Lovely Substitute Bride



Seeing them enter the office, Min Xinduo was stunned!    


That was the office that Loong Bo asked Ji Yuqing to give her yesterday as a supplementary lesson!    


If she remembered correctly, the coffee table inside had already been broken by her. The empty office was left with only a light green sofa and a table that had dropped paint.    


Sure enough, he saw a big fellow walk out with a dustpan and a broom in his hand. Inside the dustpan, there was even broken glass.    


The muscular man, however, was sweeping the floor, looking extremely out of place.    


Many of the surrounding students could not help but laugh out loud!    


The big guy's face was dark, and he couldn't tell if his face was red or not, but he kept his head down and didn't say anything.    


On the other hand, the few burly men walked out after sending the furniture in, and stared fiercely at the students who were still laughing.    


The laughter came to an abrupt end!    


Min Xinduo parted the crowd and walked over to the office. The office was filled with all kinds of furniture: a closet, shoe cabinets, a refrigerator, and even an exquisite single bed!    


Inside the shoe cabinet were two brand-new slippers. One red and one blue. The red one was a pink rabbit with long ears. It was obvious that it was a female!    


"What are you guys doing?"    


Min Xinduo exclaimed in surprise.    


Does anyone want to live in this office?    


This was in the school building!    


Who was so bold?    


That's not right!    


These bodyguards were all Ji Yuqing's. Could it be that he felt that the dorm was too simple and crude, so he changed his room?    


This was also in line with his domineering and unruly cold and arrogant character!    


"How is it? Wouldn't this give the atmosphere of a supplementary lesson? "    


Ji Yuqing's voice sounded beside her.    


Min Xinduo turned her head to look at him in surprise.    


"What did you say?" Complementary classes? "    


Looking at the sudden change in the interior decoration, she could not help but curse silently. This was more like someone sleeping!    


It didn't seem like a supplementary lesson at all!    


"How is this like a supplementary lesson?"    


Min Xinduo shouted.    


Ji Yuqing snapped his fingers in realization and said:    


"Right, one more thing is missing."    


As soon as he said that, one of the bodyguards who received his signal walked in, opened a cardboard box, took out an exquisite lamp, placed it on a corner of the brand-new table and turned it on.    




A soft glow covered the table.    


"Is this the atmosphere?"    


Ji Yuqing said in a slightly proud tone.    


Seeing him act like a villain who had taken credit for his actions, Min Xinduo cursed in a low voice:    




He turned around and left.    


Halfway there, she met the homeroom teacher, Loong Bo. She was walking over under the guidance of a big fellow. Her face was full of smiles, and she was even smiling at Min Xinduo!    


This was the first time!    


Min Xinduo turned around and watched the weird Loong Bo walk to the office door that had a new set of doors. She did not go in but instead stood at the door and nodded her head.    


"Not bad, not bad!" Student Ji Yuqing had really put a lot of thought into this! That way, Student Min Xinduo can be at ease in her supplementary lessons! "    


Ji Yuqing didn't look happy at all after getting the compliment. He leaned his slender body against the wall and looked at Min Xinduo provocatively.    


Min Xinduo was about to curse loudly!    


Loong Bo walked to her side, patted her shoulder and said:    


"Min Xinduo, you have to work hard!" Don't disappoint Ji Yuqing's kindness! "    


Min Xinduo's eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. She ignored the chattering Loong Bo and looked at Ji Yuqing, wishing she could rush over and give him a good beating.    


Would he be so kind?    


Min Xinduo didn't believe him.    


However, she couldn't refuse. During the evening self-study, Loong Bo came to the classroom and urged her to go to supplementary lessons.    


Under Loong Bo's strict gaze, Min Xinduo could only carry her textbook and slowly enter the office.    


No, it should be called the supplementary classroom now.    


Looking at the nameplate hanging on the wall beside the door with the words "supplementary classroom" written on it, almost all the teachers and students now knew that the former number one student in the grade, Min Xinduo, would have to take supplementary lessons under the tutelage of the current number one student, Ji Yuqing.    


What a shame!    


Min Xinduo pouted. Unwillingly, she knocked on the exquisite door. It was so thick that one could tell at a glance.    


He had even changed doors. He really did not spare any effort!    


"Hmph, is being rich that big of a deal? You only know how to spend! "    


Min Xinduo muttered as she stood in front of the door.    


There was no sound from the classroom for a long time.    


She pressed her ear against the door, but she still couldn't hear anything. She was secretly delighted. If Ji Yuqing wasn't here, then she wouldn't be able to blame herself for not coming!    


It was because the 'teacher' was not present!    


Min Xinduo was about to turn around and leave when she heard the sound of the door opening. A bright light came from the door and fell on her.    


"What is it? Want to run? Teacher Long is still in the classroom! "    


Ji Yuqing's voice came from the classroom.    


Min Xinduo lowered her head in frustration and stepped through the door.    


Ji Yuqing was sitting on the sofa. With a slight movement of his fingers, the door closed silently.    


Min Xinduo's eyes swept across the room. It was now quite different from its humble appearance from before, and the room was filled with the scent of luxury.    


"Tsk, such poor taste!"    


Min Xinduo couldn't help but attack Ji Yuqing.    


"Oh? Is that so? I'll call them right now and ask them to change it! "    


Ji Yuqing didn't even raise his eyebrows. He immediately took out his phone and prepared to dial the number.    


Min Xinduo quickly raised her hand to stop him and said with a forced smile,    


"Forget it, let's see how it goes!" It's not like I'm living here. "    


The voice was soft, but Ji Yuqing heard it all.    


The only window had been sealed, but it did not feel stuffy at all. Taking a closer look, there was an upscale air conditioner on in the corner.    


Ji Yuqing waved his hand and pointed to the tea table in front of the sofa.    


"Just step on it!"    


Both in public and in secret, they were ridiculing Min Xinduo for stepping on the glass tea table to break it the day before.    


"I... It's just that the coffee table is too old... "I'm not fat …"    


Min Xinduo explained with a flushed face.    


Ji Yuqing's face was as cold as ice. However, he suddenly sneered and said:    


"Are you afraid that I will turn my back on you?"    


She was in such a hurry to explain. It seemed like she still had some intentions towards him.    


Min Xinduo raised her head and gouged him with her eyes. She walked to the chair in front of the table and sat down. She placed the textbook on the table and said angrily:    


"I can't wait for you to turn your back on me! Forget it, if you don't mind me, I will rather despise you. "    


Ji Yuqing sneered in his heart. Looking at her shiny black hair under the lamp, he said:    


"Min Xinduo, have you considered this clearly?"    


Min Xinduo paused for a moment before continuing to write. Without raising her head, she said:    


"Wasn't there a week? I didn't expect you to be so impatient! "    


"Hmph, I can keep my cool because I'm afraid Yuan Tianlee won't be able to keep his cool!"    


Ji Yuqing sneered. From Min Xinduo's obviously hesitant face, he knew that her family was her weakness!    


Min Xinduo was deep in thought when she heard Ji Yuqing say:    


"Be my woman and ensure the safety of your family. If you catch Yuan Tianlee, you can handle it! "Opportunities are rare. If we miss out on a good opportunity, we will have to bear the consequences!"    


His words were very clear.    


Min Xinduo bit her lips as she looked irritably at Ji Yuqing and said:    


"Let me consider it again!"    


She had never faced such a dilemma, and she was afraid to tell her father and mother, afraid that they would be even more worried.    


Ji Yuqing's slender legs moved and he walked to her side of the table. He lowered his head and looked at the question that she was answering.    


"The logarithm is first taken, and then the denominator is reversed."    


Min Xinduo recovered from her thoughts and was stunned. Only then did she realize that he was talking about the question and had lowered her head to look at it.    


This question was very difficult to answer. Just now, she was stuck on this question and heard Ji Yuqing's infuriated voice, so she stopped.    


According to Ji Yuqing's solution, Min Xinduo wrote down a few lines of formulas.    


However, he stopped and said unhappily:    


"Humph, you think you're powerful? It was impossible to solve this question with such a method. I just tried it. "    


Ji Yuqing said noncommittally:    


"Seems like you have indeed regressed a lot! I can't even see such a simple question clearly. "    


After taunting, he immediately changed the topic and teased:    


"Have you been absent-minded ever since you met me? Every day, you think about me, which is why your grade dropped?"    


"You're thinking too much!"    


Min Xinduo's pale and powerless explanation was just a cover in Ji Yuqing's eyes.    


No, it should be because ever since he appeared, she seemed to have found a target and wholeheartedly planned on how to fall for it, so she didn't diligently study!    


Ji Yuqing sneered again.    


Even though Min Xinduo said so, she still followed his explanation. After looking at it upside down for a while, she still didn't know how to explain it.    


I want to see how you're going to figure it out, he thought.    


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