Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian and the kitchen maid looked at each other and saw disbelief in each other's eyes.    


It was obvious that this lord was unwilling at first, but as if someone had persuaded him, he reluctantly agreed.    


The difference in their expressions and attitudes was simply too great.    


It was as if someone had really said something to him.    


Even if Wen Tiantian didn't believe that there was anything in this world that exceeded natural powers, she still had to be careful.    


At this moment, the old man looked at Wen Tiantian with dissatisfaction. "Miss, I've already given you a seat, why aren't you sitting down?"    


Wen Tiantian was stunned for a moment before she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I was distracted."    


The old man looked at her with a wronged expression, "Alright, alright, I know she's pregnant. I won't say anything more about her, okay? Don't be angry! "    


He looked at the ball in front of him with a fawning expression … Air.    


This made Wen Tiantian even more curious. After a moment of hesitation, she chose to sit down.    


She turned her head and saw that the old man was also looking at her strangely.    


"How dare you come over?"    




The old man angrily said, "They all think I'm crazy, how dare you come over?"    


Wen Tiantian smiled faintly.    


"You invited me."    


Saying that, he curiously asked, "But I still want to ask you, why …" "Hmm, you want to do this?"    


Wen Tiantian had intended to use the word "playing tricks", but it seemed a bit impolite, so she changed her way of speaking.    


But this did not prevent the Lord from understanding her meaning.    


He smiled and sat down next to Wen Tiantian. "My wife passed away twenty years ago."    


Wen Tiantian froze for a moment, then lowered her head in embarrassment, "Sorry, it reminded you of something sad."    


"Grief? That's not quite the case. " The old man shook his head, "Twenty years, that has already been a very long time."    


"Are you saying that you have already been relieved?"    


Although Wen Tiantian said so, she didn't think so.    


If the old man was relieved, how could he indulge in the pleasure of communicating with someone who did not exist, or who had died many years ago?    


Just now, his nonchalant attitude was sufficient to show that he was still thinking about his wife and had never let go of her.    


"I don't know if I'm relieved or not. Thinking about her every day has become a habit in my life, or a part of it."    


The old man pursed his lips, as if recalling those days when he was with his wife.    


A hint of nostalgia flashed through his eyes, "I don't know how to express it either. I can only say that it took me twenty years before I gave up on the idea of leaving with her."    




Wen Tiantian looked at the old man in surprise. "It took you twenty years to …"    


She didn't know how to continue.    


The Lord didn't care about her unspoken words.    


He nodded slightly. "When she left, our child was only eleven or twelve. I had to bring him up to see her."    


"But then I realized that I was worried," the old man said with a frown. "The child had to study and live on his own, and every year I would take him to see the grave, but I was afraid that once I left, he would forget about it."    


"Forgot to sweep my mother's grave?" Wen Tiantian was a little surprised by his thoughts. "It can't be?"    


The old man shook his head.    


"Even if he did go, I wouldn't be willing to give it my all. Every year, I would prepare her favorite flowers and food."    


He continued, "I don't trust others."    


Others, I do not trust.    


Wen Tiantian's heart was struck by these words.    


What sort of fiery emotion was this? It was only because of this that this uncle wasn't willing to do it without doing it. Even their children were worried.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but think of herself.    


If she had not survived, she would have been a grave.    


Would Ji Jingchen be like the old man, guarding her grave?    


Because of a single worry, he didn't want to break free.    


Their feelings, on the other hand, had become shackles trapping him in the world like a walking corpse.    


Wen Tiantian didn't want to think about it, so she shook her head to get rid of these desperate thoughts.    


"But, twenty years have passed, you should put it down."    


Wen Tiantian advised subconsciously.    


Like, if she left, Ji Jingchen should put it down …    


Same thing.    


However, the old man laughed. "Child, you don't know that sometimes it's easier to live than to die. All I can tell you is that once I let go of her, I should go to another world to be with her. "    


If put down, it would also be death.    


Thinking of his wife had long become a big part of his life, wanting him to put all of this aside was equivalent to making him lose the meaning of living.    


At that moment, Wen Tiantian finally understood what it meant to love someone with one's life.    


She murmured, "Then why not find someone else?"    


After listening to her, the old man puffed up his eyes and glared at her.    


"What are you saying? She's the only person in my life. There won't be anyone else!"    


"I don't know why you think that. If you really love a person, regardless of whether she lives or dies, you will never forget them."    


The Great Master looked away and sighed. "I am afraid that I have wronged her when I am with others."    


Afraid of aggrieved a person who had already passed away?    


Wen Tiantian's heart shuddered violently. The ideas that she had tried to avoid once again sprouted in her mind like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.    


And this time, it was even more menacing than before.    


What Grandpa said was not wrong, if it was Ji Jingchen … Perhaps the analogy wasn't appropriate, but just thinking about it made her feel that it was unacceptable.    


Not to mention falling in love with other people and living with them.    


What about Ji Jingchen …    


Wen Tiantian had always told herself that even if she didn't persist, Ji Jingchen would still be fine.    


He was golden and handsome, and although he had been married, there were still plenty of suitors.    


He could have another marriage, he could have lived happily ever after.    


But now, the uncle's words had completely shattered her fantasy.    


How could he put it down? That's right, how could he let it go!    


She knew Ji Jingchen so well, she knew exactly what sort of person he was.    


If she died, Ji Jingchen would be even crazier than the boss.    


She didn't want to think about it. She was afraid that she would be soft-hearted and give up the decision that she had been insisting on.    


But now, it was as if a curtain had been lifted over the truth. Even if she tried to pretend as if she didn't see it, it would be meaningless.    


She could not live in self-deception, over and over again.    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips. After a moment of silence, she asked softly, "If you were to choose between your wife and children, how would you choose?"    


The old man looked at Wen Tiantian in surprise.    


He probably didn't expect Wen Tiantian to ask such a question.    


He frowned, trying to share his feelings with Wen Tiantian, though he was baffled by the question.    


"It's hard for me to give you an answer, because I've never encountered such a situation."    


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