Lovely Substitute Bride



The curtain had fallen on this match of Clear Water No.1 Middle School!    


Every time Ji Yuqing walked into the campus, a little girl would look at him with stars in her eyes. As long as he gave her a casual glance, the girl would definitely faint from happiness!    


Many boys also took the initiative to approach Ji Yuqing, wanting him to teach them some of their skills. However, they were all coldly rejected.    


It wasn't because Ji Yuqing was a pampered person, but because he felt that these people were too troublesome to surround them all day long!    


Once again, during class time, he was once again surrounded by the male and female students of both classes.    


When he looked up from his arms, he saw pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly, which made him frown.    


Seeing him wake up, a male student smiled and said:    


"Student, there's a competition after school today. Let's invite you to our team!"    


"Come to our team!"    


"No no no, how can our Lord Ji Yuqing always do that kind of dirty work? I'll have to trouble Master Ji Yuqing to give me an autograph! "    


His mouth opened and closed, causing Ji Yuqing to be unable to respond!    


"All of you, shut up! Get lost in three seconds! "    


Ji Yuqing shouted.    


With that, he closed his eyes.    


The surrounding people looked at each other. They didn't know what to do, but they heard Ji Yuqing start to count.    




It seemed that he was serious. Even the air had become cold.    




Everyone began to panic as they fled in all directions!    




Ji Yuqing opened his eyes as soon as the last number was said. The air was much fresher now. There was no one left, only Min Xinduo, who had a dazed look on her face as she twisted her body.    


"What else do you want?"    


Min Xinduo's dazed expression was like a helpless little deer, causing him to start playing around.    


In the next second, Min Xinduo smiled coyly as she handed over a book.    


"Hehe, I would like your autograph!"    


Ji Yuqing glanced at her and then looked down at the small notebook. On the cover of the notebook was a cute little pink pig!    


Under Min Xinduo's attentive gaze, he opened the book with his slender fingers, casually flipped to a single page, and coldly said:    




"Oh, yes, yes, pen, I have it. Here it is!"    


Min Xinduo quickly handed over one of her pens and personally watched Ji Yuqing write a few words in great haste. Then she closed the book and threw it back into her arms.    


"Thank you, thank you!"    


Min Xinduo was delighted. A signature for a feast was too worthwhile!    


Looking at her happy expression, Ji Yuqing's heart skipped a beat. He put the pen on his desk and then looked at her with his arms crossed. His ponytail nimbly swept across the textbooks on his desk, making a "Shua Shua" sound.    


Three days had passed and the campus was still in a state of panic!    


At the class meeting, Loong Bo, the head teacher, praised Ji Yuqing and called for everyone to learn how unyielding he was. The class turned to look at the hero, Ji Yuqing, only to find that he was still deep in sleep, as usual.    


However, no one dared to have any objections!    


Guo Kelin was defeated and kept a low profile on campus. Every time he passed by Ji Yuqing's classroom, he would glance at his seat.    


In the end, Faang Yuanyuan did not agree to have a good relationship with him!    


For this, Min Xinduo often mentioned to Faang Yuanyuan that she wanted to find her the best boyfriend.    


Along with this exciting game, there was also the school anniversary!    


There were only two days left before the school anniversary. Min Xinduo's shoulder had almost recovered as she and Faang Yuanyuan spent the entire day rehearsing in the auditorium.    


Min Xinduo staggered towards the auditorium with a bunch of clothing props in her arms.    


She had rented these outfits and was about to send them to the auditorium. She would collect them after everyone had tried them out and send them to the performers on the day of the school anniversary.    


The clothes were light and were made of yarn, but they weren't small. They blocked Min Xinduo's line of sight, so she walked very slowly, afraid of running into someone else.    


"Excuse me, thank you!"    


Min Xinduo's arm was a little sore, and she felt as if the clothes in her hand were going to fall off. She quickly shook a little, but a few of the clothes still fell to the ground.    


"Buddy, can I trouble you to help me carry it? I can't carry it anymore."    


Min Xinduo saw a male student not far away from her through the gap in her clothes and quickly called out.    


The person's body stiffened slightly. After a slight pause, he bent down and picked up the clothes on the ground.    


"Where to?"    


Min Xinduo would never be wrong, this was Ji Yuqing's voice!    


What a coincidence! He had been walking around him for the past few days, but unexpectedly, they had met!    


"Hehe, it's you!"    


Min Xinduo smiled awkwardly before saying:    


"Just put it on top. It's not heavy. I'll carry it myself."    


"Where to?"    


Ji Yuqing's voice turned colder. What he could not tolerate the most was someone else's irrelevant answer!    


Moreover, he could feel that Min Xinduo was avoiding him, and since he couldn't avoid her now, he wanted to have a good chat with her!    


"Ah, haha, auditorium!"    


Min Xinduo replied and walked towards the auditorium with quick steps. She shrunk her neck and buried her face in the pile of clothes.    


Ji Yuqing was deep in thought. The few pieces of muslin clothing in his hands tightened as he walked forward to catch up.    


After entering the auditorium, Min Xinduo carried the clothes to the side.    


As soon as Ji Yuqing walked into the auditorium, a few girls turned their heads. Their eyes lit up and rushed up. They snatched the clothes in his hands and said:    


"Student Ji Yuqing, let me help you get it!"    


Ji Yuqing did not have a lot of clothes to begin with. With that many pieces, it wouldn't even be enough for one person!    


The last girl with empty hands was Liu Yiyi. She couldn't wait to hug Ji Yuqing's arm when she saw that she didn't show anything.    


"Ji Yuqing, why are you here?"    


These days, she always took out her cell phone, hoping to see a call from someone with an unfamiliar number.    


When she got home, she just remembered that she forgot to leave Tom's number when she was at Ji Yuqing's house and just gave him hers.    


But a week went by and she still didn't hear from Tom.    


When he saw Ji Yuqing, he immediately rushed over and wanted to get Tom's number from him.    


Ji Yuqing stopped in his tracks and looked coldly at Liu Yiyi, who looked familiar. His frozen voice was like a bone-piercing cold wind as he asked with furrowed brows,    


"Do I know you?"    


Then, he shook off Liu Yiyi's embrace and strode forward.    


The rest of the girls covered their mouths and chuckled softly.    


Liu Yiyi stomped her feet and ran up angrily. However, she pulled Min Xinduo's arm and gave it a tug.    


"Hey!" Why are you so slow? "    


Min Xinduo was already on the verge of walking to the side of the stage. Her arms were sore and weak, but after being pulled by her, she immediately released her grip!    


A pile of clothing items fell to the ground. A small abacus smashed onto Liu Yiyi's foot.    


"Ah, it hurts! What are you doing? "    


Liu Yiyi crouched down and covered the back of her foot as she glared at Min Xinduo.    


Before Min Xinduo could say anything, the program director snapped:    


"What's going on over there? Min Xinduo, you don't want to do this anymore? If the props are broken, are you responsible? "    


The director scolded as he walked over. Seeing Liu Yiyi squatting on the floor, he called two girls over to help her away. He raised his hand high in the air and was about to fling it towards Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo sneered in her heart as she did not place that palm in her eyes at all.    


If this vulgar and snobbish director dared to hit her, she could guarantee that she would return it tenfold in the next moment!    


Liu Yiyi's personality and family background were well-known throughout the school years. She was known to be a "flower protector" everywhere!    


This director was one of them. He expelled the original actress and let Liu Yiyi be the female lead of this stage play!    


But before his palm could land, his entire body was sent flying!    


The director's thin and weak body flew down the stage and crashed into the concrete pillar. A breath of air rushed out from his chest as he coughed out a few times!    


Everyone looked at Ji Yuqing in surprise. His leg had just landed.    


He was the one who kicked the person flying!    


"Who are you hitting?"    


Ji Yuqing looked down at the director, who couldn't get up for a long time, and coldly spat out a few words.    


The director was scared out of his wits by that kick. He quickly bowed his head and begged,    


"I don't dare to. I just want to help her pick up the things on the ground! "    


Ji Yuqing walked over with his hands in his pockets. There was not a single speck of dust on his trousers, not even a single fold.    


He crouched down and narrowed his eyes dangerously.    


"So, I wronged you?"    


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