at a loss for words.    


Wasn't he direct enough yesterday?    


Repeatedly using his eyes to indicate that she was leaving, he obviously wanted her to think that he was getting impatient.    


Fortunately, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge didn't hold Ji Jingchen's rudeness against them.    


Ji Jingchen felt that it wasn't direct enough. Could it be that he had to carry her away directly?    


Of course, Wen Tiantian only thought about it in her heart.    


Seeing Ji Jingchen being so anxious, her heart softened.    


She was sick because she didn't want to leave and it had nothing to do with Ji Jingchen.    


He shouldn't blame himself.    


Thinking about this, Wen Tiantian said, "It's because I wanted to stay a little longer that I felt uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with you. "    


Hearing Wen Tiantian's words, Ji Jingchen's expression improved a little.    


"Not getting you to come home with me in time is just one of them."    


Hearing that, Wen Tiantian was a little confused as to what he meant.    


Is this just one of them? Was there any other reason for Ji Jingchen to blame himself?    


While he was thinking, he heard Ji Jingchen continue, "I shouldn't have told you about Luan Zhi. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have been in such a hurry to go to the hospital to see her."    


Wen Tiantian: "…"    


So Ji Jingchen was blaming himself for this!    


"You, you promised that you would tell me anything!"    


Wen Tiantian was afraid that Ji Jingchen would hide everything from her, so she held his hand and looked at him pitifully.    


"I promise I'll listen to you in the future, but you can't hide everything from me. I have the right to know."    


She had been thinking of communicating with Luan Zhi.    


If Ji Jingchen hid it from her and didn't give her Luan Zhi's letter, then how could she find out about Luan Zhi's news?    


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