Lovely Substitute Bride



Standing in front of the hotel entrance, Luan Zhi, who was sweating a little, shivered when a breeze blew past! At that moment, a warm embrace embraced her from behind.    


Smelling the familiar scent, Luan Zhi knew it was Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge said, "Isn't it cold now?" He took off his jacket and put it on her.    


The gorgeous long dress was still on her body and she didn't have time to change it off. Now that Luan Zhi had donned this black leather jacket, not only did they not clash with each other, they even reconciled with each other, giving the impression that she was sexy, elegant, and incomparably cool!    


Hearing Min Ann'ge's tone that did not sound angry, Luan Zhi's heart that had been holding herself back calmed down. She placed both of her hands on Min Ann'ge's large hands, drawing a bit of warmth from it, and said:    




A faint answer drifted in the wind.    


Not far away, the reporters were still squatting on the spot, completely surrounding the handsome blonde man whom Loris had decided on!    


"No wonder Xiang Tai and Elder Ling were the last to leave!" Two old foxes! Pity this little handsome fellow, he's probably still not experienced the passion of our country's journalists! "    


Luan Zhi snickered.    


That handsome foreigner was surrounded by three bodyguards. Although he was not squeezed in, it was still difficult for him to take even a single step as he was stuck in a deadlock on the spot.    


Min Ann'ge pinched her chin and turned her head to his side. He said with a bit of jealousy, "Is she handsome? Why didn't I notice it? Luan Zhi thinks, "Is he good-looking or am I?"    


Luan Zhi giggled at his sudden childish attitude, and said snappily, "You look good, you look good! You're the most beautiful! "    


"If that's the case, then look at me!" Min Ann'ge said as he pulled Luan Zhi's hand towards the side of the hotel.    


"Uh, if we just ignore him like this, won't it be good?" Luan Zhi was a little worried. What if these agitated reporters accidentally hurt her?    


After all, she was a guest at her fashion show!    


Min Ann'ge paused for a moment, then waved his hand to call a hotel staff member over. He pointed at the group of reporters and foreign friends and said, "I'll have to trouble you to help him later!"    


The staff member was also unwilling. This was too tricky!    


At this moment, Li Wu'er, who was in the group of reporters, suddenly saw Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, who were standing by the hotel wall.    


Although they were not able to enter the venue to watch the live broadcast just now, the provincial television station had done it on the spot! How could he let this go? He had already watched it when he squatted outside the hotel!    


After confirming Luan Zhi's identity, who else could it be other than the famous Min Ann'ge, the man who was so close to her and whose fingers were tightly clenched?    


The reporters were very sensitive to these celebrities! A powerful person could be recognized by his ears alone! Even if you were armed to the teeth and had a hat and face mask on, you could only fool those fans who loved to lose their heads.    


Li Wu'er didn't shout, but dragged her cameraman colleague who was also standing beside her out of the three layers of encirclement.    


Without caring about his life, he rushed towards Luan Zhi!    


Min Ann'ge saw the two of them rushing over. He was very familiar with the microphones and cameras in their hands. In a split-second, he reacted and said:    


"This is bad!" We've been discovered! "    


As soon as his voice fell, Li Wu'er was already only a few steps away from them!    


Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi's hand and only said one word, "Run!" The two of them began to run for their lives!    


Luan Zhi was still wearing her high-heeled shoes. It was not convenient for her to run, so her speed was slightly slower. Fortunately, the stockings were strong enough to avoid the intimate contact between his feet and the ground.    


The reporters surrounding Loris also saw Li Wu'er's actions and suddenly realized that the one he was chasing was the main character of this fashion show, the "drug addict" event.    




Like a swarm of moths, the reporters followed behind Li Wu'er and chased after Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge. On the other hand, Loris' foreign friend was watching the crowd scatter with confusion. If one looked closely, they would see that the one chasing them was the designer of the fashion show that he had admired a moment ago!    


"Oh my god!" She is even more liked by others than I am! " "No," he said. Of course, it was in English!    


Her tone sounded as if she was heartbroken by the reporters' lack of affection. Right now, the only people around him were the three bodyguards who had the same stupefied expression on their faces.    


This huge gap was a little hard for him to accept, so he placed both hands on his forehead and asked: "Who exactly is she?" Of course, he knew who Luan Zhi was. It was just that she was a foreigner and he had yet to fully understand her complicated relationship.    


The bodyguards were at a loss.    


When Min Ann'ge turned around to observe his "pursuers", he saw that Loris, who was still in a daze, still had time to complain to Luan Zhi.    


"Look, he's safe now!"    


Luan Zhi only had time to take a quick glance before she immediately turned to look at the road.    


The high-heeled shoes beneath his feet were very hard to wear. He had lost track of them for a long time! Of course, there was also the possibility that she had deliberately thrown him off.    


However, due to the long skirt, no one had discovered it yet!    


Min Ann'ge saw it was inconvenient for Luan Zhi to run, so he held her in his arms. Luckily, Luan Zhi was very light, so it was a happy thing for him to carry her and run for his life!    


Min Ann'ge reached out his hand and hailed a taxi that just stopped. He carried Luan Zhi and got into the taxi directly. Then, he said to the driver impatiently,    


"Master! "Let's go, thank you!"    


"Alright!" The driver replied, then started the car and drove off, just missing Li Wu'er who had arrived!    


Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, who had survived the disaster, looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time.    


The driver noticed a group of people chasing them through the rearview mirror and asked curiously,    


"Aiyo, you two, are you robbing the dojo or stealing the bride? So many people are chasing you! "    


Before Luan Zhi could open her mouth to explain, Min Ann'ge answered first:    


"Good eye!" My bride was captured with great difficulty! "Then I'll go up to the mountain and be a wife of a stronghold.    


The driver, of course, knew he was joking. As a chauffeur, he wasn't good at driving, but at driving! That capacity for making fun of others was not any less than that of those famous celebrities!    


The driver continued with a smile: "Oh, then may I ask, which hill are you planning to go back to?"    


"Sunshine Avenue villa area."    


"Yo, upscale rich district heh!" This is the first time I've been there. But don't worry, I know the way! In the entire city, I know all the streets, big and small! "    


Looking at the two people in the back seat, the driver said,    


"You are really beautiful! No wonder they wanted it back! If it's me, I'll have to snatch it back and hide it. "    


Min Ann'ge raised his eyebrows and adjusted his sitting position with Luan Zhi in his arms. He then let her lie down with her head resting on his lap. This way, the driver couldn't see his wife's face in the rearview mirror!    


"I got them at the entrance of the hotel. You can try it next time!" Min Ann'ge said in a good mood.    


The driver shook his head when he heard this. Those who went in and out of that place were all rich people! As for me, it's enough to spend the rest of my life watching over that couple of ours. Even though my old women aren't as beautiful as you, but in the future, they will always be the same! Did you see that pillow in the back? Lovely, isn't it? "My wife made it."    


Listening to the driver ramble on and on about how clever and clever his partner was, he then added that there would occasionally be a small quarrel between the two of them!    


At the end, he even passed on to Min Ann'ge the skill to control wives and said:    


"Young man, it's unavoidable for couples to stumble over each other! The most important thing was to coax his wife. Then if you're not coaxing your own daughter-in-law, who are you coaxing? Men were men who could support both heaven and earth. At home, they had to submit. That's my wife, not an outsider! "    


Min Ann'ge listened with interest.    


Luan Zhi also felt that what Min Ann'ge said was reasonable. She even made a face at Min Ann'ge, hinting him to quickly learn from this Brother Driver's experience!    


Along the way, Min Ann'ge gave priority to his driver, so they soon arrived at their destination. When they got out of the car, the driver said in a serious tone:    


"Good luck, young man!" I think highly of you! "    


The car disappeared.    


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