Lovely Substitute Bride



Very quickly, the car stopped at the entrance of the movie theater.    


Min Ann'ge is currently filming an ancient costume drama, and every time he filmed it, he would attract a lot of fans to help him.    


The moment Luan Zhi got off the car, she saw a lot of young girls sitting outside. Some were holding slogans, some were holding photos of Min Ann'ge, cheering him on under the scorching sun.    


Luan Zhi curiously walked over and asked, "Why didn't you guys go in?"    


The few of them turned to look at her and sighed, "Right now, the movie is being filmed. No one can enter, and we still need to clear the scene."    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she turned to look at the filming crew with a puzzled expression. All of her fans had been chased out, leaving only the staff inside.    


Min Ann'ge's figure could be vaguely seen in the crowd, but because of the distance, it was impossible to see him clearly.    


Luan Zhi didn't stop and walked inside.    


They quickly pulled her back.    


"Don't go! We tried it just now, and we'll be kicked out! You won't even let me get an autograph. "    


Luan Zhi said, "I'm not here to sign for a photo. I just came to ask Min Ann'ge about something, so of course I can go in."    


"Stop joking around." They were in disbelief, "Do you really think Min Ann'ge is your boyfriend? That was just the ideal boyfriend from the poll. "Ai, another one has gone crazy."    


"I'm not crazy." Luan Zhi walked inside.    


When the others saw her solemn look, they took out a notebook from their school bags and said, "If you can really enter, then help me sign my name."    


Luan Zhi took it and looked at it.    


"You like Min Ann'ge a lot?"    


The man said excitedly, "Of course! I am his loyal fan! "    


Luan Zhi smiled. "Okay, no problem."    


After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the movie city.    


The remaining people shook their heads.    


"What a fool. He already told her that she can't enter."    


"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."    


Luan Zhi walked to the side, took out her phone and prepared to give Min Ann'ge a call. She waited for a while, but no one answered.    


Are you still filming?    


Luan Zhi thought for a moment before walking inside.    


Just as he arrived at the outer perimeter, he was stopped by a few staff members.    


"Stop, it's currently filming inside. No fans are allowed to enter."    


Luan Zhi looked inside, "Can you help me notify Min Ann'ge? If you say I came to look for him, he'll let me in. "    


The others looked at her and laughed instead.    


"Who do you think you are? If you want to enter, you can? "    


Luan Zhi said, "I should be considered his friend."    


When the few staff members heard this, they smiled.    


"Friend? How come we've never heard of it? Who knows how many crazy fans like you are every day. Do you still want to go in there to find Min Ann'ge? Do you really think we will be tricked by you? "    


"No, I really am …"    


Luan Zhi wanted to explain, but was interrupted by a few people.    


"Who cares who you are! Hurry up and go, or else the security will come and chase you away! "    


Luan Zhi said helplessly, "I really know him. If not, can you help me call Brother Jian?"    


The few staff members did not believe her words and instead mocked her mockingly, "Since you know them, why didn't you call them to come and pick you up?"    


Luan Zhi frowned.    


Previously, she only recorded Min Ann'ge's phone number, but now, he was in the middle of filming and couldn't answer it. Brother Jian's call was not recorded, so she had no choice.    


"I really am not a swindler. Can you let me in? I have some business with him. "    


"No, no!" "Push!" The staff quickly pushed her away. I've never seen you being so shameless! "    


Luan Zhi's temper flared up and she said unhappily, "Let me in! You'll know when you see Min Ann'ge. "    


A few staff members were continuously pushing Luan Zhi, almost pushing her to the ground.    


"Get lost!" Otherwise, we'll call the police! "    


"Let go!"    


Luan Zhi struggled for a while before saying unhappily, "If you don't want to notify me, I'll go in myself."    


As he spoke, he stepped over the two men and charged in!    


The bodyguards quickly chased after him.    


"Stop!" "Stop right there!"    


How could Luan Zhi stop?    


He passed through a bunch of equipment and rushed inside!    


He happened to see Min Ann'ge finish filming and was ready to rest. He immediately ran over.    


"Min Ann'ge!" "Min Ann'ge!"    


After shouting twice, Min Ann'ge raised his head and looked over.    


The next second, Luan Zhi rushed over and hid behind Min Ann'ge, shouting anxiously, "Save me!"    


Several security guards quickly followed her. Seeing that she still dared to hide behind Min Ann'ge, they shouted loudly: "Come out! "Where else would you run off to now?"    


Luan Zhi hid behind Min Ann'ge and said with dissatisfaction, "I told you guys that I know Min Ann'ge, but you guys wouldn't listen! Ask him if he is? "    


Several of the security guards turned around and looked at Min Ann'ge, who was standing in front, and said angrily, "Mr Min, you know this woman?"    


Min Ann'ge turned around and glanced at Luan Zhi. Seeing her rolling her eyes, he smiled helplessly.    


"I do know her. She's my friend."    


"Did you hear that?" Luan Zhi hurriedly said, "I need you to help me notify them, but you won't allow it."    


The staff looked at her in surprise. They never expected her to be Min Ann'ge's friend.    


"Sorry, sorry." "Apologize …" The few of them lowered their heads in apology. "It's because our dog eyes look down on people. You can come often to the crew in the future."    


Luan Zhi smiled and said proudly, "There's no need to come often. I'll be going back in a few days."    


The few of them were confused, Brother Jian heard the commotion and walked over curiously.    


He pushed his way through the crowd and walked in. When he heard that Luan Zhi was surrounded by a few people, he asked unhappily, "What are you all doing? If something were to happen to Miss Min, even all of you together wouldn't be enough to compensate for it! "    


The staff looked at each other. Brother Jian usually has a temper in the crew, why was he so subservient to that girl this time?    


Brother Jian glared at them in dissatisfaction.    


"You will know about it in the future! "In the future, if Miss Luan comes over, don't stop her. You must welcome her in!"    


"Y-yes, Brother Jian." The few of them hurriedly said.    


Only then did Brother Jian stop worrying, and he turned around to look at Luan Zhi. Miss Luan, how did you get the free time to come over to the set? "    


"I was looking for Min Ann'ge to help me check which birthday present would be the most suitable for me, but since you guys are filming, then forget it. But I have one more question to ask you. "    


Brother Jian said happily, "What problem? Just say it, as long as I know it."    


"I want to ask my aunt and her husband about them."    


"This …" Halfway through his words, Brother Jian suddenly realized that she was asking about the Wen Family, and his voice suddenly stopped as his face changed.    


He forced a smile and said, "We don't know how to explain this."    


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