Lovely Substitute Bride



"You stole something from me!"    


Ji Yuqing's cold voice came as if it was right next to his ear:    


"You dropped it at the opening ceremony."    


He didn't try to defend himself at all, and didn't get angry in the slightest. Instead, he continued to hold the necklace up until Min Xinduo took it away.    


Embarrassed, Min Xinduo turned her head away from him.    


Holding the warm jade pendant in her hand, Min Xinduo's thoughts returned to the opening ceremony.    


So he was the one who carried her to the infirmary.    


Would he care about her?    


Min Xinduo was immersed in her own world and was still in the classroom, but she didn't hear what her teacher was saying at all.    


There was another person in the classroom who had not placed his mind on his book.    


Although Qin Duo'er was sitting further away, she didn't mind Ji Yuqing's sarcastic remarks at all. She rested her head on her hands and looked at Ji Yuqing lovingly.    


His eyes never left his face.    


Ji Yuqing didn't even look at her in disgust as he continued to sleep.    


In view of their excellent grades at the end of last semester, the teachers tacitly did not continue questioning Ji Yuqing's sleep during class. They even lowered their voices, afraid that they would disturb him.    


After class was over, Chen Jiaqi ran over to Min Xinduo's side. Seeing that she was still in a daze, she said in a somewhat remorseful tone,    


"Duo Duo, you can blame me!" We were also worried about you, so I told Yuan Yuan to not tell you, Qin Duo'er went to your class. "    


Min Xinduo raised her head with a smile. She pinched Chen Jiaqi's depressed face and said,    


"It's alright! It's none of my business whether she comes or not! Yuan Yuan, you too, don't always hide this from me! "    


Faang Yuanyuan said hesitantly:    


"But she …"    


She looked at Qin Duo'er, who was still looking at Ji Yuqing infatuatedly.    


They had long regarded Qin Duo'er as Min Xinduo's rival in love, and a formidable one at that!    


He was now trying to redress Min Xinduo's grievances!    


"I'm fine!" I don't care! "    


Min Xinduo knew what Faang Yuanyuan was going to say, so she patted the back of her hand and comforted her.    


She was puzzled as well. Why did they all think that she and Ji Yuqing were a pair?    


Min Xinduo smiled helplessly. This was a fake matter to begin with!    


As for what happened in the past, it was just Ji Yuqing toying with her!    


He lied to her about her first kiss, and even almost caused her heart to fall because of it!    


Fortunately, she did not sink into a deep hole and was able to see Ji Yuqing's true face in time.    


Chen Jiaqi and Faang Yuanyuan looked at each other, but didn't bring it up again. They went around to other topics.    


On the surface, Min Xinduo was still as lively as she used to be.    


As for her heart, perhaps even she didn't know.    


Life in the third year of high school was very tense. The school forced all the students to live in school because every night, self-study classes were arranged for old teachers. Being able to sleep at 11 o'clock was already not bad!    


Min Xinduo was still in her original dormitory!    


Qin Duo'er and Liu Yiyi lived on the same floor.    


Ji Yuqing also stayed in the male dorm, but he heard that it was a single room. The reason given by the teacher was that he was afraid of affecting his studies.    


Only Min Xinduo knew that he didn't study at all!    


Perhaps brain was something that some people were born to use!    


Min Xinduo mocked herself as she thought, then pulled out another exam paper and began to write rapidly.    


"Good!" This time, there were a few students who deserved to be praised. "First of all, Student Ji Yuqing still got first place with a perfect score."    


Following the teacher's announcement, Ji Yuqing raised his head lazily and did not plan to go forward to retrieve the paper.    


Under the warm applause, the teacher personally delivered the test paper to Ji Yuqing's table. The smile on his face probably melted even the most vicious villains would melt upon seeing it.    


However, Ji Yuqing was clearly different. He still remained indifferent and did not say a word. He did not even want to give an emoji of him.    


Feeling somewhat embarrassed, the teacher walked back to the podium and quickly announced his second place ranking.    


"The second place is for the newly transferred Qin Duo'er!" It's only one point away from first place. "    


Smiling, Qin Duo'er walked up to the teacher with elegant and unhurried steps. She smiled brightly at the teacher, took the paper, and then turned around to bow to the whole class. Only then did she confidently walk off the stage.    


The applause was even more intense than before!    


The girls got Qin Duo'er's benefits and became good friends with her.    


To be exact, it was a lackey!    


No matter what Qin Duo'er wanted to do, with just a glance, there would always be someone who would help her do it first, or bring her what she wanted.    


Qin Duo'er had a smile on her face that was filled with both gratitude and intimacy, making the girls willingly fall for her!    


The teacher praised a few more students. His face, which had originally been full of smiles, suddenly darkened as he slammed the remaining stack of papers onto the table.    


"But what's disappointing is that not only did a few of our classmates not improve, they even retreated a lot! I don't know what's going on with you guys, but have you guys been too lax recently? "    


Pausing for a moment, he turned his gaze to Min Xinduo. Seeing that she was still lost in thought, he became even angrier as he looked at her and shouted,    


"Min Xinduo!" "Can you explain to me why the drop in this exam is so severe?"    


Min Xinduo threw a test paper at her face. A few big red forks on top of it stung her eyes.    


Min Xinduo subconsciously stood up and held the paper in her hands to take a closer look. The score of "79" on the paper was actually lower than what she had expected!    


"Teacher, there are a lot of reasons why your studies have declined. Don't make things difficult for Min Xinduo!"    


Qin Duo'er smiled as she spoke, actually trying to help Min Xinduo.    


All the students in the class looked at her, and their affability level towards her increased by a few points.    


Min Xinduo continued to lower her head to look at the paper. She was not crying from grief. She was just blaming herself for spending so much time and effort on other things. Now, she had truly received her retribution!    


Although she did not place much importance on results, she had always been smart. Now, she was determined to forget all the unhappy and conflicted events of the past few months and return to being the lively and open-minded person from before.    


Min Xinduo was about to open her mouth to speak when she heard a few faint words coming from behind her.    


"I'll help her with her studies."    


It was Ji Yuqing. Surprisingly, he did not sleep. He raised his head slightly and looked away.    


Everyone in the class was so shocked that their mouths were wide open. Even Min Xinduo was no exception. She turned around to look at Ji Yuqing, but all she could see was his thick black hair, which was coiled right in the middle.    


His straight nose was unblemished, making one want to touch it.    


"Brother Yuqing."    


Qin Duo'er stood up from her seat excitedly with her face twitching. She looked at Ji Yuqing in disbelief.    


With her understanding of him, how could he approach a woman on his own accord? If this was the past, he would have long since stood up and left.    


But how many months had he spent in this simple classroom?    


Ji Yuqing glanced at Qin Duo'er coldly, causing her to stop what she was about to say.    


The teacher was stunned for a moment before quickly reacting. Clapping his hands, he said:    


"Good, good, good! With Ji Yuqing's help, she would definitely catch up quickly. Min Xinduo, you better not let down Ji Yuqing's hard work! "    


Min Xinduo saw the pleased smile on her teacher's face and explained anxiously:    


"Teacher, I don't need it."    


"You don't need anything?" Look at your test paper, with such a low score, you're almost in the middle or lower rankings, do you still not need it? "From today onwards, Ji Yuqing will help you with your studies at night."    


Min Xinduo didn't even have time to retort before the teacher finished his final verdict. It was time to reprimand the next student.    


With sympathy, Faang Yuanyuan pulled Min Xinduo to a seat and patted the back of her hand to comfort her.    


After Ji Yuqing finished speaking, he regretted it a little. He buried his head in his arms again, but he couldn't fall asleep anymore. He just kept his eyes open until class was over.    


Min Xinduo packed her schoolbag and prepared to leave the classroom, both Ji Yuqing and Qin Duo'er catching her breath.    


She wanted to escape immediately, but was stopped by Teacher Loong Bo, who stepped into the room.    


"Min Xinduo, Teacher Lee told me. "You two, come with me."    


She turned and walked away.    


Min Xinduo was puzzled when she saw Ji Yuqing walk out from behind her. He went past her and followed behind Teacher Loong Bo.    


Min Xinduo was hesitating on whether she should follow him or not, when she saw Loong Bo turn around and sternly shout at her,    


"What are you still standing there for? "Come here."    


Only then did Min Xinduo slowly follow him.    


Loong Bo brought them to a small office. There was a sofa against the wall with two deer embroidered on the emerald green cotton cloth.    


When Min Xinduo walked in, she saw Ji Yuqing already sitting on the sofa with his hands behind his head. He was leaning back on the sofa with his legs crossed, as if he was treating this place as his own territory.    


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