Lovely Substitute Bride



As if fearing that Min Ann'ge would ask her the same question again, Luan Zhi picked up her stuff and walked out hastily.    


But how could Min Ann'ge just let it go? Following closely behind, he also followed.    


The moment he left the office, he saw that many of the employees outside were gathered together, looking at him with gazes filled with obvious ridicule.    


Luan Zhi's face heated up as she asked, "Aren't you two getting off work too?"    


After which, he started to walk out.    


A few employees saw Min Ann'ge, who was following behind Luan Zhi, and revealed a mocking smile.    


"Miss Luan, are you going to have dinner with President Min?"    


Luan Zhi turned around to look at the person behind her and hurriedly said, "No."    


Min Ann'ge ignored the gazes of the others and followed closely behind her.    


It was now the afternoon. The people from the other companies were starting to get off work and get ready to go back to bed. The number of people on the road gradually increased.    


Seeing that the people behind her were still unwilling to leave, Luan Zhi couldn't help but worry a little. Wasn't this person afraid of being recognized and causing a commotion?    


She looked behind her out of the corner of her eye, but the man following her looked relaxed, as if he were taking a walk.    


Luan Zhi raised her head and saw a few people walking towards her with smiles on their faces. She immediately became nervous and turned her body to the side, subconsciously blocking Min Ann'ge's way.    


Only after those people left did he finally feel at ease.    


Min Ann'ge followed behind her and saw her actions. The corner of his mouth lifted into a slight curve and the lines of his facial features became gentler. He looked at Luan Zhi's back, full of depth and gentleness.    


However, Luan Zhi did not turn back as she urged him, "Are you still not leaving? Are you not afraid of being discovered? "    


How could Min Ann'ge leave?    


"Not afraid."    


Luan Zhi frowned and walked forward angrily.    


There were more and more pedestrians on the street, and soon, a few more of them walked over at the same time.    


Just as Luan Zhi was about to move to the side and cover Min Ann'ge behind her, she suddenly thought of what he had just said and stopped herself. Since he wasn't even afraid of her, what did she care about him?    


She gritted her teeth and continued to walk forward. She did not help him block the attack.    


Min Ann'ge acted like he didn't care at all as he followed behind her.    


Those people gradually approached, and just as they were about to pass by them, they turned around and saw Min Ann'ge. They were stunned and then let out a scream.    




"What?" That person rubbed his eyes, as if he didn't believe what he had just seen and became anxious. Min Ann'ge? Isn't this Min Ann'ge? Why are you here? "    


The few people beside him also quickly turned their heads to look.    


No one didn't know about Min Ann'ge's fame. The two of them had disappeared for a while and lost a lot of fame. However, these few people were her hardcore fans, so they recognized them at a glance. They quickly surrounded him, blushing with excitement.    


"Min Ann'ge!" Min Ann'ge! Can you give me an autograph? Can we take a picture together? "    


"Why did you come here today? Is he working around here? Is he going to make a comeback? "    


"I've always liked you!"    


They talked at the same time, not giving Min Ann'ge any time to speak.    


With a frown, he looked over their heads towards Luan Zhi, only to see her standing outside the crowd, as if she didn't intend to help him.    


In just a few seconds, the news had spread like wildfire. It was the peak hours of the day, and many employees were already rushing towards them the moment they left the company. Very soon, it became a sea of hundreds of people surrounding Min Ann'ge, making it impossible for him to leave.    


Luan Zhi was pushed further and further away, so she could only vaguely see Min Ann'ge's figure being submerged in the crowd.    


She stood at the periphery, furious.    


This man already knew that his movements outside would definitely cause such an effect, so why didn't he listen? He still wanted to follow behind her, but now, the entire road was blocked!    


With so many fans, every one of them had to take a picture together. Not to mention that there were still a lot of people rushing over.    


Soon, this place would become a huge assembly of thousands or even tens of thousands of people, causing chaos.    


Min Ann'ge was immersed in this. He tried countless times to push through the crowd, but after waiting for a few years, how could the fans who had finally waited for him just let it go?    


Pulling on his clothes and arms, the joy had long ago overwhelmed his mind.    


"Min Ann'ge!" When will you return to the entertainment industry? We've been waiting for you. "    


Min Ann'ge's expression was extremely ugly and he did not show any mercy.    


Ever since he left the entertainment circle, he no longer cared about being gentle and elegant. Now that these people were blocking in front of them, separating her from Luan Zhi, Min Ann'ge's expression became extremely ugly.    


However, the crazy fans in front of him didn't notice Min Ann'ge's expression at all.    


He looked up and saw that Luan Zhi was getting further and further away from him. He could not help but raise his voice.    


"Wait for me, I'll be right over!"    


However, no matter how loud his voice was, it was still drowned out by the cheers coming from beside him. The next second, he saw Luan Zhi turn around and leave without looking at him.    


Min Ann'ge was stunned for a moment and immediately panicked, wanting to chase up. But how could he resist the sea of people before him alone?    


He tried hard for a long time, but before he could walk more than a meter, he looked up to find that Luan Zhi was already gone.    


Min Ann'ge's face darkened and his gaze instantly dimmed. He never thought that Luan Zhi would leave by herself …    


His gaze became increasingly gloomy. The few fans closest to him seemed to have sensed something and gradually quieted down, feeling somewhat terrified. However, some of the fans far away didn't realize this and continued to cheer crazily, attracting even more people.    


Min Ann'ge frowned as he looked at the crazy crowd in front of him. He was about to call the security guards to come pick her up.    


At that moment, a sharp whistle sounded!    


Not far away, several uniformed police officers ran over and shouted at the people in front of them.    


"What are you doing? Hurry up and disperse! If you don't leave now, we'll catch you at the police station! "    


The fans quickly calmed down, reluctantly turned around and left.    


The few policemen finally walked over. They looked at Min Ann'ge's appearance and looked him up and down.    


"Min Ann'ge, right? Come with us. "    


Min Ann'ge frowned. "Why?"    


"And why? You caused such a commotion, come back with us to prepare for the case. "    


Min Ann'ge looked around and didn't see Luan Zhi. He then gave up. With a cold face, he got out of the car and walked all the way to the police station.    


The police also knew Min Ann'ge's identity. If Min Ann'ge suddenly appeared, it would cause a commotion. This kind of thing had happened more than once before. They made a simple statement and let him go.    


Although he knew it wasn't his fault, he still couldn't help but remind Min Ann'ge: "Mr. Min Ann'ge, I hope you won't appear in public by yourself in the future. It's easy to cause an accident."    


"Understood, thank you so much for this time."    


The man waved his hand and laughed, "It's not us, it was someone who reported us. They informed us that a commotion had occurred and we were the ones who went over. You should be thanking her instead. "Look, say Cao Cao Cao has arrived."    


He pointed behind Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge turned around and saw Luan Zhi leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, looking at him.    


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