Lovely Substitute Bride



"I will talk to Master Hu Lin myself and wait for his permission before coming in."    


Luan Zhi's eyes widened when she heard this.    


However, the other party had already brought Duo Duo in. Luan Zhi had no choice but to follow.    


Master Hu Lin's course was the most difficult in the entire school. Every student was chosen by Hu Lin himself, and the course was also very difficult. Whether it was the exam or the daily homework, it was difficult to find a group of people who had high requirements.    


Min Ann'ge walked in and swept his gaze across the room. As expected, he saw Zhang Ann'yuv sitting inside and his gaze instantly darkened.    


When he knew Zhang Ann'yuv would come to the classroom, how could he let the two of them have the chance to be together?    


When the people in the classroom saw Min Ann'ge appear, they all looked over in surprise and whispered.    


Min Ann'ge ignored their gazes and walked towards Master Hu Lin, whispering to him.    


When Luan Zhi heard Min Ann'ge say that he wanted to stay, she was still suspicious.    


Master Hu Lin was very strict. He would never let anyone listen in class, let alone bring a child.    


However, just after he sat down, Master Hu Lin said, "Today we have to inform everyone of a good news. Today, we have two bystanders. I believe that everyone has already seen it. It's Min Ann'ge and Duo Duo. Welcome everyone! "    


Everyone cheered.    


Even if he was overseas, Min Ann'ge also had a large number of fans. When he heard that Ye Zichen wanted to come listen in, he immediately got excited.    


Min Ann'ge raised his head and looked at Luan Zhi's direction. He then walked over with Duo Duo and sat beside her.    


"How did you get Master Hu Lin to agree?" Luan Zhi asked in a low voice.    


"By my own way, of course."    


Luan Zhi glared at him in dissatisfaction, not knowing what Min Ann'ge was going to do next.    


Soon, grandmaster Lin began his lecture, and she had no choice but to calm down.    


As it was a design course, there would be many models in between.    


Master Hu Lin talked for a while and looked at the people in the classroom. Following his usual habits, he said, "Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv, come up and demonstrate this design for everyone."    


Just as Luan Zhi stood up, she was stopped by Min Ann'ge beside her.    


He stood up and said to Master Hu Lin, "Let me do it."    


Everyone was stunned as they looked in surprise.    


Hu Lin looked at him and quickly understood.    


Although Min Ann'ge was not a professional model, he had good innate talent and was comparable to the best models in the world.    


He nodded.    


"Then Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, show us this design together."    


Luan Zhi gawked for a second, then was pulled up by Min Ann'ge and walked over.    


"Daddy, you can do it!" Duo Duo shouted.    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she couldn't help but blush.    


Taking over the design from Master Hu Lin, Luan Zhi then walked towards the changing room. For a moment, she didn't understand the current situation and didn't know how it had turned out like this.    


After finally changing her clothes, Luan Zhi walked out.    


After that, he realized that the clothes he was wearing was actually a pair of romantic attire with Min Ann'ge.    


It was a similar design. The two of them standing together seemed to be a perfect match.    


The two of them stood together, coordinating with Master Hu Lin's explanation and changing their movements.    


Luan Zhi could clearly feel the gazes of many people landing on her like thorns on her back. She could not help but ask, "How many days will you be staying here?"    




Luan Zhi frowned. If Min Ann'ge had come over to listen in with her during this period of time, it would definitely make the other girls in the class even more dissatisfied with her.    


Noticing everyone's attention on her, she said: "Aren't you going to come over tomorrow to listen?"    


"No." Min Ann'ge refused without thinking.    


"You …"    


Before Luan Zhi could open her mouth, her waist was already embraced by the other party.    


Min Ann'ge lowered his head with the help of his movement.    


"Don't get distracted, otherwise, Master Hu Lin might get angry."    


Luan Zhi looked towards Hu Lin and saw his serious face. It was obvious that he was dissatisfied.    


She quickly focused her attention on her work.    


Once she got serious, her aura would instantly change. Even though she had already left the T stage, Luan Zhi was still the best supermodel ever.    


Min Ann'ge's gaze was always on her. Since when did it start? He noticed that Luan Zhi had become extremely dazzling, making others unable to shift their gaze away from her.    


It had obviously been a long time since Luan Zhi's performance, but at that time, he hadn't noticed it at all.    


But now, even when he was busy with his new company and his work, he couldn't help but open Luan Zhi's previous show every night before he went to bed.    


The more he read, the more amazed he felt.    


Min Ann'ge didn't understand why he had missed it in the past.    


It was as dazzling as the sun, and it constantly radiated light.    


Min Ann'ge's gaze fell on her with a hint of gentleness.    


However, at this moment, Luan Zhi was fully focused on her work, so she didn't notice his gaze.    


This scene was witnessed by everyone present.    


Zhang Ann'yuv couldn't help but pick up his camera and record the scene in front of him.    


For the entire duration of the lesson, Luan Zhi could clearly feel the gazes of everyone else in the class.    


Many of them were female designers and fans of Min Ann'ge.    


Of course he would be dissatisfied to see him walking with Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi pulled Duo Duo along after the class ended, but Min Ann'ge did not follow her.    


He turned around and walked in front of Zhang Ann'yuv, looking down on him.    


"Luan Zhi is mine." As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately made a declaration.    


When Zhang Ann'yuv heard this, he was stunned for a moment before he started laughing.    


"Does Luan Zhi know about this?"    


"Luan Zhi is mine." Min Ann'ge repeated.    


Then, he stretched out his hand.    


"You just took a picture and gave it to me."    


Zhang Ann'yuv hid the camera behind him and said, "This is my own item. Even if you are Min Ann'ge, you don't have the right to rob it, right?"    


With that, he stood up and turned to leave.    


Min Ann'ge clenched his fists. This Zhang Ann'yuv was more difficult to deal with than he had imagined.    


Angele narrowed his eyes. However, he would never give Luan Zhi up.    


He stood still for a while before he lifted his foot and walked out.    


When he walked out the door, he saw Luan Zhi waiting at the door with Duo Duo.    


She turned her head and saw him coming out.    


Realizing that the other party was waiting for him, Min Ann'ge slightly raised the corner of his mouth and chased after him.    


Duo Duo pulled Min Ann'ge by the corner of his clothes and jumped around happily.    


"Dad, Duo Duo will bring you out for a look later. I'll act as a tour guide for you!"    


Min Ann'ge nodded and his gaze fell on Min Ann'ge.    


"The three of us will go together."    


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