Lovely Substitute Bride



Seeing Luan Zhi's worried expression, Min Ann'ge smiled and didn't mind.    


"It's just a few people, how could I be afraid of them? Is my bodyguard here to watch? It's just a clown! "    


Min Ann'ge didn't tell her that more than half of the people in the group were his! Just stroking Luan Zhi's smooth and round shoulders felt good!    


Luan Zhi thought about it and felt that it made sense, but she was still a bit worried. She shared all the gossip and entertainment reports with Min Ann'ge and said:    


"Do you think this will affect you too much? "If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have gone up onto the stage. I was alone …"    


Min Ann'ge's index finger softly stuck to her as it spread throughout the room. He said in a low voice:    


"I am a man. Can I watch as my woman is besieged and not saved? I said that I would protect you! "    


Luan Zhi smiled so much that her eyes curved into crescents. She stuck out her tongue mischievously and licked Min Ann'ge's finger.    


Min Ann'ge's eyes darkened. "You're playing with fire …"    


"I was wrong! I was wrong! " Luan Zhi shouted in a hurry, getting up and jumping away as she spoke.    


"If it's useful to apologize, why would I need the police?"    


As he spoke, he quickly reached out and scooped her up. Then, he bent down and deeply stabilized her.    


"After a long time, I finally relaxed and rested my forehead against hers." You want to run after setting a fire? "    


Luan Zhi looked at Min Ann'ge reprimanded with a blush.    


"Go, pick up the flowers!"    


Min Ann'ge pulled Luan Zhili and said.    


Luan Zhi suddenly remembered and exclaimed:    


"Ah, I told you that I forgot something. Oh no, oh no! "    


He quickly ran upstairs to change his clothes.    


Min Ann'ge smiled and reminded him:    


"I've already spoken to Dodo's teacher. Teacher said that Duo Duo went to Yuan Yuan's house to play. We'll go to Yuan Yuan's later to pick her up. "    


"Yuan Yuan? You know the address of Yuan Yuan's house? "    


Luan Zhi quickly put on her down jacket and snow boots.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her dressing, nodded and said:    


"Teacher gave it to me." Yuan Yuan's house had also called. No rush! I'll take you guys to a good place after you receive Duo Duo! "    


"Hmm? Where to? "Aiya, why didn't you say so earlier? Then I'll go back and change my clothes."    


Luan Zhi turned around and was about to go upstairs to change into some more formal looking clothes, but she was stopped by Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge said with a smile:    


"So it's like this, it's pretty good!" You look good in anything you wear! "    


Luan Zhi said:    


"Isn't it slovenly?"    


"No. It's beautiful! "    


Only then did the two of them get in the car and drive towards Yuan Yuan's house.    


Today, he specifically made the driver drive the car to Yuan Yuan's home before sending the driver home.    


Yuan Yuan's family didn't live a rich life, but lived in a slightly old district. Some of the old buildings had lost their lacquer, and they creaked as they walked down the stairs, which was quite scary.    


This kind of staircase was specially built outside the building. It was not one with the building, and it was only built with some thick iron plates. It was already stained with rust!    


Fortunately, this building only had five floors and Yuan Yuan lived on the second floor.    


Knocking on the door of Yuan Yuan's house, Duo Duo looked out and found that it was her mommy and daddy. She ran over and hugged Min Ann'ge's thighs, raised her head and said:    


"Daddy, Mommy, you guys are here to pick up the flowers!"    


Min Ann'ge carried her and said:    


"That's right!" "Is Duo Duo naughty?"    


She shook her head like a rattle and said:    


"Not at all. Yuan Yuan and I have finished our homework and are drawing! "    


Yuan Yuan also walked over timidly, looking at Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge obediently calling for someone, then quietly stood beside her mother.    


Yuan Yuan's mother quickly went inside and said,    


"It's cold inside, hurry!"    


Luan Zhi quickly handed over the boxes of gifts in her hands and said:    


"Big sister, this is a little gift from us, please accept it!"    


When Yuan Yuan saw that the gift package was so exquisite and it was even several large boxes, she hurriedly refused and said:    


"No no, this gift is too valuable! It's better if you take it back and use it yourselves! "    


Luan Zhi and Yuan Yuan gave way to each other a few times, unable to reach a consensus for a long time.    


Min Ann'ge gently pinched Duoduo's little butt. When he saw Duo Duo turning around to look at him, he winked at her and then winked at Luan Zhi and Yuan Yuan.    


Duo Duo giggled.    


Min Ann'ge took Duo Duo's small schoolbag and said while holding her,    


"It's a bit late today, so I won't disturb you guys. I'll definitely pay my respects another day!"    


After saying that, he quickly left the door.    


Luan Zhi also quickly reacted and placed all the gifts in her hands beside Yuan Yuan's mother's feet. She also withdrew herself and cried out:    


"Aiya, yeah, yeah. I still have things to do at home!" Big Sis, then we'll be leaving first! Thank you for today! "    


Yuan Yuan's mother rushed out with the presents, but Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were already gone! He could only accept those gifts!    


"Hahaha!" Daddy, Daddy, run faster! Mommy is going to catch up with us! "    


Duo Duo turned her head and looked at Luan Zhi, who was a few steps behind her. She smiled and urged Min Ann'ge to speed up.    


It wasn't that Min Ann'ge couldn't run, but he was worried that Luan Zhi wouldn't be able to catch up with him. Thus, he stopped and put the flowers on the ground while panting heavily, he said:    


"Duo Duo has gained weight again!"    


Duo Duo pouted and said,    


"Not at all!"    


Luan Zhi had also run up to them and was covered in sweat as she said,    


"Seriously! Too bad! I'm so tired! "    


Min Ann'ge, who was called out, smiled. He felt pleased with the success of his little trick. He straightened his body and said:    


"Let's go and eat first!"    


The family of three found an ordinary restaurant on the side of the road. Although it was small, it was still very clean. The couple in the restaurant had a son who was about the same age as Duo Duo.    


The couple seemed to be very familiar with Min Ann'ge. Seeing Min Ann'ge's arrival, they smiled and asked:    


"Long time no see!" Or the same? "    


At this moment, Min Ann'ge was like a boy next door. He had completely shed off his star aura and the domineering look of a CEO looking down on the world. He looked very ordinary and warm. He shook his head and said:    


"No, this time I brought my wife and daughter with me. I need more, let's have a taste of Eldest Brother's excellent cooking skills!"    


Only then did the Lady Boss walk up to Luan Zhi with a curious look. She said with astonishment,    


"Aiya, after not seeing you for a few years, you already have a wife and child. A daughter-in-law is so beautiful!"    


The owner's voice came from just behind the curtain, and he mocked:    


"That's right!" Do you think I'm you!? "    


The Lady Boss jokingly scolded:    


"You heartless old fool. If you match me like this, then hurry up and burn incense!"    


Laughter came from inside as he replied:    


"Yes, yes, yes. Hurry up and ask Little An to order the dishes!" "Hungry the child!"    


When the Lady Boss heard this, she hurriedly passed the menu to Luan Zhi and said,    


"Hurry up and eat more. Let's see how skinny you are."    


He then looked at Duo Duo, who was rolling around with her big eyes, and said:    


"What a clever child!"    


Min Ann'ge said with a smile:    


"Eldest sister-in-law, stop praising her. If you keep praising her, fly into the sky!"    


Duo Duo hugged Min Ann'ge's neck proudly and said:    


"Duo Duo can't fly to the sky, it's not like she's Chang'e-jie!"    


Luan Zhi smiled as she looked at the menu and asked Min Ann'ge what he wanted to eat.    


Min Ann'ge had come to this restaurant often before, and he knew the dishes very well. He said a few names without even looking at the menu, and one of them was the one that both Duo and Lili liked to eat.    


The Lady Boss got the menu, poured water for the two of them, and then went into the inner room to work with the Boss.    


Luan Zhi asked.    


"You used to come here often?"    


Min Ann'ge looked at the narrow shop. The furnishings had not changed in the past few years. He nodded and said nostalgically:    


"Yeah, back then, I was still very poor."    


Luan Zhi knew that he was thinking of the past. She quickly reached out her hand to take his. When she saw his hand, she also did the same. Three hands covered each other, feeling very warm.    


Duo Duo smiled and said:    


"Hehe, Daddy's hands are the biggest, Mommy's hands are the softest, and Duo Duo's hands are the smallest!"    


Luan Zhi scratched her nose and said:    


"Only you know how to compare! "How dare you be so arrogant!"    


Duo Duo giggled.    


Min Ann'ge was also very satisfied.    


Time always passed by unintentionally!    


This small restaurant had a lot of memories for him. After all these years of enduring the rain and the wind, in the end, it was enough to have Luan Zhi and Duo Duo by his side!    


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