Lovely Substitute Bride



A few days after the gathering of the Luan family, Luan held a large scale public lecture, and even invited famous media.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge knew the purpose of this meeting and refused to show up. It was only because Mei Shanshan and Luan Zhi encouraged them to come here.    


Seeing the people from the Luan Clan standing below the stage and bowing and apologizing to Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, Min Xinduo smiled in satisfaction.    


Today, Wu Nian was left at home with Min Xinduo's grandparents.    


After that time, Min Xinduo suddenly realized that she couldn't let Ji Yuqing see Wu Nian.    


Wu Nian was really too similar to Ji Yuqing!    


Even though Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge had guessed what was going on, they did not ask any questions. No matter who Wu Nian's father was, he was still the little darling of Min Family.    


As for the rest, let nature take its course!    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge accepted the Luan family's apology, but did not want to interact too much with them.    


According to their agreement, Min Xinduo entered the Luan Group on the second day and began saving the Luan Group which was on the verge of bankruptcy.    


"Chairman Min, the CEO of Ji wants to see you!"    


The door to Min Xinduo's office was pushed open and her secretary walked in.    


Min Xinduo raised her head. On the table were the recent profits from all the businesses in Luan. She had already found out where many of the problems lay.    


"Ji CEO?"    


Min Xinduo's heart skipped a beat when she heard this surname.    


"Yes, it's the CEO of Ji Group, Mr. Ji Yuqing. Ji Group is a freshman group that has only risen to power in the country in the past three years.    


This new secretary was very outstanding. She knew that Min Xinduo had just returned home and probably didn't understand Ji Group, so she gave a brief introduction.    


For Min Xinduo, what she said was only the name at the beginning. The rest of her voice faded away, leaving only the three words, "Ji Yuqing", etched deeply in her heart.    


"Let him in!"    


Min Xinduo sighed helplessly.    


If what was to come had to come, it would be better to let it come in a more open and honorable manner. At least, she was somewhat mentally prepared.    


Ji Yuqing thought that Min Xinduo would not see him, so when his secretary came out to stop him, he was already on the verge of returning home.    


Walking into the concise chairman's office, Ji Yuqing looked at the beautiful figure standing in front of the window and silently smiled, as if he finally saw the hope to return after reading through thousands of sails. He said:    


"You want to see me?"    


Without turning back, Min Xinduo said,    


"I just want to make things clear to you. I want to give you a final outcome."    


"The end?"    


Ji Yuqing smiled bitterly.    


If the ending was really the end, then he would rather not come!    


However, ever since he had seen her that day, all of his thoughts were on her!    


He couldn't even concentrate on his work anymore.    


"You have become better! Mature, calm, and gentle! "    


Ji Yuqing praised.    


She had practically gathered all of her strengths together, and even though he had done many good deeds for society in the past three years without a doubt, he couldn't wipe away the blood that had once stained his hands!    


One light, one darkness!    


How could he fuse them?    


Ji Yuqing's heart became colder and colder. Seeing that Min Xinduo still refused to turn around and face him, he asked with a wry smile.    


"You don't want to see me that much?"    


Min Xinduo took a deep breath. She was afraid. The moment she turned around, she would burst into tears and lose control of herself.    


"I said, we have no future."    


"Do you know? The people from Luan originally begged me to save Luan, and even hoped to tie me up with a marriage alliance. "Originally, I was just bored to go to the family gathering, but when I saw you, I was extremely glad that I was bored."    


Ji Yuqing spoke with confidence. Thinking back, he seemed to not have the urge to pour out his thoughts like he did now in a long time.    


Only in front of Min Xinduo would he be able to release his truest and truest side, and cut his heart open for her to see!    


Min Xinduo let out a long sigh, trying her best to keep her voice calm as she said:    




"Yes. They had hoped for you to marry me so that I could preserve my Luan. "In the past, I was disdainful. But now, the one who is disdainful is probably you."    


When the marriage was within reach, he refused!    


And when he regretted it, he wouldn't be able to hug her anymore!    


Min Xinduo smiled mockingly.    


"So this old man has such a backup!" Do you think I am squashed in mud? "    


He was a bit angry, but when he touched Ji Yuqing behind him, he calmed down again.    


Ji Yuqing sat heavily on the sofa and looked at his fingers. His fingers that had turned yellow when he smoked in the past had become white again. There was not a single cigarette left on him.    


"I have already dissolved the Blood Night. However, everyone is still here. I established the current Ji with them. We're not doing the same things anymore. Didn't you say you didn't like living with me like that? It won't happen again. "    


Even Ji Yuqing didn't know what it meant by "there won't be any more in the future".    


Was it because Min Xinduo was no longer going down with him?    


Perhaps, from the very beginning, he was the one who cut off their path!    


Min Xinduo was visibly moved.    


"You're really willing to part with it?"    


It was the result of Ji Yuqing's more than ten years of gestation!    


"If you can bear to part with me, then why can't I bear to part with you?"    


When he said this, Ji Yuqing's heart was about to break. He almost choked and didn't dare to continue thinking.    


Min Xinduo opened her mouth slightly and swallowed whatever she was about to say. She said again:    


"Isn't that good? It's all starting from the beginning. "    


From now on, the bridge returns to the bridge, the road returns to the road, do not ask the old people long and short!    


Ji Yuqing smiled. The suit made him feel suffocated. He couldn't help but pull his collar and say:    


"I know about the current predicament of the Luan. If you want any help, you can... "    


"No need."    


Min Xinduo quickly interrupted Ji Yuqing.    


She was very confident in her own abilities. Furthermore, she would never ask for his help. That would be too disgraceful!    


For the current her, dignity was something she had to fight for by herself!    


In her three years abroad, she had completed her studies early and continued her studies. Although she still hadn't obtained her doctorate diploma, it was only a matter of time.    


Ji Yuqing was a bit surprised and thought, even a friend can't make it anymore?    


He staggered out of the Luan Group's building. The previously clear and blue sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and a violent storm was brewing.    


The people on the street began to run. Only he was walking slowly.    


The driver went up to him and asked him to get on the car, but he got scolded and told him to get lost.    


In just a few minutes, bean-sized raindrops frantically hit the ground.    


His face was already covered with tears. Mixed with the raindrops, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or the heavens were crying.    


Ji Yuqing returned home wet. He ignored the surprised gazes of Tom and Jerry and walked directly into the bedroom.    


The next time he saw Min Xinduo was at the Min Family Villa.    


Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen forcefully asked him to come to Min Family for lunch. It was a gathering of good friends.    


However, this good friend referred to the friendship between Ji Jingchen and Min Ann'ge!    


Not the friendship of the next generation.    


Ji Weiyu and her friend had gone out for lunch.    


Before lunch even started, Ji Yuqing arrived early.    


He was extremely familiar with Min Xinduo's home.    


Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen came up to him and said with a smile,    


"Yuqing, take a seat outside first. Dinner is about to be prepared!"    


Today, for the first time ever, they did not ask the chef to cook. Instead, the two couples went to cook together.    


Ji Yuqing didn't see Min Xinduo in the mansion, so he thought that she didn't want to appear at such an occasion in order not to see her.    


He was walking casually in the garden when he suddenly heard the happy cries of a child!    


"Mommy, he runs so fast! Wu Nian will not be able to catch up! "    


"Wu Nian, slow down!"    


Min Xinduo's concerned voice could be heard.    


Ji Yuqing was so happy that he walked a few steps quickly and turned around to see a few people chasing after him on the spacious grassland.    


The one running in the front was Lee Jiawen, for the past three years his Ji had interacted with him quite a bit, so of course they were all official matters!    


Wu Nian was only two steps behind him, but he couldn't catch up to Lee Jiawen. He had a very happy smile on his face!    


It could be seen that Lee Jiawen had deliberately slowed down his pace, maintaining a distance that was neither too close nor too far away.    


The effect was indeed very good!    


It was obvious from Wu Nian's happy smile.    


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