Lovely Substitute Bride



The rain poured down from the sky, and deep pools of water had already accumulated in the depressions on the ground.    


Min Ann'ge took her carefully away from the deep water. His umbrella also moved to Luan Zhi's side, shielding her from the wind and rain, not letting her clothes get wet, but he couldn't take care of himself.    


Luan Zhi turned around and saw the rain pouring in from the edge of the umbrella. Min Ann'ge's left shoulder was already soaked, but he put the umbrella on his head as if he didn't know it.    


"Your clothes!"    


She quickly adjusted the umbrella and tilted it towards Min Ann'ge.    


"Your clothes get wet." However, Min Ann'ge moved the umbrella back to Luan Zhi. He looked carefully at Luan Zhi's shoulder and gently swept away the rain that had fallen on her shoulder. Be careful not to get sick. "    


Luan Zhi frowned. I'm not sick, you're the sick one! "    


Did this person know what was going on? He was wounded, and the wounds on his back needed medicine. The surgical wounds were also wrapped. If he wasn't careful and fell sick, even the wounds would be affected.    


She started to argue with Min Ann'ge while holding the umbrella handle. She wanted to lean the umbrella towards him, but her strength couldn't compare to Min Ann'ge at all. After arguing for a while, Min Ann'ge's shoulder became even wet, so she could only give up.    


"Do you have the awareness of a patient!?"    


Luan Zhi grumpily asked. She took a step to the side and stuck close to Min Ann'ge, shortening the distance between the two of them. This umbrella was small to begin with, so only in this way would they be able to avoid the rain.    


"Is that all right? Don't move again. "    


Min Ann'ge finally nodded.    




Luan Zhi held his hand tightly as they walked forward. When she raised her head, she saw that Min Ann'ge's eyes were filled with gentleness. No matter how she looked at him, she felt that he had cheated on her.    


The two of them hurriedly got into the car and returned to the villa.    


As soon as she changed her shoes, Luan Zhi said, "Take off your clothes, I'll help you change your medicine."    


Min Ann'ge's clothes had a clear water stain that extended from his shoulder all the way to his chest. It was unknown if it touched the wound.    


The moment she opened her mouth, Min Ann'ge obediently took off his shirt. "Luan Zhi furrowed her brows, her anger rising uncontrollably." Didn't I tell you to stay home? "    


Min Ann'ge slightly lowered his head and didn't say anything. This was the first time Luan Zhi realized how stubborn the person in front of her was!    


She quickly dried the water stain and put on the new drug and bandage. "Don't misunderstand, I just don't want you to be rehospitalized because of this."    


"I know."    


Min Ann'ge replied with a pitiful tone.    


The next day, Zhang Ann'yuv went straight to the villa to pick up Luan Zhi. He planned to discuss business matters with her on a business trip. The moment he entered the door, he saw Min Ann'ge, dressed neatly, standing at the entrance.    


When Min Ann'ge saw him come in, his face slightly darkened. There was obvious dissatisfaction in his eyes.    


Zhang Ann'yuv ignored his gaze and said worriedly, "Is Min Ann'ge going with him?"    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge, who had been standing at the door since the beginning, and frowned slightly. He packed his things as soon as he got up in the morning, obviously wanting to go with them.    


She firmly said, "No, we'll go."    


"That's good."    


Zhang Ann'yuv laughed proudly. I've booked a room and everything else has been arranged. "    


Luan Zhi was taken aback. Do you want to spend the night there? "    


"The cooperative company said that they would have time to talk to us the next day. In another day, there would be a party with a domestic theme. I want to stay and take a look, which might be helpful for our Han element promotion."    


Luan Zhi thought about it carefully and nodded. "Alright, I'll go take a look as well."    


She quickly picked up the item and turned around to look at Min Ann'ge, who had a look of worry and disappointment on his face. However, not only had she not forgiven Min Ann'ge, but because of the injuries on his body which could not be flown, the change in air pressure might cause his wounds to open up.    


"Stay at home and recuperate, don't run around."    


After he finished speaking, he was worried that his heart would soften again as he hurriedly left the room.    


When he got on the car, he purposely looked back, but didn't see Min Ann'ge's figure. Only then did he finally relax. "" Zhang Ann'yuv stood at the side with a bad taste in his mouth. Min Ann'ge can take care of himself and will be fine. "    


"I know."    


As Luan Zhi spoke, she couldn't help but take another look at the car before finally getting on.    


After a few hours of flying, they arrived at a foreign land. As soon as she landed on the ground, Luan Zhi turned on her phone and subconsciously wanted to contact Min Ann'ge. There was always a feeling in his heart that the man would not listen to her advice.    


Zhang Ann'yuv hesitated for a while, but before he dialed out, he stopped her.    


"The company's car is here."    


Luan Zhi panicked. She quickly put away her phone and looked up. Sure enough, a black car was parked by the roadside. She quickly walked over.    


The hotel that Zhang Ann'yuv set down was in the city center. I heard that the carnival will be held one day later on the street in front. Now, preparations have already started outside. The hotel was a very western-styled building and decor with a baroque feel. Almost all of the guests were here for the carnival.    


In here, even if it was someone you didn't know, they would still greet him with a smile.    


Luan Zhi had just settled in and was preparing the ingredients in the hotel after dinner. She was busy all the way until nightfall. Just as he was about to sleep, he received a call from the front desk.    


"I'm very sorry, Miss Luan. There is a guest here who said that he is with you."    


Luan Zhi, on the other hand, was baffled. Could this be the latest swindling technique here? " The people who were travelling with me have already moved in. "    


"Yes, I understand."    


No one knew who the receptionist talked to for a while, but it seemed like there was no agreement, so he quickly replied: "Sir! Sir! You can't go in there! "    


Then he hung up.    


Luan Zhi looked at the phone in her hand with a puzzled expression.    


She didn't care about it and quickly put away the information in her hand. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.    


Is it Zhang Ann'yuv?    


What's the matter at this late hour?    


Luan Zhi opened the door and was about to ask when she suddenly saw the person standing outside the door open his eyes wide.    


"You … Why are you here? "    


Min Ann'ge was standing at the door, still wearing the suit he had changed at home that morning. Luan Zhi didn't see him when she set off and thought he had given up. She didn't expect him to actually come!    


But how did he get here?    


Would the plane let him?    


A few hotel security guards hurriedly caught up with them. "Sir, you have not checked in and can't come in. Please come with us."    


"I'm willing to check in." Min Ann'ge said.    


The few security guards found it difficult. I'm sorry, the hotel room is full. "    


These few days, it was a festival to celebrate the joy of the entire country. Many tourists came to visit as well, as they had to book good rooms in advance. There were no longer any rooms available.    


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