Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge's face darkened as he pulled Luan Zhi inside.    


Assistant Cao was surprised that he didn't avoid Luan Zhi, although he didn't know what Min Ann'ge had done recently. Why did the police find him?    


In this period of time, Min Ann'ge had asked them to investigate Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan, and even asked them to look for a doctor. They all hid it from Luan Zhi, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them appeared together.    


Luan Zhi quickly followed behind Min Ann'ge and walked inside. As expected, she saw that many of the employees in the company were confused and uneasy. They looked like they were working, but ever since Min Ann'ge came in, their eyes fell on him, sizing him up and speculating.    


With such a large company and Min Ann'ge as his target, if there wasn't some concrete evidence to prove that Min Ann'ge committed a crime, why would those policemen come and find him?    


Everyone was very nervous. If Min Ann'ge really did something, the whole company would be doomed.    


Min Ann'ge did not explain and ignored the gazes of others. He brought Luan Zhi and quickly got on the elevator and went straight to the top floor.    


Assistant Cao followed them nervously. While guiding the way for the two, he said, "The police already arrived ten minutes ago, so they couldn't contact you or leave. They said they have to wait until you appear. They're in the meeting room right now."    


Min Ann'ge walked over with large strides. He opened the door and saw a few policemen sitting inside.    


Luan Zhi's eyes swept the room and recognized two of them as the people who had come to look for her earlier. They had changed into police uniforms and had serious expressions on their faces. Furthermore, there were three people following behind them.    


"When they heard the door open, they turned around and saw Min Ann'ge, quickly standing up." As the CEO of the company, Mr Min is indeed busy. After waiting for so long, you finally came back. "    


As he said this, his gaze landed on Luan Zhi, a faint smile appearing on his face. Miss Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge came together, and it was a deep friendship. "    


They had already told Luan Zhi about Min Ann'ge's suspected murder of his mother. This was not a small crime and ordinary people would be scared of it if they heard about it. However, they did not expect that Luan Zhi would be unwilling to leave after knowing about it.    


Luan Zhi held Min Ann'ge's hand tightly and said, "We are husband and wife, so we naturally have to be united against a common enemy."    


"But the policeman just smiled." Maybe Miss Luan Zhi has been abroad for too long, and the idiom of a common enemy is not used like that. "    


Luan Zhi glanced at them.    


"I don't think I misunderstood the word. I've heard your analysis before, and also discussed it with Min Ann'ge. I don't think he would do such a thing, and there are still many points of doubt that need to be reinvestigated. "Before the matter is made clear, if you guys just barge into the company like this, who will be responsible if it has an impact on the company's stock and performance?"    


The policeman shook his head and said sincerely, "We have already told you everything that we can, but you have been blinded by lies, so we can't do anything about it."    


As he said that, he turned around to look at Min Ann'ge. "Since you came in with Miss Luan Zhi, she should have told you about our guess, right?"    


That person stood up straight. His eyes became serious as he stood up and said, "Mr. Min Ann'ge, we will now officially inform you. We need you to come to the police station to take a statement because you are suspected of murdering Liu Qingyun."    


The three policemen behind him quickly walked out and looked at Min Ann'ge warily, as if they were worried that he had escaped.    


Min Ann'gezi's gaze swept over them and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. However, a cold light flashed in his eyes and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry. He said slowly: "Just to take me to make a statement, you sent out so many people. Isn't that making a big deal out of nothing."    


"There's nothing we can do. It's a serious matter, so we have to be careful. Mr. Min Ann'ge, please come with us."    


As he spoke, he prepared to forcefully bring him away.    


Before they even got close, Luan Zhi dashed forward and stood in front of Min Ann'ge.    


"No!" You have no evidence, so you can't take him away! "    


"Of course we have the evidence." The policeman promised, "Otherwise, we wouldn't have started the investigation. Don't worry, we are just conducting a routine interrogation and not imprisoning him."    


However, Luan Zhi was not at ease at all. How could she let Min Ann'ge be taken away by them?    


At that moment, Min Ann'ge put his hand on Min Ann'ge's shoulder and said softly, "It's okay, it's just a question."    


Seeing his calm expression, Luan Zhi seemed to have made up her mind long ago.    


"However, even if you want to take Min Ann'ge away, you can't go out like this. China Art company is one of the biggest companies in the country, it has many industries under its name and has groomed many famous stars, and Min Ann'ge, as the founder and CEO of China Art company, if you bring him out of the company like this, then it will definitely have a huge impact on Min Ann'ge and the entire company. "    


"If you find out that this has nothing to do with him, who will make up for the damage? "You?"    


"The policemen looked at each other. It is indeed possible." Does Miss Luan Zhi have any suggestions? "    


Luan Zhi glanced at Min Ann'ge and said, "You guys go out through the back door and avoid the others' eyes. I think you guys don't want to blow up before you get any clues, right?" Otherwise, if something really goes wrong, the ones who get laughed at are the police. "    


"When the policemen heard this, they discussed for a while before finally agreeing." "Then I'll just go through the back door."    


Luan Zhi finally let out a small sigh of relief and looked worriedly at Min Ann'ge. However, Min Ann'ge was not afraid. Instead, he comforted her, "It's alright, I will be back soon."    


Saying that, he followed the policemen out.    


Luan Zhi followed closely behind them and followed them downstairs. Only when Min Ann'ge got on the car and was unable to continue following them did they stop on the spot. He watched as the police car got further and further away from his sight.    


When Assistant Cao followed them into the meeting room, he was completely shocked when he heard that the policemen accused Min Ann'ge of murdering his mother.    


Min Ann'ge? Murder? How was this possible?    


Was it because of this that he had to hide the information he had previously investigated from Luan Zhi?    


As he was thinking, he turned to look at Luan Zhi, who had a worried look on her face, and advised, "Miss Luan Zhi, don't worry. Without clear evidence, they will only be able to detain President Min for twenty-four hours even if they bring him over to interrogate him. President Min will be back in a day. "    


"I know, but …"    


Luan Zhi's eyes were filled with worry. After investigating for such a long time, they finally managed to take Min Ann'ge away. They will use all means they have to get the information they want from him. I'm just afraid that Min Ann'ge will not cooperate, and if they are too eager to win, then Min Ann'ge will be hurt. "    


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