Lovely Substitute Bride



"You said it yourself! If you can't do it, you have to bear the consequences yourself. It has nothing to do with us! "    


Upon hearing this, Luan Zhi sneered in her heart. She was in a hurry to break off their relationship.    


"You all are truly amazing. When there are benefits, you all come rushing over like a flock of ducks. The problems that you all encounter run faster than anyone else. I really don't know how you all managed to reach this stage."    


Luan Zhi ignored them and pulled Duo Duo. "Duo Duo, let's go."    


With that, he turned around and left with Duo Duo.    


Duo Duo walked in a huff. She turned around and shouted at the staff, "Mommy will definitely find the culprit. You just wait and see!"    


She followed Luan Zhi out of the hospital, but when she thought about what she was going to do next, she didn't feel worried at all.    


"Mommy, where should we go next?"    


Luan Zhi thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the Asian Games first. Maybe we can find some clues."    


Even though she said that, she knew in her heart that the chances of finding any clues were practically nil.    


Now that the opening ceremony was over, many spectators and athletes had left the venue. Most of the staff had already left, leaving behind only the cleaners.    


Even if there was evidence, it had been taken away long ago, but he still had a sliver of hope that he might be able to find it.    


The two of them quickly made their way to the Asian Games venue. When they came in, they saw that all the spectators had already left. There were some trash scattered on the ground and a few cleaners were cleaning up the place.    


Luan Zhi brought Duo Duo to the backstage and asked, "Duo Duo, did anything happen after I gave those clothes to the staff at the Asian Games?"    


Duo Duo thought about it carefully.    


"Because there are too many clothes to be distributed, we split them into two. Duo Duo and the other brothers and sisters are responsible for half, while the others are responsible for the other half. There's nothing strange about that …"    


She frowned, and thought about it in distress. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she anxiously said: "That's right! After she had distributed half of her clothes to them, Duo still wanted to take other pictures, so she went to look for them. "    


"But when we got there, there was only the clothes chest on the corridor. There was no one around, and I also saw Cheng Xue’er's assistant standing next to them, sneaking around with a suspicious look. Duo Duo originally wanted to stop her, but the moment she made a sound, that person ran away. "    


"No one?" Luan Zhi asked doubtfully, "Where are the other staff members?"    


Duo Duo's little face was scrunched up, and she was blaming herself in her heart.    


"The older brothers and sisters said that they went to help because there was an accident on stage. But since Duo Duo has checked those clothes, it doesn't seem to be any different. Could it be that she was really poisoned at that time? "    


At that time, she only checked to see if her clothes were damaged and didn't check to see if they were poisoned.    


Who would have thought that someone would do something to their clothes?    


Duo Duo blamed herself. If she had checked more carefully at that time, such a thing wouldn't have happened.    


"It's not your fault." aA    


Luan Zhi patted her head. No one would have thought that they would dare to mess with an athlete's shirt. Even if Cheng Xue’er really wanted revenge, she shouldn't have made such a big deal out of it as a wager. "    


"But what should we do now? The killer was to be found in a week, and now there was no evidence. Furthermore, even if we find the culprit, the athletes in the hospital will not be able to cure them and won't be able to participate in the tournament.    


"It doesn't matter." Luan Zhi, however, was not worried at all and advised, "If there really is no other way, we will return to the America to take a look and we will definitely be able to find the appropriate medicine."    


Luan Family also included a portion of the medical companies' business, so there might be other ways.    


When the two of them arrived at the security room, they called for the security guards to bring out the security cameras. However, when they reached the corridor, the security guards shook their heads.    


"I'm really sorry, there seems to be something wrong with the data recorded on this camera."    


"What do you mean?"    


Luan Zhi walked up to take a closer look, but found that the camera was still pointing at the wall. It hadn't moved for two hours.    


"What's going on?"    


"Maybe I bumped into something while I was moving something? However, the other cameras are still working properly. Miss Luan, do you want to take a look? "    


Luan Zhi frowned. The most important thing was that this place had been pointed out the wrong way by someone during that period of time. They couldn't get the most important information on this place.    


"Isn't that too much of a coincidence?"    


"But the security did not care." This sort of thing happened quite often in the past, so it might just be an accident, right? "    


Luan Zhizhong didn't have any doubts in her heart. Was it really an accident? Isn't it too suspicious?    


Luan Zhi turned to look at Duo Duo. Duo Duo, is this where you met Assistant Cheng Xue’er? "    


Toot nodded and pointed in the direction of the corridor.    


"Right there. At that time, the staff who were preparing to distribute clothes went to the front desk to help. Only the assistant was standing beside the luggage case."    


Luan Zhi frowned as she thought about it. She asked the staff, "Has anything happened on the stage just before the opening ceremony tonight?"    


Hearing this, the person shook his head.    


"No, everything's working fine. How could something have gone wrong at such a grand occasion? We've been preparing for a long time. "    




Luan Zhi frowned.    


Then who was the one who purposely called the staff out?    


Luan Zhi asked for a list of the athletes' resting rooms. After carefully selecting them, she found that all the athletes who showed signs of being poisoned were in the same area, where Cheng Xue’er's assistant had appeared.    


If all the coincidences were linked together, then the word "coincidence" could no longer be used to describe it.    


"Duo Duo, what happened at that time?"    


While thinking, Duo Duo said, "Because we have too many clothes, we split them into two groups. Duo Duo is responsible for the track and field area and the water project area."    


Luan Zhi turned her head to ask the staff at the side. You guys have been away for a period of time, what's going on? "    


"That's strange." That person said, "There was clearly a staff member who came to tell us that there was a problem at the front desk and asked us to help him. But when we got to the front desk, there was no problem at all. "    


Luan Zhi's eyes flashed.    


"Do you remember what the staff member who called you out looked like?"    


The few of them looked at each other and shook their heads.    


"That man was wearing a hat, and we didn't see him clearly …" "This time, there will be a lot of volunteers gathered at the Asian Games. How can we remember everyone?"    


Luan Zhi frowned and fell into deep thought.    


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