Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi was immersed in the astonishing news she had just heard. For a long time, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.    


When Duo Duo walked out, she saw Luan Zhi sitting motionlessly on the sofa. She seemed to be in a daze and walked over worriedly. "Cat, are you alright?"    


Only then did Luan Zhi turn her head to look at her, excitedly saying, "Duo Duo, I just received news that I was to design the clothes for the Asian Games's athletes when they entered and left."    


When Duo Duo heard this, her eyes immediately lit up.    


"Really? "Great!"    


"Yes." Luan Zhi nodded. "It seems to be the top prize for this year's competition. I didn't expect that no one would tell me about it."    


Duo Duo said excitedly: "So you're saying that when the time comes for the competition, all the athletes will be wearing clothes designed by Mommy? When the time comes, more people will know about Mommy's design! "    


"Of course."    


At the Asian Games every year, almost every country in the world would broadcast it live. Nothing could be more effective than this method of promotion. In addition, this wasn't just for advertising, but also for glory.    


What was designed for the athletes was not an entrance uniform, but a battle robe!    


It would mean a lot to Luan Zhi if she could win the race in her own clothes.    


However, there were only a few months left until the start of the competition. He needed to hurry if he wished to make it in time.    


At the thought of this, Luan Zhi quickly got busy and hurried back to her room. She took out a lot of materials and began to look through the various sports events.    


Late at night.    


Min Ann'ge finished his work and returned to the mansion.    


The moment he walked into the bedroom, he saw the sight before him.    


Luan Zhi was sitting in front of her computer, frowning and thinking hard. His hair was a bit messy, as if he had been grabbed countless times. Even when she saw him return, she didn't have much of a reaction.    


When she left the company in the afternoon, she didn't seem like that.    


Min Ann'ge walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"" Luan Zhi frowned. How about you take a look at this design for me? "    


As he spoke, the computer screen turned in his direction.    


Min Ann'ge swept his gaze. Sportswear? When did you start moving in this direction? "    


"This is no ordinary sports attire. It's the entrance uniform for the Asian Games in a few months."    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows slightly. They decided to let you design it? "    


Luan Zhi nodded her head, her face did not have a trace of joy, instead, she frowned and said, "It seems to be the top prize in the design competition. I only found out about it today. However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find a suitable design. What do you think of this? "    


Min Ann'ge took a closer look and said, "The cuffs are too wide, they're not concise enough. The clothes are not too different from the ones from the previous years. Not innovative enough, they're a bit old-fashioned."    


"Is it that ugly?"    


The expression on Luan Zhi's face instantly collapsed. "No, I have to draw another one."    


As he spoke, he quickly picked up his brush and prepared to continue creating.    


Just as she started writing, Min Ann'ge stopped her. How long have you been sitting here? "    


"I've been here ever since I got back."    


Min Ann'ge frowned. It's time for you to rest. Excessive fatigue doesn't inspire you. "Moreover, today is only the first day of the competition. Tomorrow, I will go to the Asian Games to have a talk with the staff. Maybe I will be inspired by something new."    


"But …"    


Luan Zhi still had some hesitation as she looked reluctantly at the computer.    


Min Ann'ge pulled her hand back and took the brush away. Listen to me, all right. Get a good night's sleep first. We'll talk about other things tomorrow. "    


As he spoke, he led her to the bed and covered her with the blanket.    


Luan Zhi was still a little hesitant, but she didn't have the time to speak. A wave of sleepiness washed over her and she couldn't help but yawn.    


Min Ann'ge said, "Don't worry, there won't be a problem."    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw Min Ann'ge sitting in front of the bed. She nodded and said in a daze, "I must wake up early tomorrow morning. I still need to go to the Asian Games to discuss the plan."    


After he finished speaking, he fell into a deep sleep.    


Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi, who was sleeping soundly, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile. His gaze was filled with gentleness as he looked at her.    


It looked like her Luan Zhi was flying higher and higher.    


However, no matter how high and how far she flew, he was still the only one left.    


Min Ann'ge's eyes darkened. He bent down slightly and gave Luan Zhi a light kiss on her forehead.    


Luan Zhi, who was in her dreams, did not notice at all and continued designing.    


He slept all night.    


The cool breeze lifted the curtains and sprinkled Luan Zhi's body.    


She moved, widened her eyes, and quickly sat up!    


It seemed that his thoughts had yet to return to normal. After two seconds of confusion, he lifted his head to look at the clock on the wall. The moment they saw the time, all of them dozed off and immediately ran away!    


He jumped up and began to change his clothes in a flurry, raising his voice and complaining.    


"Min Ann'ge!" Didn't I tell you to wake me up earlier yesterday? Why didn't you call me? "    


"It's over, it's all over!" And I wasted so much time, I wonder if I'll be late! "    


Luan Zhi quickly put on her clothes.    


"Click." The door behind him was suddenly pushed open. Min Ann'ge's voice sounded from behind him.    


"Adequate sleep can help you get inspired. You can rest for a while."    


Luan Zhi was startled by the sudden sound and almost jumped up.    


At this moment, she was only wearing personal clothes. How did this man come in just like that?    


Luan Zhi hurriedly hid her clothes in front of her chest and said anxiously, "Get out of here!"    


However, Min Ann'ge was in no hurry and smiled.    


"Later, I can send you to the Asian Games venue. I won't be late."    


"Got it." Luan Zhi urged with a reddened face, "You have to go out first before I can change!"    


Min Ann'ge then turned around and closed the door.    


Luan Zhi instantly let out a sigh of relief and quickly changed her clothes. A gust of wind blew her out of the villa and they got into the car together.    


The closer they got to the Asian Games, the more nervous Luan Zhi became.    


She frowned at the memory of last night's design and was worried.    


"Min Ann'ge, do you really think I'm qualified for this job?"    


"That's to be broadcast all over the world, representing our country's image, maybe someone else would be more suitable."    


When Min Ann'ge heard this, he slowed down his car and turned around to look at her. His eyes revealed a hint of doubt, as if he was saying: Are you speaking the truth? Was he joking?    


"Miss Luan Zhi, in the previous competition, your works caused a great deal of commotion in the country and abroad. Have you heard about it?"    


Luan Zhi was stunned and shook her head.    


When the match was over, she had been busy at work. How could she have the time to know her own situation?    


Min Ann'ge sighed silently.    


"There's no need to go into details about how highly you are judged in the country. Even fashion weeks abroad are reporting on you, calling you the new designer of the twenty-first century that you look forward to the most."    


"Who else do you think would be able to do the job?"    


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