Lovely Substitute Bride



Mr Ji loved his wife so much, and she did her best to return his love.    


Because of Wen Tiantian, the whole castle was no longer gloomy and cold.    


The crowd was filled with cheers and laughter.    


If Wen Tiantian was truly unlucky... Mr Ji would probably keep it in his heart for the rest of his life.    


The castle would then return to its lifeless atmosphere.    


"Mr Ji, if it really comes to that, what would you do?"    


The butler sighed and asked.    


Ji Jingchen frowned and questioned himself in his heart.    


What would he do?    


"I don't know."    


Ji Jingchen only answered after a long silence.    


He didn't know, he really didn't know what to do.    


Disregarding Wen Tiantian's wishes and taking the child away?    


Or did he listen to her and leave the child behind?    


"If it's really like that," Ji Jingchen lowered his head and covered the pain in his eyes with determination.    


With absolute conviction and determination.    


"I would rather Tiantian hate me for my entire life, so I want her to live a good life!"    


The butler was stunned. This meant that...    


Wen Tiantian didn't know how long she had slept for this time. She only felt that she was lost in darkness, unable to find any light.    


Until she saw Ji Jingchen's figure.    


In that instant, it was as if her world was forcefully filled with color.    


The ice-cold darkness vanished like the tide.    


She subconsciously captured the light spots, and then she slowly opened her eyes.    


She turned her head and saw Ji Jingchen, who was resting beside her bed with his eyes closed.    


A table at the side was filled with documents. It was obvious that he had been dealing with official business here for quite some time.    


Wen Tiantian knew that Ji Jingchen had been running around tirelessly for her.    


These days, her health wasn't good, so Ji Jingchen took care of everything and was busy every day.    


He was almost overdrawing his life.    


A trace of affection flashed across Wen Tiantian's eyes. She couldn't bear to see Ji Jingchen work hard, but she was unable to help him in the slightest.    


This made her hate her body that was dragging her back.    


Wen Tiantian gently raised her hand and placed it on Ji Jingchen's head. Feeling the slight tingling in her hand, a trace of gentleness appeared in her eyes.    


Sensing Wen Tiantian's touch, Ji Jingchen moved and woke up from his sleep.    


The panic in his eyes was obvious. Only when he raised his head and saw Wen Tiantian's faint smile, did he heave a sigh of relief.    


Fortunately, it was just a dream!    


Ji Jingchen's heart was beating like a drum. He dreamt that Wen Tiantian was about to give birth and was sent to the delivery room.    


He waited anxiously outside until the doctor came out and regretfully told him that they had done their best.    


Ji Jingchen couldn't describe the feeling at that moment. The viscous feeling of fear was like an all-pervasive Demon Claw roaring to drag him into the abyss of despair.    


He didn't even have the desire to struggle.    


Wen Tiantian was lying perfectly fine on the sickbed, and as he woke up with a start, he suddenly felt lucky to have survived a calamity.    


Luckily, Wen Tiantian was still here.    


She did not leave him.    


Ji Jingchen held Wen Tiantian's hand tightly and stared at her, as if he was afraid that she would run away.    


Wen Tiantian looked at him in amusement. "Did you have a nightmare?"    


She wanted to pull her hand away and wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.    


However, Ji Jingchen grabbed her too tightly, so she wasn't able to complete the mission.    


"What did you dream? So nervous? "    


Wen Tiantian looked at him in astonishment. It was rare for her to see Ji Jingchen in such a state of panic.    


It was as if he had lost his most precious treasure.    


Thinking about this, Wen Tiantian suddenly realized that there weren't many people or things that could make Ji Jingchen so afraid, and she was one of them.    


Seeing that Ji Jingchen didn't answer her, she asked softly, "Did you dream about me?"    


Ji Jingchen's gaze instantly froze.    


Wen Tiantian, who was well aware of his personality, immediately understood the truth.    


He must have dreamed of himself …    


The corner of Wen Tiantian's mouth curled up as she consoled him softly, "Don't worry, I'm fine, right?"    


Her words didn't make Ji Jingchen feel any better.    


"I just dreamt of some bad things. It has nothing to do with you."    


He forced a smile, but it did not reach his eyes.    


Wen Tiantian frowned slightly. She did not like Ji Jingchen's forced smile.    


But she didn't know how to make him happy.    


Wen Tiantian tried to get up, but Ji Jingchen quickly supported her, "What's wrong? Are you thirsty? "    


Wen Tiantian shook her head. "No, I just don't want to lie down."    


In Ji Jingchen's dream, she thought, she must be lying down.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't be so afraid.    


Ji Jingchen didn't know what Wen Tiantian was thinking. He just thought she had been lying in bed for too long and felt uncomfortable.    


Although Wen Tiantian said that she wasn't thirsty, Ji Jingchen still poured her a cup of warm water and put it on the table.    


"Come and chat with me." Wen Tiantian didn't know how to comfort him, so she said, "That's right, what time is it now? "How long have I lived here?"    


Ji Jingchen answered honestly, "Three o'clock in the afternoon, you fell asleep after taking the medicine yesterday."    


In other words, he had slept from yesterday afternoon to this afternoon.    


Wen Tiantian smiled, but her heart was full of worry.    


Afraid that Ji Jingchen would notice her worry, she quickly changed the topic, "Oh yeah, that wine bottle, you told me yesterday that you've arranged it for me?"    


"Yes, it has already been handed over to Elder Zhang. You can rest assured that he will continue repairing for you."    


Ji Jingchen described Wen Tiantian's pale face with his eyes. "Don't worry, I will take everything about you seriously." All you need to do is to take a good rest, and leave the rest to me. "    


Leave it all to him...    


This was not the first time Ji Jingchen said that.    


He repeatedly told her to leave all the burdens to him alone, but did he ever think that he, Ji Jingchen, was also a human, not a god?    


Wen Tiantian looked at the dark in the depths of Ji Jingchen's eyes with a pained expression.    


Ji Jingchen would also be tired, and he would also be tired. However, for her, he had been bitterly holding on.    


Sometimes she wondered if her insistence was wrong.    


Was it wrong of her to want to keep her and Ji Jingchen's child?    


Once, she really couldn't hold on any longer and felt her baby move.    


It was the first time she had felt the movement of a fetus.    


That was proof that a weak and strong life was born in her stomach!    


She could not persuade herself to give up this little life. She wanted to protect him, to do everything she could to give birth to him.    


She was able to endure all the hardships she had gone through in the process. However, she hesitated when she saw Ji Jingchen in pain.    


"Will I recover if I take the baby away?"    


Wen Tiantian suddenly asked.    


There were tears in her eyes.    


"Everyone, will you all stop worrying?"    


Ji Jingchen did not expect Wen Tiantian to ask that!    


In front of her, he had deliberately avoided talking about her illness because he didn't want her to realize that he still held the intention to abandon her once he reached the final stage.    


But now, Wen Tiantian suddenly asked this question. Could it be that she had already thought it through?    


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