Lovely Substitute Bride



"No one can leave until this matter is over."    


Newman took a step forward and Ji Jingchen's voice came from behind him.    


He had to stop and turn around, his face deathly pale.    


The person in front of him was someone he couldn't afford to offend, it was all Zhang Laiyi's fault!    


If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be like this.    


Damn it!    


She actually pulled him into the water!    


He fiercely glared at Zhang Laiyi and quickly said, "Everything was planned by him alone, it has nothing to do with me!"    


Newman was in a hurry to cut off their relationship, but when Zhang Laiyi heard this, his face became even more flustered.    


They planned this together, how could they let Newman escape unscathed?    


He stood up and said: "Nonsense! You were the first one to find me and ask me to help you. How else would you be like this?" Also, weren't you the one who changed the rules of the competition? "    


"Not only that, you even asked the people you have to seduce Ji Jingchen and the relationships between them. Aren't you the one who did all these things? Don't even think about leaving it all to me! "    


When everyone present heard this, they opened their eyes wide and let out a cry of surprise. Their gazes were all on Newman.    


Newman's face was extremely ugly, he immediately scolded: "Don't you slander me! I didn't do any of these things. I don't want to stay here for even a second. I'm leaving. "    


Saying that, he started to walk outside, but was stopped again by the bodyguard.    


"Since we're already here, we might as well stay for a while and explain everything clearly."    


Newman looked at the few people in front of him and sneered.    


"No matter what, I am an esteemed guest of your country, are you not going to let me go? Are you going to lock me up here? Is this how you treat your guests? "    


He turned to Ji Jingchen and threatened, "I'm thinking of Mr Ji. You don't want this to escalate to a state conflict, do you?"    


All of the reporters present frowned and started to worry.    


Indeed, if it was Zhang Laiyi who did these things, they could punish him.    


However, if it was Newman who was abroad, most people would be scared because they were foreigners, so they had to give him another chance.    


None of the reporters dared to say another word.    


Seeing this, Newman laughed complacently.    


"If that's the case, then I'll head back first. This is your country's own matter, so I won't get involved."    


As he spoke, he lifted his foot and was about to leave.    


He shouted at the bodyguards in front of him: "All of you, get out of the way! Do you hear me? "    


However, the bodyguards remained motionless.    


"Sorry, you can't leave here without Mr Ji's order."    


Newman couldn't help but turn his head towards Ji Jingchen and said, "President Ji, no matter how high your authority is, you still can't manage the affairs between countries, right?"    


Ji Jingchen didn't pay attention to what he said and just lowered his head to play with his phone.    


Newman said unhappily, "Did you hear what I just said? I'll let you take these bodyguards away, I'm going back! "    


Only then did Ji Jingchen finally raise his head. His gaze fell on Ye Zichen's body, while his tone was calm.    


"On this point, I've just called the embassy and asked them to let me handle this matter."    


"How is this possible?"    


Newman was even more shocked. How could they agree to such an absurd thing? "    


Ji Jingchen directly handed the phone over and showed it to him.    


"You didn't recognize his number, did you?"    


Newman took a glance and saw the staff of the embassy.    


They actually replied to Ji Jingchen, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with this matter. The people from their country also wouldn't interfere.    


How was this possible?    


Could it be that Ji Jingchen's authority had already reached to the point where he could influence embassies and even other countries?    


His face instantly turned pale. If even his country didn't care about this, he would definitely be killed by Ji Jingchen!    


He shook his head and tried to run.    


Just as he took two steps forward, the reporters standing in front of him suddenly appeared and blocked his path.    


Since Ji Jingchen had already gotten permission from the embassy, how could they let Newman, who had destroyed the atmosphere of Cultural Relics Restoration Community and ran to their country to bully their own people, escape just like that?    


A few of them stretched out their legs and tripped him.    


Newman rolled a few times on the ground and crashed into the door frame.    


Ji Jingchen's cold voice sounded.    


"Capture him and forbid him from leaving the room!"    


"Yes!" "Sir!"    


A few bodyguards quickly helped him up and dragged him back into the room.    


Newman continuously struggled.    


"It really has nothing to do with me! Those schemes were all decided upon by Zhang Laiyi himself, I did not participate in them, quickly tell me to leave! "    


Zhang Laiyi quickly said: "Didn't you know all the things I did and even approved of it? Don't even think about disregarding our relationship! "    


The two of them were afraid that they would suffer Ji Jingchen's anger alone, so they started complaining and shirking their responsibilities.    


Newman reprimanded, "You thought of those things yourself. I didn't ask you to do that!"    


The two of them scolded each other, talking about everything they had done.    


When the reporters and media heard that they were such people, they became even angrier. They never thought that these people would actually do so many evil deeds right under their noses.    


As a member of the National Cultural Relics Restoration Team, Master Zhang Laiyi had actually teamed up with an outsider to do such a thing. It was simply outrageous!    


And they almost became the tools of these two people, almost making a huge mistake.    


The few of them looked at Newman and Zhang Laiyi with a reprimanding gaze.    


"This matter will not be passed on so easily. You just wait and see!"    


"I will definitely make you guys suffer the harshest of punishments!"    




As they were talking, a voice came from outside.    


"The International Organization for the Restoration of Cultural Relics has already given a clear answer on this point."    


The reporters turned around and saw Master Chu and Master John standing at the door, walking in with gloomy faces.    


When Zhang Laiyi and Newman saw them, they immediately ran over as if they saw their savior.    


"Master Chu, you must save me! This really has nothing to do with me! "    


The two of them threw themselves in front of them, begging for mercy.    


Master Chu frowned as he looked at Zhang Laiyi.    


In the previous match, he felt that Zhang Laiyi's attitude was a little strange, but he never expected him to do so much!    


Selling the country for honor, betraying the entire guild for his own benefit, even leaving the country's benefits behind.    


Such a person was actually a member of their cultural relics restoration organization?    


Shame on him!    


He pushed Zhang Laiyi away.    


"There's no need for further words. I've come here today to announce the punishment for the two of you."    


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