Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi stretched out her hand and patted her shoulder comfortingly.    


Jerry was very strong, and he recovered after a while.    


"After that, I fainted from crying. When I woke up again, there was a young man sitting next to me. He said that he had found me and wanted to take me away. I followed him. In any case, my parents are no longer here, and I have no more home. "    


After hesitating for a while, Jerry finally said:    


"That boy is Tom."    


"Tom? Is that the assassin you were talking about? "    


Jerry nodded.    


"After Tom took me away, he wandered around, came in contact with all sorts of people in society, and learned some self-defense skills. I've always thought of him as a relative. God must have looked at me with pity and made up for me with Tom. We've lived together like this for thirteen years! "    


"It's not easy!" "You're only five years old, and Tom is only a teenager. How did you all get here?"    


Jerry smiled indifferently:    


"When the worst comes to the worst, turn over the trash can and snatch food from the wild dogs. However, it is always good to have someone to rely on, feeling that everything will pass. "    


Luan Zhi saw that she was talking about her old life with a sweet smile on her face. She felt that she must have a different feelings for Tom, so she asked:    


"Then why would they …"    


How did he become an enemy? The police catching the thief, this was a contradiction that was hard to resolve!    


The smile on Jerry's face became bitter:    


"Someone said later that it was Tom who killed my parents."    




"I don't know. In the beginning, I didn't believe it either. He was such a good person, how could he kill my parents? I never saw him before I was five. Why would a stranger suddenly go to someone else's house to kill someone? After that there were a lot of people, so I asked him if he had killed him. Do you know what he said to me? "    


Luan Zhi shook her head faintly.    


"He didn't answer me directly. He just looked at me and laughed. After I asked him so many questions, he said impatiently that he had come to my house to steal food. When he found me, my parents were dead. But when I asked him about the details, he didn't want to say more. "    


"Maybe, he really didn't kill it!"    


Luan Zhi speculated.    


"Everyone said that he was the one who killed them. He didn't refute me and just smiled at me. I'm scared! I was eighteen years old when I finally ran out. Later on I became an Interpol officer, and I also investigated the events of that year, but after so long, I was unable to find any clues. "    


"What about the people who told you Tom was the killer?"    


If those people could be found, once interrogated, they would know who was lying.    


Jerry shook his head.    


"Yes, they were all dead."    




"That's right!" It was killed by the Blood Night! "    


Luan Zhi's heart skipped a beat. If the people who knew about it were dead, wouldn't there be no proof?    




Luan Zhi told her guess. Although she was reluctant to believe it, she would rather leave Jerry with some hope.    


Jerry nodded.    


Both women fell silent.    


After a long while, Duo Duo ran over, tired of playing around.    


"Mommy, Sister Jerry, what are you guys talking about?"    


Luan Zhi held her in her arms.    


"Duo Duo, do you like Sister Jerry?"    


"Of course I like it! Sister Jerry's hair is red, I can see it at a glance, it's really pretty! "    


Jerry laughed:    


"Xiao Duoduo, you like my hair? Don't you think that your elder sister is beautiful? "    


Jerry could also speak Chinese.    


Luan Zhi looked at her in surprise and asked:    


"Aren't you from the Y-people? "You can speak Chinese?"    


This was the first time she saw a foreigner who could speak Chinese speak so fluently!    


Jerry smiled like an epiphyllum blooming:    


"I learned a few things when I was with Tom."    


Knowing that Tom was her weakness, Luan Zhi didn't pursue the matter.    


Jerry was still waiting for Duo Duo's answer. It seemed that he liked Duo Duo a lot.    


Duo Duo looked at Jerry and said confidently:    


"Mommy is the most beautiful! However, Sister Jerry is just a little bit worse than Mommy, just a little bit! "    


As he spoke, he gestured with his index finger and thumb.    


Jerry looked at her like a ghost and ruffled her hair.    


"Xiao Duoduo, you really are your mother's little cotton-padded jacket!" Don't run around in the future! Be careful not to get taken away by the big bad wolf! "    


Duo Duo curled her lips:    


"I'm not afraid! "Sister Jerry, isn't it a good person that can make the bad guys run away?"    


Jerry asked in puzzlement:    


"Why are you asking me this?"    


"Isn't it?"    


Toot asked again, coquettishly.    


"Of course! The enemy of his enemy was his friend! In other words, the person who beats up the bad guys is a good person! "    


Duo Duo smiled and nodded as she silently thought in her heart, so Uncle Tom is a good person!    


Duo Duo leaned close to Jerry and kissed her on the cheek, then giggled.    


"Wow, Xiao Duoduo is taking advantage of me, let's see if your sister is going to bite you or not!"    


As he said that, Jerry reached out to grab Gu Duoduo's armpits. The two of them laughed as they fought back and forth.    


Luan Zhi looked at Jerry, who had suddenly become childish, and understood her.    


On the fourth day of the Queen's voyage, they were finally leaving the open sea. Before entering the waters of State Y, Jerry found Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge once again.    


"I have come to bid you farewell. My colleague has taken us home by boat. "There are still a lot of things in the bureau, I can't stay here any longer!"    


Min Ann'ge glanced around and the captain, who was standing beside him, handed him a bank card.    


"Here is a million. Think of it as your thanks for saving Duo Duo! "    


"We can't accept them!"    


Min Ann'ge didn't want to get involved in this, so he just said coldly:    


"Consider it my donation."    


Luan Zhi also smiled and nodded towards Jerry.    


Only then did Jerry accept it.    


The Queen was sailing at a slow speed, mainly to give the passengers time to enjoy themselves, but not for the sake of travelling. Therefore, when the vessel of the Y-National Police appeared beside the Queen, Jerry led his men and escorted the murderer onto the speedboat.    


Standing at the bow of the ship, Jerry looked back at the slowly sailing Queen. The sea breeze messed up her short hair, making her look like fresh red blood flowing in the wind!    


After giving it a deep glance, she turned around and returned to her usual high-spirited, valiant and valiant look!    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge stood on the deck and watched Jerry and her men leave.    


Duo Duo stood between the two of them, pointed at Hans who was not far away and said:    


"Mommy, Daddy, that bad uncle has been watching us."    


Min Ann'ge turned around and looked. Hans immediately turned his head back and pretended to be admiring the setting sun.    


"Ignore him!"    


Min Ann'ge said plainly. He took Luan Zhi and was about to go to the restaurant to eat.    


Hans hesitated for a long time before walking over, blocking the path of the three people.    


Min Ann'ge frowned and looked at Hans in displeasure.    


"What is it? "No memory?"    


In pure French.    


Hans blushed and felt a bit awkward.    


Previously, Wu Tie had caused Luan Zhi to catch a cold, almost falling into the dangerous depths of the sea due to an illness. Min Ann'ge asked the captain to clean up Hans and the others, but couldn't come out of his room even after a few days of fighting.    


Knowing that he was about to arrive at his destination, Hans couldn't lie down anymore. He had to force himself to stay awake for a long time before he found Luan Zhi.    


Min Ann'ge's merciless words made Hans shudder again!    


"I... "I'm here to apologize to Miss Luan Zhi …"    


It was unknown how he found out Luan Zhi's name.    


"Just call me Mrs. Min! Why didn't I see your friends today? "    


Isn't every time I see him, there's always a bunch of people surrounding him? He should have quite a few friends!    


Hans was a bit angry:    


"I haven't contacted them in a long time."    


Actually, it had only been two days since he had received their call.    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


"Indeed, it's fine if you don't want such a friend!" If there's nothing else, we'll be leaving first! I hope Mr. Hans won't look down on us in the future! "    


As he said that, he walked past him with Min Ann'ge towards the children's playground.    


They were going ashore at noon tomorrow, but they had never played in the entertainment facilities of the Queen.    


Duoduo shouted that she wanted to go to the amusement park, so she simply agreed to take her to the amusement park tonight to have a good time!    


Even though it was called an amusement park, adults could still go in and play, as long as the weight was enough!    


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