Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge was wearing a black trench coat and looked very low-key. He was frowning and anger was gathering in his eyes.    


She pursed her lips as her gaze fell on Luan Zhi.    


Luan Zhi was startled and looked at him in surprise.    


"Why are you here?"    


Just before the show had begun, and also when it had finally closed, Luan Zhi had been searching around, but she had not seen Min Ann'ge. She had thought that he had not come today.    


Min Ann'ge gently helped Luan Zhi stand still. After sizing her up and confirming that she was alright, he said, "The place where you achieved your dream, how could I miss it?"    


Upon hearing these words, Luan Zhi's heart was slightly moved.    


So he still remembered?    


After Min Ann'ge confirmed that she was alright, he turned around to look at Cheng Xue’er who was standing on the other side. His gaze suddenly turned ice-cold.    


The imposing manner from her body instantly crushed forward like a mountain, causing Cheng Xue’er to be unable to catch her breath for a moment.    


Cheng Xue’er took a step back in fright and looked at Min Ann'ge in shock.    


Why would he come?    


Before this, Cheng Xue’er had already confirmed with the company that Min Ann'ge did not receive the invitation to this fashion show and that it was impossible for him to come.    


It was because of this that she dared to cause trouble for Luan Zhi.    


Min Ann'ge took a step forward and kept his cold and oppressive gaze on Cheng Xue’er.    


"I told you not to cause any more trouble for Luan Zhi."    


Cheng Xue’er's face was deathly pale, and there was a trace of blood on her face as her body trembled like a sieve.    


"I, I …"    


She wanted to explain, but not a single word came out of her mouth. After a long while, she managed to force out a faint smile, but it was even uglier than crying.    


"President Min, why are you here?"    


"How can I miss such an important occasion?" Min Ann'ge slightly squinted his eyes. It seems like the lesson I taught you last time wasn't enough. Since you want to rest longer, then I'll first stop all the work you're doing. "    


"No way!"    


Cheng Xue’er looked flustered as she said, "I still have a few endorsements and movies …"    


"I will get them to replace the actors they found in the company a few days ago. Now that the outside world is looking forward to it, it's time to give them some opportunities to develop." Min Ann'ge said plainly. His voice was without any fluctuations and there was even a hint of coldness in it.    


"How … How can this be?" Cheng Xue’er's face turned ashen, her body swayed, and she fell to the ground.    


She held on to the nearby table, barely able to stand still as she shook her head in a trance.    


"This won't do. The character for the previous movie has already been replaced. This time, it definitely can't be changed …"    


Cheng Xue’er's eyes were filled with tears, but Min Ann'ge showed no mercy.    


"You didn't take the warning from last time seriously. This time, I won't give you another chance."    


With that, he raised his voice and ordered with a stern look in his eyes, "Send Cheng Xue’er back home and reflect on her actions."    


A few bodyguards quickly walked out from behind her and pulled her away.    


Cheng Xue’er continued to struggle and refused to leave.    


"No!" You can't do this to me! "    


"The most popular celebrity in the company right now is me! I'm the reddest! "You can't …"    


"So what?" Min Ann'ge didn't care at all. If he could praise the first person, he could also praise the second and the third … All that was missing was time.    


For someone like Cheng Xue’er, who always gave him trouble, it was fine if he didn't want it.    


Cheng Xue’er's face was ashen, as if the whole world had collapsed and been dragged away.    


Min Ann'ge turned around and looked at Luan Zhi, who was behind him.    


"Are you okay?"    


Luan Zhi shook her head and was about to say something when Zhang Ann'yuv walked out.    


Zhang Ann'yuv rushed over as a staff member told him about Cheng Xue’er's trouble just now.    


"Luan Zhi? Are you okay? "    


The moment he walked in, he saw Min Ann'ge, who was standing beside Luan Zhi. There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes. Why are you here too? The press conference didn't even send you an invitation, how did you get in? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she looked over in surprise.    


"Didn't you send an invitation letter to Min Ann'ge?"    


No wonder she didn't see Min Ann'ge from the moment she entered the stage.    


Zhang Ann'yuv avoided his gaze.    


"I thought you didn't want to see him, so I told the staff member who was preparing to issue the invitation. I didn't expect them to be real. I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said that. "    


Luan Zhi only shook her head.    


"It's not your fault."    


Zhang Ann'yuv smiled, then turned to look at Min Ann'ge, and said coldly: "Where did you come from? Don't tell me that the dignified Min Ann'ge actually snuck in. No one without an invitation letter can enter. "I'm sorry, but if that's the case, I'll have to get kicked out of here!"    


As he spoke, he called for the security guards.    


Many of the surrounding guests began to whisper among themselves when they heard this.    


Luan Zhi frowned and wanted to explain for Min Ann'ge.    


Just as she was about to speak, Min Ann'ge stopped her.    


"Who said I don't have an invitation?" "He took out a lavender card." My invitation is here. "    


Zhang Ann'yuv's eyes were filled with doubt and suspicion as he grabbed the bag.    


"Let me tell you, if it's fake, we still have the right to kick you out!"    


Min Ann'ge did not look worried at all, "Whether it is real or not, you'll know after you see it for yourself."    


Zhang Ann'yuv immediately opened the invitation letter in his hand and swept his eyes over it. Then, he immediately frowned.    


This invitation letter was actually real!    


The invitation letter this time was specially designed by him, so there was no way he would recognize it wrongly.    


"How is this possible? Where did you get the invitation? "    


Min Ann'ge smiled slightly. Of course it was personally sent there by your staff. "    


"Impossible!" You have already been removed from the invitation list, so how could you possibly receive an invitation letter? "    


"Min Ann'ge is indeed not one of the invited names, but the biggest sponsor for the show doesn't have it."    


Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv opened their eyes in surprise at the same time.    


While the show was still being prepared, it had already received a lot of attention from the outside world. There were also quite a few individuals and merchants who wanted to sponsor it. However, in order to follow up the development of the show, the two did not choose a well-known company or manufacturer. Instead, they chose a few private sponsors.    


One of them offered very generous conditions, regardless of the reward. At that time, he was a little hesitant, but he didn't expect that it was Min Ann'ge!    


Zhang Ann'yuv frowned. According to the treaty of cooperation, he was indeed going to send the invitation on the day of the show.    


No wonder Min Ann'ge didn't seem to be in a hurry at all after receiving the invitation letter. He was already well-prepared.    


Zhang Ann'yuv clenched his fist, feeling unresigned in his heart.    


Min Ann'ge smiled faintly and said, "I don't think your show will kick out your sponsors, right?"    


Zhang Ann'yuv really wanted to rush over right now and throw Min Ann'ge out of the show, but now there were so many people watching, and there was even a media reporter broadcasting it in real time. He couldn't do that.    


Otherwise, all the previous preparations would have been for naught.    


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