Lovely Substitute Bride



Two days later, Luan Zhi's foot injury had completely healed.    


Ever since Fann Leeming said that to Luan Zhi in the design room, he never went to look for Luan Zhi again, not even going to the newspaper.    


The editor of the newspaper had called him countless times to urge him on, but there was no way to get him to work. However, that editor didn't dare to fire him. After all, he was the soul of the newspaper!    


Fann Leeming had locked himself in his house and spent all day pouring wine to worry about his future. He blamed himself for betraying Luan Zhi, guilty for his wrongdoings with Teacher Lee Dong, and had a serious doubt about his own ability.    


In his drunken stupor, he could always see Teacher Lee Dong appear in front of him, foaming at the mouth as he shouted, "Give me back my life!" He reached out to grab him.    


In the bathroom mirror, the bed was facing the ceiling. Even if you went out to get a takeout, when you opened the door, you would see Lee Dong's stooped body slowly turning around.    


His mind was about to collapse!    


However, he couldn't tell anyone that Luan Zhi was the only one who knew of his pain.    


The phone that Fann Leeming hadn't touched for a long time rang. He was stunned for a long time before he reached out to grab it and said:    




His voice was hoarse and hoarse, as if he was drinking a mouthful of hot sand.    


Luan Zhi's voice came from the other end of the phone:    


"Fann Leeming, if you want to know the truth, then come to my design room right now."    


Fann Leeming's mind instantly cleared up and he quickly asked:    


"Truth? What truth? "    


"You'll know when you get here."    


With that, Luan Zhi hung up the phone.    


In Luan Zhi's office, Min Ann'ge was also sitting beside her. Seeing her hang up, he said:    


"Do you really want to tell him? If it were me, I would make him feel guilty for the rest of his life! "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, hmph, hmph!"    


Luan Zhi stepped forward and held his hand, saying in a gentle and soft voice:    


"He has always lived in guilt. If he didn't tell him, what would he do if one day he couldn't take it in? Besides, Jiang Guowei thought that he has controlled Fann Leeming. If he was pulled over, he would be angered to death! "    


Min Ann'ge was silent as he stood beside Luan Zhi. He leaned over and stared into her eyes.    


"What are you doing?"    


Luan Zhi was scared witless by his gaze. She asked while touching her cheeks.    


Min Ann'ge suddenly leaned over and kissed. He immediately straightened his back and said:    


"Then I'll give you face!"    


"Good, good, good! He will be here soon, so don't go yet, let's talk together! "    


Luan Zhi said.    


While they were talking, Xiao Lee knocked on the office door with Fann Leeming.    


"Sit down!"    


Luan Zhi took the initiative and said after Fann Leeming walked in.    


Min Ann'ge had already taken a seat on the sofa opposite her. There was only one place left for him to sit.    


Fann Leeming was a bit embarrassed and said with a smile:    


"No, no need. I will just stand."    


"If I tell you to sit, then sit!"    


Min Ann'ge said coldly without even looking at him.    


Only then did Fann Leeming sit down, trembling. However, he only sat for a little less than half of the seat.    


It wasn't that he despised Min Ann'ge! He was afraid of Min Ann'ge.    


During the press conference and the first meeting, Min Ann'ge always gave him a cruel and evil impression. Only when dealing with Luan Zhi would he take back his edges.    


"Didn't you want to know the truth? If I tell you, will you agree to a request from me? "    


Luan Zhi looked at Fann Leeming and said, not letting go of his expression.    


Fann Leeming asked anxiously:    


"As long as it's something I can do, just say it!"    


"Don't worry!" I definitely won't make things difficult for you, but if you betray me like last time, then don't blame me for being rude! "    


Luan Zhi said with a cold expression.    


Whatever the reason, he had betrayed her. That was the truth!    


Fann Leeming nodded.    


"Actually, Teacher Lee Dong did not die. He is still alive, in this city! "    


Luan Zhi said slowly.    


Fann Leeming suddenly stood up. He walked forward and slammed his hands on Luan Zhi's desk. He looked at Luan Zhi with his eyes wide open and said in disbelief,    


"He, he didn't die?"    




Min Ann'ge squinted his eyes and said to Fann Leeming,    


"If you don't want to talk anymore, then get out of here. If you still want to talk, then sit still! "Don't yell!"    


He already knew from Xiao Lee and the others that Fann Leeming cried and screamed in this office the last time he came here to find Luan Zhi.    


With him here today, how could he let this happen again?    


Fann Leeming turned his head. He only glanced at Min Ann'ge once before looking away. He lowered his head and went back to his seat. However, he still looked at Luan Zhi with excitement as he asked,    


"Is what you said true?" Is he really not dead? "    


"If you don't believe me, you can go to the girl you support every month. That girl is Teacher Lee Dong's daughter."    


At the same time, she took out the photo from her phone.    


This was what Min Ann'ge had casually bought when he had just entered Teacher Lee Dong's house.    


Fann Leeming's hands were trembling as he took the phone from Luan Zhi. He looked at the man on the screen who had gone through a lot of changes. He could still see the high spirits of the past.    


"Sorry, sorry! "Great!"    


Fann Leeming hugged the phone, hot tears gushed out of his eyes, but he didn't dare to cry. He bit his lower lip hard and suppressed himself.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge took a glance and shook their heads.    


Fann Leeming quickly stopped his outburst this time. He respectfully handed the phone to Luan Zhi, wiped his face and said,    


"I always thought that Teacher Lee Dong died because of me, so I couldn't calm down. Now that you are able to tell me this news, I am truly grateful to you! "    


Luan Zhi waved her hand and said:    


"If you really want to thank me, help me topple Jiang Guowei! "You know, since he's investigated Lee Dong's death, it's impossible for him to not know that Teacher Lee Dong is still alive by relying on his methods. He just wants you to be afraid and listen to his commands."    


Fann Leeming wiped his hair and said:    


"Indeed, when he came to find me a few days before the press conference, he made it clear that Teacher Lee Dong committed suicide and even told me where Teacher Lee Dong was buried. I even went there to pay my respects, but I didn't expect them to be fake! Jiang Guowei has really played a big game of chess! "    


"You know his abomination now!"    


Fann Leeming nodded.    


Min Ann'ge hadn't said anything the whole time. Seeing that he already knew Jiang Guowei's true face, he took the initiative to extend his hand. However, his tone was still cold as he said,    




Fann Leeming looked at that hand, wiped his right hand on his clothes, then held Min Ann'ge's hand and let go. He said excitedly:    


"What do you want me to do? As long as it wasn't murder or arson, anything was fine! I'll listen to you guys. "    


Min Ann'ge slightly tilted his head and looked at Luan Zhi in front of him.    


"There's no need for you to commit murder or arson. But I need your absolute loyalty! "    


Fann Leeming raised three fingers, looked at Min Ann'ge, then looked at Luan Zhi and said:    


"I, Fann Leeming, swear that I will never betray either of you. Otherwise, I will bring shame and disgrace upon myself!"    


Min Ann'ge and Lili both knew that this man valued his reputation, or else he would not have helped Jiang Guowei out of a guilty conscience.    


Although he didn't particularly believe in swearing and swearing, he still saw his determination.    


Luan Zhi then said:    


"We plan to hold another press conference, when the time comes you will have to testify."    


"Press conference? However, the evidence has already been taken away by Jiang Guowei. Without it, those reporters would never believe it! "    


Fann Leeming said.    


Min Ann'ge stood up and walked a few steps towards Luan Zhi's desk. He leaned his back against hers and crossed his arms in front of his chest.    


"That's none of your business. You only need to know that you must stand on our side when the time comes. I hate betrayal the most. Since Zhi chose to forgive you, I'll believe in you again. But, you must remember, you can never again! "    


Fann Leeming wiped the sweat off his forehead and nodded his head.    


"I understand, I understand!"    


After the three of them had decided on a general time and place, Fann Leeming was taken away by Min Ann'ge.    


"You can always rest assured this time, right?" Luan Zhi said.    


Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi and said,    


"I believe it. However, it wasn't that he didn't know, but that he didn't dare! But it doesn't matter, as long as the result is the same. "    


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