Lovely Substitute Bride



As soon as he finished speaking, Soong Yaru came out from the room to the side.    


"Yaru, tell her, have I ever hit you before?"    


Everyone stared at Soong Yaru.    


Soong Yaru lowered her head, hesitating in her heart. Finally, she closed her eyes and said with all her heart:    




"Did you hear that? Miss Luan, if you continue to slander me like this in the future, I'll sue you for slander! "Although I am an official and am under the supervision of the masses, you can't yell without evidence, can you?"    


Luan Zhi was pointed at and reprimanded. When she saw Soong Yaru's weak appearance, she became even angrier.    


"Mayor Jiang sure has good methods!"    


"You, you, you! As you can see, this woman has always been lying! I want to sue her! The public servants of the people do not allow her to sully them as she pleases! "    


Jiang Guowei was so angry that his hands were trembling. He grabbed the landline nearby and was about to dial the police.    


Soong Yaru rushed forward and pressed down the phone. She looked pleadingly at Jiang Guowei and said:    




Jiang Guowei glared at her.    


Soong Yaru quickly explained,    


"Miss Luan is young and insensible. She must have wrongly believed others' words. Just spare her! "    


Luan Zhi also stood up and sternly said:    


"I don't need him to spare me! Go away, I want to see what he can do to me today! "    


Luan Zhi reached out to pull Soong Yaru away, but she was pulled to the side instead.    


"Calm down, don't cause any more trouble!"    


Soong Yaru whispered, almost pleadingly. Even Luan Zhi was moved!    


Jiang Guowei also stood up, pointed at Luan Zhi and said loudly:    


"Everyone, take a look and see who is the one who is still unrelenting!"    


Even so, he put down the phone in his hand, dropped it on the floor, and beeped.    


Luan Zhi wanted to continue, but was forcibly dragged towards the door by Soong Yaru.    


Walking to the door, Soong Yaru said in a low voice,    


"Don't worry about me. Go back!" "Please …"    


"I've come to help you, and you're helping him cover his tracks. Is this how you act?"    


Soong Yaru shook her head and said in pain:    


"I have my reasons, I had no choice …"    


His voice was lowered as he used Luan Zhi to obstruct their line of sight, preventing them from hearing his words.    


Luan Zhi heaved a heavy sigh and sighed.    


"Ai, forget it. Since you've defended him, then there's nothing else to say!"    


He walked out of the door.    


Jiang Guowei sneered in his heart and said:    


"Did everyone see that? It was she who left in error. "    


A few reporters nodded in embarrassment.    


Originally, he was here to interview Soong Yaru and wanted to expose Jiang Guowei's scandal! However, he found out that Jiang Guowei didn't do those dirty things, and now he wanted to interview him again to publicize his great achievements, so that he could curry favor with him!    


However, since things had gotten to this point, Luan Zhi had come with them.    


They also felt awkward and hurriedly ended the interview before leaving Jiang Guowei's house.    


On the way back, the reporters began to criticize Fann Leeming:    


"Look at what you've done! Call us in without a proper investigation. How would this situation end? I hope that Lord Mayor Jiang will be magnanimous and not implicate us! "    


Fann Leeming didn't leave with Luan Zhi. Instead, he stayed behind because he wanted to see what else Jiang Guowei could say.    


With his understanding of Jiang Guowei, he definitely wouldn't let this go!    


"Think about it carefully. Is Jiang Guowei really the kind of person who is magnanimous and honest? Have you forgotten about what the driver exposed? "You guys have all seen it today. He's still hostile towards a woman, what will he do to Yang Tianhai behind her back that you guys can't see?"    


Everyone looked at each other in dismay. After some thought, they felt that it was reasonable!    


He didn't say anything when Luan Zhi made Jiang Guowei swear to prove his innocence. Instead, he cleverly went around it.    


Now that Fann Leeming had nodded, they were all enlightened and nodded their heads.    


"So you're saying, Mayor Jiang really acted out a show?"    


A reporter speculated.    


"Wouldn't it be fine to see what he has done in the past?" Do you want to overturn those previous arguments just by showing up and saying a few noble words today? "    


Fann Leeming told his analysis to these few reporters and finally got their agreement.    


The next day, the news that came out of the newspaper was completely different from what Jiang Guowei wanted!    


Although everyone's words in the interview videos and articles were a true representation, at the end, there was still a few bits of truth to the interview that made one wonder endlessly!    


The netizens couldn't help but to collect a large amount of food and clothing that Jiang Guowei went in and out of the house. There were even more people who knew about it.    


Very soon, everyone's impression of Jiang Guowei was worse than when they didn't have an interview!    


The votes shown on the governor's poll website were clearly different from Di Jinming's!    


After Luan Zhi left Soong Yaru's home in anger, she told Min Ann'ge about this matter!    


"What a waste of emotion! I'm worried that if she gets locked up, she'll go all out against me! I don't care anymore! "    


Luan Zhi said angrily.    


Min Ann'ge frowned and asked:    


"Maybe she really did have some difficulties like she said!"    


Adults always have a lot of helplessness!    


It was not always the same, but it was nothing compared to what the speaker said!    


Only the person concerned knew what his state of mind was, and what path he had to choose in order to continue on.    


"Difficult? No matter how difficult it is, I don't want to help her anymore! "    


Luan Zhi suddenly felt a little tired. Her previous worry had turned into anger when she got there. She felt as if she was the only one worrying, which really made her tired!    


"Be good, I'll give you a massage tonight!"    


Min Ann'ge said. His heart ached, but he could only comfort her like this.    


After hanging up the phone, Min Ann'ge said to Assistant Cao,    


"Call Reiss over."    


At that time, Reiss was at the spot where Yang Tianhai threw the corpse. He was lying on the ground, looking for it with a magnifying glass, inch by inch. His phone rang several times before he finally took it out.    


Knowing that Assistant Cao was the one to tell him to go back, he refused:    


"Little Assistant Cao, I'm busy right now! "Let's talk about it later!"    


He quickly hung up the phone and continued searching.    


Assistant Cao didn't have any other choice. After being coldly stared at by Wu Tie for a while, he finally got over it.    


Jiang Guowei saw that although his vote count was still increasing, the increase had been greatly reduced. He aggressively made a call to the web operator!    


The man who he had never seen before said on the phone:    


"Mayor Jiang, we are indeed voting for the votes you bought, but we can't just give them all at once. "Think about it, if this were to suddenly increase by tens of thousands, everyone would be able to tell that there's something fishy going on!"    


Jiang Guowei asked loudly:    


"Then how many votes did you guys cast a day?"    


"Five thousand! "Mayor Jiang, you can be at ease. We've done this many times and you are already an old acquaintance. We won't cheat you!"    


That person said a lot and repeatedly promised that he would strictly follow the agreement to vote.    


However, Jiang Guowei looked at the votes increase every day. Other than the promised 5000 votes, there were no more votes. He was so angry that his cheeks were trembling!    


At that moment, his phone rang again.    


"Mayor Jiang, I have a problem over here. Look..."    


Jiang Guowei was very cautious and directly interrupted the other party:    


"Come to my house immediately and meet me!"    


Then he disconnected the phone.    


Not long after, a Lamborghini luxury car drove into Jiang Guowei's backyard.    


After entering the room, that person impatiently said:    


"Mayor Jiang, is there a need to call me over?"    


The person who spoke was sitting on a wheelchair, but it was Luan Feixian!    


He saw that Luan Feixian's smile didn't seem to care, as he searched around the room for something.    


Jiang Guowei turned around:    


"Stop looking, there's no one in this room!" Only one is locked in the bedroom upstairs. "    


Seeing that his thoughts had been seen through, Luan Feixian smiled coyly and nodded his head. He no longer looked around and looked at Jiang Guowei ingratiatingly.    


Jiang Guowei lit up a cigarette and said,    


"Don't you know that phones can be easily monitored? If you have anything important to say in the future, just take it as an interview. "    


Luan Feixian smacked his lips. What an old fox. If he didn't have something to ask for his help, how would he please him like this? He felt disdain in his heart, but on the surface, he was flattering:    


"As expected of Mayor Jiang!"    


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