Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian looked at Ji Jingchen with a pained expression.    


However, he didn't know that Ji Jingchen cared about her even more.    


"The doctor said that you are fine, just rest," Ji Jingchen caressed her hair, "When you are better, I will take you to a place."    


Wen Tiantian asked curiously, "Where?"    


"I can't tell you that in advance."    


Ji Jingchen smiled mysteriously at her, "You have to take good care of your body before I can take you there."    


"Can you tell me a little?"    


She stretched out her thumb and forefinger, making a slight gesture, "Just a little. Can you give me some hope?"    


Ji Jingchen pondered for a moment before agreeing.    


"I can only tell you that you definitely miss this place."    


Wen Tiantian wanted to ask more, but Ji Jingchen refused to say more.    


Wen Tiantian could only give up and stop pursuing the matter, afraid that Ji Jingchen would go back on his word.    


It was good that he was willing to take her for a walk.    


After all, the place he said she "missed" could never be a hospital.    


As for where, that wasn't important. What was important was that she could leave the hospital for a while.    


This made her feel unconcealable excitement.    


Perhaps it was the excitement that supported her, but after the occasional few hours of unconsciousness or even a full day, she miraculously recovered quite a bit.    


Even the doctors were amazed.    


"It should be a deep hibernation, causing some resistance to the poison in her body. It's what we call immunity."    


The attending doctor told Ji Jingchen about his analysis.    


Ji Jingchen immediately asked: "Then will her health improve?"    


"To improve? "No, that's too high," the doctor said helplessly. "It'll only slow her down."    


Ji Jingchen nodded in disappointment.    


The doctor comforted her, "This is already a good phenomenon. At least Miss Wen's condition has not worsened."    


"I understand," Ji Jingchen pondered for a moment, "I intend to take her for a walk."    


The attending physician looked at him in surprise. "Are you crazy? If he brought her out at this time, what would happen if she fainted in the middle of the process? Have you ever thought about the consequences? "    


Ji Jingchen obviously knew that Wen Tiantian's body wasn't suitable for walking around in the hospital.    


But he had a reason to take her.    


"I will bear all the consequences." He said to the doctor calmly, "I'm more afraid of her having any mishaps than you are, but this is what I promised her. Her health will improve, and it has nothing to do with what I promised."    


The doctor thought for a moment and agreed to Ji Jingchen's action of taking Wen Tiantian out.    


Before he left, he gave Ji Jingchen multiple emergency treatment methods and told him to bring along a first-aid kit just in case.    


Ji Jingchen accepted it all.    


Returning to Wen Tiantian's ward, Ji Jingchen looked at Wen Tiantian's expectant gaze. He curled his lips and said, "I've already obtained the doctor's consent. I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow."    




Wen Tiantian's eyes lit up. Although she had been taken care of meticulously in the hospital, she still yearned for the free air outside even more.    


And a much wider space.    


Of course, she was still looking forward to the place that Ji Jingchen mentioned, the place that she missed.    


The next day, Ji Jingchen pushed Wen Tiantian out of the hospital in a wheelchair.    


The driver, who had been waiting at the door, led them to the parking lot and put the wheelchair in the trunk.    


Ji Jingchen carried Wen Tiantian and got into the backseat, "You have to tell me where you feel uncomfortable. Don't hold back."    


Wen Tiantian nodded, amused. "Got it, you've already said it more than ten times."    


"If you don't mind, I don't mind saying it again."    


Ji Jingchen looked at her gently, "Because I think, for the sake of playing outside for a while, you will endure the discomfort and not tell me."    


Wen Tiantian was taken aback.    


Was she that untrustworthy?    


While they were talking, the driver got into the driver's seat. As he moved, the car slowly started up.    


Wen Tiantian excitedly looked at the scenery outside the window.    


"Is it that pretty?" Ji Jingchen asked in amusement, "Don't get too close to the window, your body hasn't fully recovered and you can't get blown by the wind."    


Wen Tiantian obediently moved back a little, but her eyes remained glued to the window.    


"Living in a hospital, it feels like everything is still. Only after you come out can you experience the joy of exercise. "    


Wen Tiantian sighed. Not only that, although the hospital was quiet and peaceful, it had a kind of lifeless feeling to it.    


Of course, she knew that a place like the hospital should be quiet, otherwise it would affect the patient's recovery.    


However, she still looked forward to the scene more.    


Ji Jingchen could feel Wen Tiantian's simple happiness. Looking at her smile, even the worries and fears from the past few days vanished without a trace.    


"Oh right, where did you say you wanted me to go?"    


She's really curious, okay?    


Ji Jingchen looked at her in amusement, "You've already sat in the car, can't you wait for more than ten minutes?"    


Wen Tiantian immediately shook her head.    


"You should tell me. Since we're already in the car, can't you tell me?"    


"You'll know when you get there."    


Seeing that Ji Jingchen was determined to be mysterious, Wen Tiantian had no choice but to give up.    


She wasn't worried anymore, since Ji Jingchen had already brought her out, she couldn't turn back.    


The car drove slowly. The driver didn't want to bump into Wen Tiantian, so he controlled the car's speed to a stable range.    


The time to arrive at the destination was slightly delayed.    


However, this didn't stop Wen Tiantian from cheering.    


"Morninglight Orphanage!"    


Wen Tiantian's eyes flashed with happiness. "So you want to bring me here!"    


She finally understood what Ji Jingchen meant, the place that she would definitely miss.    


This was the place where they had met, and thus they had formed an affinity with each other.    


After getting sick, she rarely went out of the fortress, let alone come to the Morninglight Orphanage.    


Yao Yan and the children were said to have visited her at the castle, but she was asleep at that time and Ji Jingchen refused them.    


This made her feel extremely regretful for a moment.    


After that, they went to the hospital, which made it even more difficult for them to see the children in the orphanage.    


Who would have thought that Ji Jingchen would bring her here!    


"Come on, slow down."    


Ji Jingchen told the driver to move the wheelchair. He led Wen Tiantian out of the car and helped her sit on the wheelchair.    


Only now did Wen Tiantian notice that the entrance to the Morninglight Orphanage was already filled with children.    


Yao Yan stood in front of the children and waved at them.    


Then she seemed to lower her head and say something to the children, who waved back.    


Her multicolored sleeves swayed left and right, like small flags fluttering in the wind, as she welcomed her arrival with vigor and vitality.    


"Let's go."    


Ji Jingchen seemed to have expected this scene. He held Wen Tiantian's hand and walked towards her.    


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