Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi was busy at the moment. Since Min Ann'ge was already here, how could she be at ease about letting him go back alone? It would be better to stay here for the time being until the work is done.    


"Alright." Min Ann'ge sat down on the side and looked at Zhang Ann'yuv and Luan Zhi calmly.    


Zhang Ann'yuv glanced at him in dissatisfaction and continued to talk to Luan Zhi, "In the factory, they said that they can't finish all the clothes within the specified time, so at least double the time."    


Upon hearing these words, Luan Zhi immediately retracted her train of thoughts and flipped through the information in her hand.    


"How can this be? Didn't we agree on it previously? "    


"Maybe it's because I've received too many orders and am too busy to do anything. The materials and manpower is a problem. In that case, I can only delay the time to go public."    


"Are they lacking in manpower, or are they doing it on purpose?" Min Ann'ge, who was listening on the side, suddenly spoke up.    


Luan Zhi turned around and asked in puzzlement, "What do you mean?"    


"You guys found this factory and have worked with me before. The same thing happened. There are not enough materials, we don't have enough manpower, so we have to extend the completion time. This is their old trick."    


"You said they did it on purpose?"    


"That's right." Min Ann'ge stood up, walked to her side and said, "Just tell them, if you can't finish within the set time, you will cancel the cooperation and find another company to complete it. They will definitely rush to help you."    


Luan Zhi's eyes lit up as she looked at the information in her hands.    


"I did not expect it to be like this …"    


"If you keep stalling for time, there will be more opportunities to ask for money from you. A previous project of a company was stalled for a year."    


Luan Zhi sucked in a breath of cold air. "Senior Zhang, help me contact the people in this factory immediately, just do as Min Ann'ge said."    




Zhang Ann'yuv glanced at Luan Zhi with unwillingness before turning around and leaving.    


"As soon as he left, Min Ann'ge retracted his gaze and looked at Luan Zhi." Didn't Zhang Ann'yuv inherit the family's business? Why aren't you leaving? "    


"The last time he hired a new designer, his senior just came over. He said he also wanted to help and push the Han suit all the way to the whole world. Weren't you the one who said you wanted to recruit a designer?"    


Min Ann'ge immediately regretted it when he heard this. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have said it like that. He originally didn't want all the tasks to fall on Luan Zhi, so he proposed to find another designer to help relieve her burden.    


"He's been taking care of the studio for you for the past few days?"    


Luan Zhi nodded and felt lucky that Zhang Ann'yuv was still around. Not only had she been gone for a long time, but there was also a problem in the studio.    


"Thanks to her, he reminded me of many of the studio's problems."    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. I can help you too. "    




"Are you questioning me?"    


"Of course not."    


Min Ann'ge was able to develop the company to his current state in just two years time. It could be said that he was a genius, but …    


Luan Zhi looked at him closely and said, "Aren't you still recovering?"    


"I'm fine now. Besides, there's so much work to do. When are you going to do it alone? " He pointed at the small mountain of contract, information and design drawings before him.    


Luan Zhi was aware of this, but she still doubted him. "Didn't you say last night that you could tear a wound open even if you slept at night?"    


Last night, she was as delicate as a Lin Daiyu, who could die at any time without anyone to accompany her. In just one night, she had turned into a demon of the Voldemort, why couldn't she beat him to death?    


Min Ann'ge lowered his head and coughed, feeling a little guilty. I'm much better now. Moreover, looking at the contract is not difficult at all. "    


With that, he picked up the contract on the table and put it in front of his eyes, as if he wanted to use this as a way to avoid Luan Zhi's gaze.    


With Min Ann'ge's help, Luan Zhi's handling of the work became more efficient. By the time they got off work in the afternoon, most of the work had already been done. There were only a few small problems left that they didn't have to deal with in a hurry.    


Luan Zhi let out a long sigh of relief as she looked at the pile of documents in front of her. She had thought that she would have to busy herself for a week before settling the mess.    


"Fast?" Min Ann'ge glanced at it indifferently. This was just his daily workload.    


If not for the occasional bickering, it would have been done a long time ago.    


He raised his hand to check the time and said, "I still have something to do. I'll head back to the company first."    


"What is it?"    


Min Ann'ge took out all the gifts that Luan Zhi gave him that morning and laid out a table. He took out a few books and said, "Duo Duo's classmates asked me to get the autograph for them."    


Luan Zhi widened her eyes.    


"Are you really going?"    


"Duoduo finally asked me for a favor. Of course, I have to do it. Fortunately, they all want to be celebrities of our company, so it's no trouble at all. "    


"…" Luan Zhi frowned as she thought about it. In that case, I'll go with you. "    


If he was accidentally discovered on the way and caused a disturbance, Min Ann'ge would definitely go back to the hospital.    


When the two of them walked out of the office, the other employees were still standing outside. When they saw them come out, they quickly asked, "Miss Luan, are you going back?"    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


"Everyone should rest as well. We'll do the other work tomorrow."    


Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Ann'yuv suddenly walked over. Luan Zhi, I have something that I want to tell you. "    


Luan Zhi looked over with a puzzled expression, waiting for him to speak. Zhang Ann'yuv didn't answer. He looked at Min Ann'ge, as if he didn't want to say it in front of him.    


"Let's go out and talk."    


Just as he finished, Min Ann'ge suddenly grabbed Luan Zhi. If you have anything you want to say, you can say it here. "    


Zhang Ann'yuv frowned and hesitated for a while before saying, "Master Hu Lin will come over in a few days."    


"Teacher Hu Lin!" Luan Zhi's eyes lit up. When will you be here? "    


"The day after tomorrow, he told me to inform you to meet him when the time comes."    


"No problem, remember to call me when the time comes."    


Since Luan Zhi came back, she hadn't seen Master Hu Lin again. Although they had contacted each other a few times, the master didn't like to use the current software and rarely contacted him.    


Zhang Ann'yuv smiled, " "Alright, we'll go together then."    


"Are you done?" Min Ann'ge suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted the two people's conversation, "Since the future genius comes, we'll talk about it the day after tomorrow. Didn't you say you want to go to the company with me?"    




Luan Zhi remembered and said to Zhang Ann'yuv, "Tell me when Master Hu Lin comes. I have something to do, so I'll be leaving first."    


As soon as he finished, he was dragged outside by Min Ann'ge.    


"Wait, wait, slow down. The wound is not fully healed yet …"    


Zhang Ann'yuv's expression gradually darkened as he heard the voices of the two leaving. His eyes revealed a look of unwillingness.    


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