Lovely Substitute Bride



"Very good! Leave this matter to me. I will do it myself, so there's no need for me to report it to the little fellow. Tom said firmly,    


"That's not good, right?"    


Tom and Ji Yuqing had always had the right to speak. No matter what it was, they would only take effect with the consent of two people!    


Tom said fiercely:    


"Cut the crap!" Do what I tell you to do! I'll tell him myself. "    


The people on the other side quickly agreed.    


Tom looked at the papers again and again, mainly about Luan Zhi, and a picture of the family of three.    


After printing the picture, Tom destroyed all the information about Luan Zhi.    


Holding the picture and looking at the small faces that he had not seen for days, more delicate and clear than on the Queen, Tom slowly had a plan in mind!    


Over the next few days, Tom sneaked into the five-star hotel where Luan Zhi stayed. He squatted on the sofa in the hotel lobby for two whole hours before he found Luan Zhi.    


At this moment, Tom had already disguised himself as a white-bearded old man. He opened a newspaper in his hand and looked at Luan Zhi and Duo Duo who had just entered the hotel.    


The two of them seemed to have gone out shopping. Behind them was a waitress carrying a bunch of shopping bags.    


Duo Duo looked at Luan Zhi with a beaming smile.    


"Mommy, when we go back, don't tell Daddy what we bought for him. Can you give him a fright when you take it out?"    


Luan Zhi pinched her little face.    


"You really are a ghost!" Daddy so hard every day at home meeting, Mommy went out with you to play all day, you will be like this to tease your daddy ah! Be careful not to spank your little butt! "    


Duo Duo was jumping as she tightly held onto the two candied fruits in her hands!    


In the country, candied fruits were not considered rare!    


However, this was abroad. When Duo Duo saw that there was actually bright red candied fruits sold in a cake shop around the corner, she was so greedy!    


The sweet and sour taste was her favorite!    


He begged Luan Zhi to buy a few kebabs, but when he returned to the hotel, there were only these two kebabs left!    


This was all because Duo Duo wanted to leave it for Father and Mommy to eat, which was why she didn't get poisoned by it!    


When Tom saw that they were about to enter the elevator, he quickly stood up and walked to the elevator shakily. While he was holding out his hand, he shouted:    


"Please wait a moment!"    




Duo Duo immediately looked up at Luan Zhi and said:    


"Mommy, this old grandpa wants to take the elevator as well. He wants us to wait for him!"    


While pressing the button to open the elevator door, Luan Zhi lowered her head and smiled at Duo Duo.    


"Ah, Duo Duo is so amazing, she can even understand the French of others!"    


Duo Duo proudly turned her head and saw that the old grandpa finally walked in. She took the initiative to bend over and say to Tom:    


"Hello, Grandfather!"    


Tom was amazed at how good the French was!    


Had she learned it in just a few days?    


Wouldn't that be as monstrous as a little fellow?    


"Good boy! What's your name? "    


Tom asked, trying to imitate the old man's voice.    


However, Duo Duo didn't understand. She scratched her head and turned to look at Luan Zhi.    


"Mommy, what did grandpa say? I only understand the word 'name.' "    


Luan Zhi smiled and rubbed her head.    


"Duo Duo has made great progress! This grandpa just said thank you to Duo Duo and even asked what your name is! "    


Only then did Tom realize that Duo Duo had just learned French. No wonder she could only understand some simple sentences and vocabulary!    


However, the learning efficiency was quite high!    


She was only seven years old!    


Duo Duo nodded and said to Tom:    


"My name is Duoduo, it's my first time meeting you!"    


With these simple introductions, Duo Duo was still able to say it out loud.    


Tom smiled, stroked Duoduo's head, praised her a little more, and then put his eyes on Luan Zhi.    


The information recorded was very accurate, and I looked even better than the photos!    


Tom was watching when the elevator suddenly wobbled and stopped!    


The overhead lights flickered and the elevator was plunged into darkness.    


"Ah!" Duo Duo, hold Mummy tight!     


Luan Zhi shouted, squatting down and hugging Duo Duo tightly.    


Tom's night vision ability was not bad. Moreover, the glasses he was wearing were not reading glasses, but a high-tech product developed by the Blood Night. They had night vision function.    


In the pitch-black darkness, he saw the waiter, who was standing behind Luan Zhi and Duo Duo, suddenly pull out a knife from the shopping bags.    


Tom sneered in his heart, with his right hand, he tugged at the undergarment of the waiter, pulling him down to his knees on the ground.    


The waiter looked at Tom with a murderous look in his eyes, and with a flip of his hand, the knife came slashing at Tom.    


Tom seized the moment, reached out, pinched his wrist, and struck his knee. The knife fell to the ground.    


His knee continued to move upwards as he ruthlessly struck the waiter's chin!    


With a twist of his backhand, the waiter's hands were clutched behind his back as he fell to the ground.    


The lights were back on!    


The elevator began operating again!    


Luan Zhi and Duo Duo looked up. The shopping bags were scattered all over the floor. Tom was sitting the waiter on his back, unable to move.    


Seeing them look at him, Tom chuckled and said hoarsely:    


"Aiya, once this light is extinguished, I don't know why, but I won't be able to stand anymore. I was really careless! "Young man, are you alright?"    


As he spoke, he stood up and bent down to help the waiter.    


A light flashed in the waiter's eyes, but because both of his hands were restrained, he could not move at all, and it was inconvenient for him to reveal his true face, so he could only embarrassedly smile.    


Luan Zhi was confused, but she didn't know why.    


When they got back to their room, they specifically called the reception desk to ask about the reason for the sudden failure of the elevator. The answer they got was that even they didn't know why the elevator suddenly stopped for a moment.    


After careful inspection, the elevator went well!    


Just for a moment, the lights went out!    


Since she couldn't find a reason, Luan Zhi didn't take it seriously! She did not see that the hotel attendant who had helped them with the shopping bags was actually sent to assassinate her.    


Edgar was afraid that they wouldn't act fast enough, so he went to find someone else in private to deal with Luan Zhi!    


But all of this had been cut off by Tom!    


In the past few days, he had disguised himself to protect Luan Zhi and Duo Duo. As long as there was the slightest possibility that their safety was endangered, he would eliminate it!    


And all of this was done behind Ji Yuqing's back.    


At this moment, Ji Yuqing was watching a live broadcast.    


Although he was just a child, his face was calm and didn't match his age at all.    


Turning his head to take a glance, an image appeared on the news program on television!    


On the screen, Luan Zhi, dressed in a white dress and holding onto Duo Duo's hand, walked out of the car in front of the hotel where the banquet was held before the Awards of the Golden Tripod.    


On the news:    


"Recently, all the participants of the Golden Cauldron Awards have attended this banquet! The party was held in the largest banquet hall of the Houston Hotel, and there were quite a few newcomers to the event, such as Zhaozhong's budding Luan Zhi, who was walking toward us in a dress made of natural silk she had designed herself. "The one she's holding in her hand is her daughter, Min Xinduo!"    


Ji Yuqing's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked towards the familiar face in the screen!    


They, had actually come as well!    


Tom must have known all along. No wonder he had always felt he was keeping something from him.    


"It's them!" In this city. "    


If you think about it, it must have been Y.    


He reached out his hand to make an internal call and said:    


"Tell Tom to come back and see me."    


The other side answered.    


That night, Tom walked into Ji Yuqing's office with a nervous heart.    


"Do you want to confess it yourself or should I?"    


Ji Yuqing said coldly.    


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