Lovely Substitute Bride



Dou Dou was shocked by the serious expression on his face.    


Wen Tiantian pulled at Ji Jingchen's clothes and squatted down.    


"Even if I really become an angel, I will still protect my beans in the sky."    


She stroked Dou Dou's head. "Elder sister will always be watching Dou Dou and watching Dou Dou grow into an adult."    


Dou Dou obediently let Wen Tiantian touch her. She even obediently rubbed her hand against Wen Tiantian's palm.    


Her attachment to Wen Tiantian didn't need to be concealed.    


Yao Yan sighed in her heart. She knew how kind Wen Tiantian was. Heaven shouldn't have treated her this way.    


She patted Dou Dou's shoulder. "Hurry up and go back. See you later Sister Tiantian."    


"Goodbye Sister Tiantian!"    


Dou Dou waved at Wen Tiantian. "Remember our agreement!"    


Wen Tiantian nodded slightly, her gaze warm.    


Yao Yan escorted her out of the orphanage. Before leaving, she leaned over to hug Wen Tiantian.    


"Tiantian, the children in the orphanage need you, and I need you. For our sake, you must persevere. "    


She looked seriously at Wen Tiantian, her eyes filled with tears.    


Yao Yan didn't know if she would be able to see Wen Tiantian again after this separation.    


Yesterday, when Ji Jingchen found her, he clearly told her that the chances of Wen Tiantian surviving was only 40%.    


To that end, he hoped that she would think of a way for Wen Tiantian to understand that the children of the orphanage could not afford to lose her.    


Her life was more than just a child.    


Yao Yan had arranged everything. She didn't know how much she could help Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen, but that was all she could do.    


Wen Tiantian nodded slowly. "I know. I will take good care of myself."    


With that, Ji Jingchen pushed her back to the car.    


Along the way, Wen Tiantian remained silent.    


It wasn't until she was about to get out of the car that she asked the first question. "Would they be sad without me?"    


Wen Tiantian finally realized that her duty was not only to have children in her womb, nor to care for her parents.    


And her Morninglight Orphanage, along with her dream.    


She hoped to spread her Morninglight Orphanage all over the world. She hoped that her actions would be able to help those children who had lost their families.    


These orphans were her duty.    


She could not choose to help them, but she gave up halfway.    


Ji Jingchen heard her question and his deep gaze met with her confused eyes.    


He nodded slowly.    


"Of course, in their eyes, you are their dearest big sister, an irreplaceable existence."    


There was a look of certainty in Ji Jingchen's eyes that made Wen Tiantian have no choice but to believe him.    


Unreplaceable Existence...    


Wen Tiantian suddenly remembered Dou Dou's sad eyes and the carnations in the flower basket.    


She felt an unbearable pain in her heart.    


Ji Jingchen saw that she was silent, so he raised his hand to caress her back and tried to use this method to calm her down.    


"No matter what decision you make, I will not stop you."    


Ji Jingchen embraced Wen Tiantian and gave her a promise in a low voice.    


Whatever the decision?    


But after seeing these children and Ji Jingchen like this, what choice did she have?    


Wen Tiantian closed her eyes and a tear drop fell from the corner of her eye.    




After that day, Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen had the desire to never mention this matter again.    


However, whether it was Ji Jingchen, the kitchen maid, or the butler, they all noticed the change in Wen Tiantian's mood.    


Sometimes, she would be lost in thought for a long time, and would only react when someone beside her called out to her.    


The rest of the time was spent in a comatose state.    


In the blink of an eye, a month had passed and Wen Tiantian's body had become more and more haggard.    


After Luan Zhi had finally finished her recuperation, Min Ann'ge finally agreed to let her go out.    


Without saying a word, Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo to the hospital.    


Wen Tiantian had just woken up. Upon seeing them, a faint smile appeared on her face, and she looked much more energetic.    


"Luan Zhi, Ann'ge!" "Why are you guys here?"    


She wanted to get out of bed, but was stopped by Luan Zhi. "No need, no need. You can rest in bed."    


Wen Tiantian's complexion turned uglier and uglier after one month of not seeing her.    


Looking at her haggard appearance, Luan Zhi felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She sat down beside Wen Tiantian and squeezed her hand.    


"For the next few months, let me take care of you."    


She gently patted the back of Wen Tiantian's hand. Luan Zhi almost couldn't control her tears as she felt the pain under her hands.    


She could not imagine how weak Wen Tiantian would be if this continued!    


Wen Tiantian's heart warmed when she heard that Luan Zhi wanted to stay here and take care of her.    


But she shook her head.    


"Don't worry about me. You and Ann'ge should have a lot of things to do, not to mention there's a cute Duo Duo. How can we enjoy ourselves?" I have Ji Jingchen to take care of me. "    


"How can I not be worried? This matter is settled. Are you afraid that I won't be able to take care of you? Ji Jingchen looks like a big guy, how can he be more careful than me! "    


Luan Zhi looked at her with bulging eyes, as if to say that even if Wen Tiantian didn't agree to let her stay, she wouldn't leave.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.    


Indeed, Ji Jingchen rarely took care of people.    


But that was before.    


Ever since he had left the hospital, Ji Jingchen had done everything by himself. He was even more skilled than the kitchen maid and the butler.    


However, she was afraid that Luan Zhi would be upset, so she agreed. "Alright then. But you have to be careful of your body. Duo Duo needs someone to take care of her."    


"I know."    


Although Luan Zhi said this, she thought in her heart, why don't we let Ann'ge and his family take the flowers? It would be fine if we don't hire a babysitter.    


Wen Tiantian was the one who truly couldn't leave her side.    


She looked at Wen Tiantian with a pained expression. It had only been a month since they last met, but Tiantian was already so weak!    


How did Ji Jingchen take care of her!    


Speaking of Ji Jingchen …    


Luan Zhi looked around and was puzzled when she found the butler was alone while Ji Jingchen was nowhere to be seen.    


"Where's Ji Jingchen?" Did he just get busy at work and leave you here? "    


Luan Zhi said in disbelief, although she could tell that Ji Jingchen was very concerned about Wen Tiantian.    


But why didn't he take care of Tiantian every step of the way at a time like this?    


Luan Zhi complained, "No, I have to give him a call. Ask him!"    


Wen Tiantian knew that she had misunderstood, but she still held onto Luan Zhi's hand. "Don't be angry. I don't want him to always be with me."    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi was stunned.    


"You don't want him with you?"    


Luan Zhi's eyes widened. Which wife didn't want her husband to accompany her during her pregnancy?    


She herself was usually very carefree, but when she was pregnant with a baby, she was also looking forward to Min Ann'ge's arrival.    


When she was pregnant, she used to let her imagination run wild. Later, when she was in the hospital, when she had nothing to do, it was much easier to think.    


At this time, Min Ann'ge's company made her feel incomparable warmth, giving her a sense of security.    


But what did she hear? Wen Tiantian said she didn't want Ji Jingchen by her side?    


What was she thinking!?    




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