Lovely Substitute Bride



"Mom, are you feeling better?"    


Mei Shanshan nodded slowly. With a kind smile on her face, she said, "Look at you, all of you are shocked. It's just an acute appendicitis, and he already scared you to such a state! Am I really getting old? " In the end, he even made fun of her.    


Luan Zhi quickly said, "How could that be? Mom, you and Dad are in their prime, how can they be old? "When Duoduo grows up, none of you will be old!"    


"That's right, Duo Duo! Both of you are here. Only then did Luan Shen interject.    


Luan Zhi looked at Luan Shen and explained, "Ann'ge has already sent Duo Duo to school! You, don't worry! On the other hand, there should be a lot of things going on in the corporation, right? "    


Before Luan Shen could say anything, his phone rang.    


He hung up the call without any hesitation. Luan Shen didn't answer, but looked at the tens of messages!    


All of these were basically information that had come from the Luan Group, and all of them were report on the problems that had occurred in the current group.    


In just two days, all sorts of problems had been constantly highlighted. Most of them had to do with the members of the Luan!    


Even Luan Shen, as the company's CEO, had a headache!    


Seeing her father hang up the phone, Luan Zhi asked with concern, "Dad, why aren't you answering? Did something happen at the corporation? "    


"I do have something to take care of. I need to go back and take care of it!" "Zhi, I'll leave your mother in your care!" Luan Shen said awkwardly. Although he only wanted to stay with his wife, it would be very troublesome if there were any big movements in the group!    


Sometimes, people were forced to do this!    


"Don't worry!" On Mom's side, there's me! Don't worry too much, pay attention to your body! " Luan Zhi said. One of them had already fallen. Although her father's physique could still be considered strong and healthy, he still needed to take care of himself!    


Luan Shen nodded and said to Mei Shanshan, "I'll be going then."    


Without saying anything else, the two of them had long since locked their hearts into each other's throats. Mei Shanshan nodded in understanding and gave him a slice of apple peeled by Luan Zhi.    


When Min Ann'ge came back from washing the dishes, Luan Shen was already gone.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge chatted with Mei Shanshan for a while. When they saw Mei Shanshan looking tired, they quickly let her rest!    


Min Ann'ge still had to go to the company, and Luan Zhi wanted to go home and get some soup for her mother.    


As the two of them walked out, Min Ann'ge asked:    


"Has something happened at Dad's side recently?"    


Luan Zhi paused for a moment, looked at Min Ann'ge and said, "It should be so! A phone call came in and he hung up before answering it. He went back in a hurry! "    


Min Ann'ge wanted to say something but hesitated, as if he knew something.    


Luan Zhi asked, "What do you know?"    


Min Ann'ge did not hide anything and directly said: "The China Art have some business which is related to a few subsidiary companies of the Luan, so I know a few people. I heard recently that a lot of projects that are already under way have been lost, and there are also many important positions where senior management has offered to resign. "    


"Are they all here in the last two days?"    


"Yes. It was Mom's illness that suddenly increased in the last two days. Actually, as far as I know, there were some problems before, but they were harmless enough for Dad to suppress. This time, I'm afraid there's something fishy. " Min Ann'ge analyzed with his experience.    


"What a coincidence! Help me check again. Why are there so many problems?! As for the solution, I believe in Father's strength! He must be able to handle it the way he used to. " Luan Zhi said.    


Min Ann'ge nodded. He knew that Luan Zhi's focus was on Mei Shanshan, and now that she was going back to her restaurant, he couldn't help but worry a little.    


"Cough, you want some soup later? for Mom to drink? "    


Luan Zhi looked at his random question and said, "Yes!" Seeing Min Ann'ge's thoughtful expression, he immediately reacted. This guy, was actually suspecting him!    


Luan Zhi somewhat uncomfortably said, "Although, although my cooking is not that good, but, but, soup is so simple, I can learn it as soon as I learn it!"    


"Oh? "Is that so?" After saying that, Min Ann'ge quickened his pace, ran away from Luan Zhi and got into the car.    


"You …" Luan Zhi had no chance to retort at all!    


Luan Zhi started her car. As she passed by Min Ann'ge, she rolled down the window and said to him, "Just you wait!" Then he accelerated out of the garage.    


Min Ann'ge shook his head, and also headed towards the China Art.    


On her way home, the ambitious Luan Zhi went to a bookstore to buy soup recipes for the sick and then went to the market to pick out some of the freshest ingredients.    


When he got home, he couldn't wait to follow the recipe.    


As the saying goes, "One who eats a setback will grow a wisdom"!    


After the painful lesson of nearly burning her family down, Luan Zhi decided to change her mind and not blow up her family! The fire, slowly lit up, then adjusted according to the size of the scale.    


Although I can't guarantee the taste of the soup for the first time, but I absolutely have to be clean and clean!    


After carefully washing all sorts of ingredients, he looked at the menu as he added various condiments into the claypot.    


When Luan Zhi came out of the first pot, she hesitated for a long time but still didn't dare to take a sip!    


He first sniffed to make sure there was no strange smell, then carefully scooped up a spoonful and drank it.    


With a smack on her lips, Luan Zhi poured the whole pot of carrot and mountain medicine soup into the sewer.    


"Too salty. The doctor said not to eat too heavy. "Do it again, do it again!"    


Luan Zhi said to herself as a form of encouragement!    


After all, this was the first time he had cooked hot pot soup. It was already a great improvement if he didn't invite the fire brigade over like last time!    


Seeing that there was still time, Luan Zhi quickly stewed another pot.    


This time, it was much lighter! As for the taste, the high-end restaurants that she had eaten in the past naturally had vastly different flavors.    


He had no choice but to bite the bullet and let his mother have a taste!    


He raised his hand and saw that it was already time for her to leave school. Luan Zhi put the soup into the thermos and, before she could clean up, rushed to the car to pick her up.    


When she arrived at the school, she had already been waiting for a long time.    


Beside her, there was a handsome little boy that was constantly apologizing with a smile. However, Duo Duo was looking straight ahead as she ignored him with her small mouth pouting.    


After greeting Duo Duo's teacher, Luan Zhi finally caught up with her.    


"Mommy …" After Duoduo got on the carriage, she became a bit shy.    


"Duoduo, what's wrong?" Luan Zhi replied as she drove slowly.    


"Mommy, don't be sad. Grandma will be fine!" She even stretched out her hand to wipe Luan Zhi's cheek.    


Luan Zhi initially did not shed tears, but after being touched by so many small hands, coupled with her soft words, a wave of bitterness surged forth, but she quickly blinked her eyes and resisted it!    


"Alright, Duo Duo is the most obedient! Duo Duo, do you want to see grandma? " Luan Zhi changed the topic. If he kept talking, he really wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore!    


"Yes!" Mommy, take me to see Grandma! " Duoduo called out in a spoiled manner.    


Yesterday, she had wanted to accompany her grandfather and mother to wait for her grandmother, but then she somehow fell asleep! When she woke up, it was already the second day!    


Luan Zhi quickly said, "Alright! Quick, sit down! Let's go see Granny! However, Duo Duo has to make an appointment with Mommy! "    


"Mommy, what's a rule of law?" she asked, scratching her small head.    


"That's right, there are three small secrets between Duo Duo and Mommy, let's keep it a secret together! You must do it, only then can you take Duo Duo to see your grandmother! "    


"What is that?" Duo Duo will definitely be able to do it. " Duo Duo said.    


"First of all, Duoduo must attend school well. She must be obedient and not neglect her studies!"    


"Yes, yes. Teacher is praising me too much today!" Duo Duo scored 100 points! " Duo Duo took out a paper from her schoolbag. On the paper, there was a big "100" written on a red pen!    


Luan Zhi touched Duoduo's head as she praised, "Duo Duo is awesome!"    


"And the second?" "Mommy." asked Dodo impatiently, for the first was nothing but a piece of cake to her!    


"Secondly, Duo Duo must not make a ruckus when she sees grandma. Will she disturb grandma's rest?"    


Duo Duo also agreed.    


"And third, Duo Duo, you were scared by Mommy yesterday right? You can't be mad at Mommy, you know? " Luan Zhi said. Originally, he had gone to Disney yesterday to improve the relationship between mother and daughter, but in the end, he had met with such an unexpected event!    


Now that he thought about it, Duo Duo must not be further away from him!    


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