Lovely Substitute Bride



"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane has landed at XX Airport. The plane is taxiing. For the sake of your safety and for the sake of others, please do not stand up …"    


Luan Zhi was woken up by the sound of the broadcast coming from the plane.    


She opened her eyes and looked out of the window.    


It was drizzling outside the window.    


Two years later, she was back.    


Although she had made her preparations, Luan Zhi was still a little nervous when she was really going to re-embark on this land and face the man again.    


After all, it had been almost a year since they had last met. Towards that man, she had only managed to get news from various newspapers. Not to mention that he had already left the entertainment circle for the past half year and had disappeared without a trace.    


Some even said that the man who had once stood at the top of the entertainment circle might have met with danger.    


While he was thinking, his clothes were suddenly tugged by someone.    




Luan Zhi looked down. Her round eyes were filled with expectation. Her eyes were smiling so much that they were curved. Two adorable dimples appeared on her cheeks.    


Since a month ago, she had been looking forward to returning home.    


"Mommy, can we go now?"    


Luan Zhi smiled and put the magazine in her hand on the table. On the cover of the magazine was written a few words — Luan Zhi will be hosting her first press conference when she returns!    


This magazine has a high circulation and should be known to everyone by now.    


"Let's go, take your umbrella, it's raining outside."    


"En!" Duo Duo jumped down from her chair and walked out while skipping. "I wonder if father will come to pick us up …"    


Luan Zhi's heart sank. The news of her graduation had reached her home a week ago and was even told to Wen Tiantian intentionally. However, after waiting for so long, she still hadn't received a reply from Min Ann'ge.    


As soon as they walked out of the airport, Duo Duo began to look around.    


After searching for a while, he could not find that familiar figure. There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes as he lowered his head and walked outside.    


Luan Zhi patted her head and smiled. "I've asked them to prepare a good residence for you. You should like it."    


Duo Duo looked up with doubt in her eyes.    


"Mommy, aren't we going home?"    


"Not now."    


Luan Zhi pulled her to the side of the road. A black car was already waiting outside. A driver with white gloves was standing by the door with an umbrella.    


"Miss Luan, please get in the car."    


Luan Zhi looked at him doubtfully. She hadn't called a taxi before.    


The other laughed and said, "It was President Min's order."    


"Min Ann'ge?" Luan Zhi widened her eyes in surprise.    


The driver nodded slightly.    


"It's rainy season right now, so it's easy to get wet. President Min is worried that it might be inconvenient for you to come over, so he asked me to come and pick you up."    


Min Ann'ge looked inside the car, but the car window was covered with a black film so he couldn't see what was going on inside.    


The driver seemed to have guessed what she was thinking and took the initiative, "President Min will be here soon."    


President Min — — Luan Zhi felt a bit awkward hearing this name. However, two years ago, when Min Ann'ge gradually left the entertainment industry, the perfect man in the heart of his fans, the movie star Min Ann'ge, transformed into the president of China Art Film and TV company.    


The National Antiquities programme, which works with the National Museum, is well-received and provides a perfect start to the company's development. The next few years went even more smoothly. Min Ann'ge's unique conditions, his more than ten years of working hard in the entertainment circle, and with the help of the Ruan and Ji families, he managed to gain a firm foothold in just two years.    


She had always thought of Min Ann'ge as a natural star who could stand under the spotlight, but it wasn't until he set up the company that Luan Zhi realized he was also suitable for managing the company.    


And since the company was established, Min Ann'ge showed an unprecedented ambition. Once he got good results, he started to crazily devour the other studios.    


Starting from the smallest studio, he gradually grew bigger. Several large companies were swallowed up by him and very quickly, he became the number one film and television company in the country. He welcomed one rookie after another and even surpassed his old boss, Universal Television.    


All of this happened in just two years. The powers in the entertainment circle were all reshuffled. Min Ann'ge was a unique godfather figure.    


Almost everyone wanted to be recognized by him. There was a saying in the entertainment circle: If one could enter the China Art, the path of the showbiz circle would already be half completed.    


In the past, Min Ann'ge was just a celebrity or actor in the eyes of others. In the eyes of some wealthy businessmen, he was just a vase, but now, almost everyone had to show respect when mentioning him.    


Some people were gnashing their teeth in anger, while others were shouting and shouting, shocking everyone.    


Luan Zhi had gotten all this news from magazines and news.    


At the beginning, even she didn't know that Min Ann'ge had set up a company. She only felt that he was getting busier and busier, and the time he spent on the phone call ranged from one hour to half an hour, from ten minutes to an occasional text message.    


In the end, Luan Zhi could not remember how long it had been since they had contacted each other.    


Their marriage was a foregone conclusion.    


Who would have thought that the previous Min Ann'ge would become like this?    


"As I was thinking, Duo Duo's voice suddenly came from the side." Mommy! "Come quickly!"    


Luan Zhi snapped out of her daze and turned around. She saw that Duo Duo had already gotten into the car and was waving at her from inside.    


She quickly put the umbrella away and got into the car.    


The driver lightly flicked away the water stains on his clothes, ignited the ignition, and put the car in gear. The black car slowly glided out through the rain.    


Luan Zhi said, "Take me to XX District."    


The driver looked back in surprise.    


"But President Min said …"    


"I'll explain it to him. You just have to send me over."    


The driver hesitated for a second, then remembered Min Ann'ge's orders before leaving. He could only nod his head.    


"OK, Miss Luan."    


Soon, the car turned around and headed in the other direction.    


Luan Zhi had prepared a residence in the city center. It was not far from the show she would be having next. The studio was also very close. The environment was good. After all, it was much better than the villa in the suburbs.    


But even so, she was still a little nervous and full of energy.    


Although she knew that she was no longer that little kid from before, Luan Zhi was still a little angry. Who told Min Ann'ge not to contact her for such a long time?    


After getting out of the car and moving all the stuff in, Luan Zhi said, "I'm staying here for the time being. If Min Ann'ge gets angry with you, he can explain it to me himself."    


"OK, Miss Luan."    


When the driver turned around and left, Luan Zhi heaved a sigh of relief and walked inside with Duo Duo.    


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