Lovely Substitute Bride



A few hours later, Luan Zhi had a new list in her hands.    


This poison had long been on the list of dangers a few years ago. There weren't any shops selling it on the market, but some online channels could still be found.    


The list in Luan Zhi's hands was all the shops that sold this drug on the black market. The contact details and addresses were available.    


The two searched through the records before finally finding some clues.    


"Are you talking about what happened yesterday? That day was the Asian Games, and just as I was about to go out in the afternoon, two women suddenly came over and offered a high price to buy some medicine that would make people lose consciousness. " The boss frowned.    


"Do you remember what they looked like?" Luan Zhi said hurriedly.    


"I don't remember how it looked, but I had a camera installed in my house."    


Luan Zhi's eyes lit up. Did you get a picture of them? "    


"We should only be able to get one person. The other person didn't come in. You know, my business is illegal after all. It will be bad if it involves me in the future." I have a complete set of records for almost everyone who comes to buy medicine. "    


"That's great. Can you let me see the video?"    


The man hesitated.    


"This... "If I show it to you, you won't go to the police station and report me, right?"    


Luan Zhi said, "I've only come this time to investigate the two people who bought the medicine before. It has nothing to do with you. This is a serious matter and has to do with the coma of the Asian Games athletes. If you had taken it out earlier, you might have been acquitted. If you find out that the poison came from you, you will be implicated yourself. "    


That person's face immediately changed as he became nervous.    


During the opening ceremony of the Asian Games, many athletes had fainted. Most people had heard about it.    


He did not refute any further and quickly said, "Come with me quickly. I have stored all the videos well."    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo into the building. The room was dimly lit and there were quite a few things on the shelves.    


The man fiddled with the computer for a moment, then pulled out a video.    


"This is it."    


Luan Zhi stepped forward to take a look. In the dim light, she could see a figure walking in and conversing with the owner. In the end, he turned around and left.    


The whole thing took no more than five minutes, and the man was wearing a hat with the brim down.    


Even so, when she left, she turned her head to the side slightly. She could clearly see that the person who had come was Cheng Xue’er's assistant — — Chen Min!    


However, the camera was installed in the room and Cheng Xue’er didn't come in, so the photo didn't show her at all.    


Luan Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Can I take the video with me?"    


"Of course not. You're afraid this really has nothing to do with me." The boss was in a hurry to get rid of what he had said and explained in a hurry.    


"If you want to prove your innocence, then you have to wait for my call. I need you to testify when the time comes."    


Luan Zhi and Duo Duo left the shop with the video in their hands.    




As soon as they stepped out of the door, Duo Duo said happily, "With these videos, we can prove that it was them who poisoned us!"    


"Not yet." However, Luan Zhi shook her head and said worriedly, "Right now, we can only prove that they bought the poison from here. However, we need more evidence to prove that they put the poison in there. Let's go to the Asian Games. We'll have a look. "    


The two of them rushed back and forth until they reached the venue for the Asian Games' opening ceremony.    


It had already been a day since the opening ceremony. Compared to the bustling scene from that day, it now seemed somewhat lonely. Because the area was too large, cleaning it required quite a bit of time.    


As soon as Luan Zhi walked in, she saw a cleaner cleaning garbage cans backstage.    


Luan Zhi and Duo Duo walked toward the backstage athlete lounge together. Before they could enter, they were stopped by a cleaner.    


"Wait, what are you guys doing?"    


"I'm Luan Zhi. I want to see the athletes' lounge."    


A few of them said, "It's not ready yet. You can come back after you've completely disinfected and cleaned up. If you guys were to get poisoned too, it would be terrible. "    


"No, the poison source has already been cleared out."    


"That's not certain." They were terrified, "A cleaner who cleaned here yesterday got sick this morning. Her symptoms are exactly the same as those athletes. She's still in the hospital."    


"Even the cleaners were poisoned. What's going on?"    


"We don't know. On the night of the opening ceremony, he tidied up these rooms and when he went back, something happened. "The people up there told us not to clean the room for the time being and to wait for the room to be disinfected before we used it again."    


Luan Zhi frowned.    


Those athletes were poisoned because they wore clothes stained with toxins.    


After the athletes were taken to the hospital, all the clothes were taken away, but where did the cleaners come in contact with the toxins?    


"Do you have any contact information for that person? I want to see him. "    


The few of them cautiously said, "Miss Luan, you must be careful. Moreover, this poison is contagious!"    


"No problem, just tell me the address."    


After getting the address, the two of them quickly left the clubhouse.    


"Mommy, did that person get poisoned like the athletes? Did he wear the athletes' clothes?" Duo Duo frowned and asked doubtfully.    


Luan Zhi shook her head as she looked at the address in her hand.    


"We don't know yet, but we'll ask him and we'll know."    


The janitor lived in an old abandoned building in the town hall. Because he didn't have to worry about the hormone in the medicine, he used the correct treatment. After a morning's treatment, his condition was controlled and he was discharged early.    


Luan Zhi told the cleaning lady's wife what she had come for, and Yuichi led her to the room.    


The whole building looked very shabby. When the curtains were opened, not much sunlight could be seen. The lighting was somewhat dim.    


As soon as he entered, he heard coughing sounds coming from the back room.    


The janitor spotted her at once and came over in surprise.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, why are you guys here?"    


Luan Zhi's gaze swept the area and saw the red rash on his arm and his pale face. The symptoms were exactly the same as those poisoned athletes.    


"I heard you were sick and I wanted to come and see you. Have you touched the clothes of those athletes before? "    


The cleaner shook his head.    


"Where have I touched their clothes? Everything was fine before, but after the opening ceremony, I went to clean up the garbage cans in the hallway, and it became like this right after I came back. "    


"The trash can in the hallway?"    


"Luan Zhi turned around and looked into the eyes of Duo Duo. They both had the same thought in their minds." The trash can you're talking about, it can't be the trash can in the lounge, right? "    


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