Lovely Substitute Bride



Jerry thought for a while, turned around and left in the opposite direction.    


When they arrived at the captain's quarters, Min Ann'ge did not knock on the door. Instead, he pushed it open and barged in.    


The captain was standing in the middle with sweat all over his forehead. He seemed to be talking to the people beside him. When he saw Min Ann'ge come in, his body trembled and he quickly walked over.    


"Mr Min, I just turned around and said a few words to the helmsman. When I turned around, I saw that they were gone …"    


"Stop talking nonsense!" Immediately, someone from the police station will look for him! "Don't leak the news."    


Min Ann'ge waved his hand and interrupted him. The most important thing for him to do now was to get Duo Duo back.    


The captain blushed and nodded solemnly:    


"Yes sir!"    


He summoned almost all the crew and arranged the task of finding Duo Duo.    


In the captain's quarters, Luan Zhi paced back and forth, rubbing her hands as she muttered:    


"What should we do? It's almost dark now, Duoduo is alone outside. Will she be as hungry as last time? "    


Min Ann'ge stood aside with his head lowered. No one knew what he was thinking. Suddenly, he raised his head, pulled Luan Zhi to his side and consoled her in a low voice,    


"Don't worry! If they were taken away, they wouldn't be able to escape. The surroundings are filled with seawater, and we haven't been able to find any other ships approaching. "    


Luan Zhi, on the other hand, thought of an even more terrifying idea and covered her face as she wailed.    


"Did she accidentally fall into the sea? She's so obedient that she would have gone home sooner if she'd gone out to play. "    


Min Ann'ge's heart ached. He pushed her into his embrace and kept patting her on the back.    


Jerry ran in. Before he could catch his breath, he said to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge,    


"I have already sent people to look for it. There are a few informants on board, I'll tell them to keep an eye out. I'll let you know if anything happens! "    


Min Ann'ge nodded.    


However, Luan Zhi still buried her head in her sadness.    


Jerry suddenly felt uneasy. She had seen Duoduo before in the theater, and felt that she was a cute and smart girl. She probably wouldn't run away on her own.    


Perhaps …    


Jerry shook his head and walked out of the captain's room.    


Over a thousand people were looking for Duo Duo. At this moment, Duo Duo was following behind a man as they walked forward.    


"I told you, don't follow me!"    


The man turned his head, a scar on his chin that had already formed a scab was very eye-catching. As it was a foreigner's wound, his eyes were deep and blue, making them look very clear!    


What he just said was actually Chinese! The words were very clear, only a little unnatural in the individual tones.    


Duo Duo giggled, her big eyes rolled around as she obediently stood on the spot.    


"Uncle Shuang, who are you? I think I've seen you before! "    


The man sneered, his hand subconsciously touching his chin, his fingers caressing the terrifying scar.    


"Don't you think that scar looks like a twisted, ugly insect?"    


The child had often been frightened by the scar, and even adults had advised him to have a skin transplant.    


Duo Duo, however, innocently shook her head.    


"No!" I think this uncle is the cool one! "But you're a little bit worse than my dad!"    


In Duoduo's world, her father was the most handsome!    


The man laughed out loud. This place was rather remote, so no one could hear him.    


"Is that so? "Kid, what's your name?"    


It was rare to see such a bold and cute little girl, the man asked.    


"My name is Duo Duo. Uncle, what's your name? Teacher Apple had said that she would treat them with courtesy! If I tell you my name, you have to tell me yours too! "    


Shaking his head, the man leaned against the wall and sat down on the stairs, waving at Duo Duo.    


She was not afraid. She walked over and sat down next to the man.    


"Xiao Duoduo, I told you my name, so you should keep it a secret! I can't tell anyone else! "    


"Uncle, I definitely won't tell anyone your name!"    


Only then did the man look around. After confirming that no one was following him, he said to Duo Duo.    


"My name is Tom!"    


"Tom? Was it Tom the Cat and the Mouse? I like to watch cats and mice! "    


Tom laughed, and the image of a charming woman suddenly appeared in his mind. She seemed to have heard her colleagues call her Jerry!    


"Uncle Tom, do you know about cats and mice? They are a pair of good friends! "    


Duo Duo said seriously.    


"How could cats and mice be friends? They should be enemies! "    


Just like his relationship with her, they were incompatible fire and water!    


Duo Duo pouted.    


"Not at all! Tom likes to play with Jerry the most! "    


Tom stood up. He had already seen this animation before, and he was bored with it! He turned around and was about to leave.    


Duo Duo immediately stood up.    


"Uncle Tom, where are you going?"    


"Me? This is a secret, I can't tell you. "    


With that, Tom continued walking deeper into the alley.    


This was a passageway on the boat, and only the staff knew that it was hidden on the lowest level.    


Tom went on, and Dodo followed, looking from time to time at the darkening walls, but not stopping for a moment.    


Tom turned again:    


"Xiao Duoduo, don't follow me anymore!" It's very dangerous! "    


Duo Duo shook her head:    


"Duo Duo is not afraid of danger! Duo Duo has seen Uncle Tom before! "    


Tom frowned and stopped again.    


"You've met me?"    


"That's right! "I remember seeing you at Uncle Ji's house. At that time, you were holding a picture in your hand. It was from Yuqingqing!"    


Duo Duo's memory was quite good. This was the first time she saw Uncle Ji's child, and she was quite stunned when she saw the photo.    


With her reminder, Tom finally remembered that Ji Jingchen's family had a friend with the family surname Min, and that the family had a child named Luo.    


"Your surname is Min?"    


"Uncle Tom, did you remember that I came?"    


So it really was Min family's daughter!    


Tom was surprised to see her here!    


"Xiao Duoduo, why are you on this ship?"    


Duo Duo tilted her head and said:    


"Dad and I will accompany Mommy to the tournament, and we'll go on this big boat! I didn't expect Uncle Tom to be here too. Uncle Tom, can you bring me to see Wu Junqing? I've only seen the photo once, Mommy said. It was Uncle Ji's family's Wu Liangqing. "    


Tom thought for a moment, then flatly refused:    


"No way!"    


However, Duo Duo frowned and asked with a pout:    


"Why not? Uncle Tom, I'm begging you! Wu Junqing is really good-looking, I want to see him! Just take me with you! "    


"I, I don't know where he is."    


Tom had to excuse himself.    


"Then how did Uncle Tom get a picture of Wu Jingqing?"    


"This …"    


Tom did not think that a grown man like himself would be stopped by such a little girl.    


Seeing that he couldn't answer, she rushed over and held his hand, shaking it while begging pitifully:    


"Uncle Tom, Duo Duo really wants to see Wu Junqing!" Duo Duo had always been alone since she was young. She really wanted to have a big brother to talk to! Just like Yuan Yuan, if bad people bullied her, her brother would stand up to protect her! I want brother too! "    


As she spoke, tears really did fall down her face.    


Tom did not expect this little girl to wear extraordinary clothes. Her family background should be pretty good, and her childhood should be so lonely. When she thought of his childhood, she actually felt sorry for him!    


Bending down, Tom picked her up.    


"Alright, Xiao Duoduo, don't cry anymore!" It's just that you can't meet Yuqingqing right now! "You go back first. When you grow up, you will see Yuqingqing!"    


Duo Duo stopped crying and revealed a pair of big eyes that were filled with tears:    




"Of course it's true! When did I, Tom, cheat? "Alright, stop crying!"    


She nodded.    


Tom put her on the ground. This little guy was really not light! Rubbing his chest, Tom breathed a sigh of relief.    


"We pull the hook! When I grow up, Uncle Tom will definitely bring me to see Wu Junqing! "    


Tom stretched out his little finger in a funny way and hooked it with the others.    


When he straightened up, Tom gasped.    




Duo Duo hastily asked:    


"Uncle Tom, what happened to you?"    


Tom opened his coat. The light sweater inside was soaked through and was still spreading to the edge.    


"Crap!" The wound has split open again! "    


Tom's body swayed, and he was actually a little unsteady! It must have been because he had used too much strength to hug Duo Duo and pulled on her wound, that she started to bleed again.    


"Uncle Tom, you're bleeding!"    


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