Lovely Substitute Bride



"Your husband's tolerance for alcohol is very good."    


Luan Zhi's face turned hot as she shouted, "Daddy is so bad! Daddy is so heavy! "    


Min Ann'ge picked her up. How heavy? "Don't you fear your father will be sad when Duoduo says that?"    


He even intentionally frowned, pretending that he was really sad.    


Duo Duo hurriedly held Min Ann'ge's face with her hands and said softly,    


"It's not heavy, it's not heavy. Daddy is definitely not heavy either!"    


Luan Zhi was afraid that Min Ann'ge wouldn't be able to carry Duo Duo if she drank too much, so she wanted to go and receive it. Even though I'm not drunk, I must feel bad after drinking so much! "    


But Min Ann'ge said, "Forget about Duo Duo, it won't be a problem for you to hug her as well. Do you want to test it? "    


Luan Zhi's face reddened. She took two steps forward and said:    


"Good!" "Then I'll just give you a hug!"    


He ran to the front.    


"Oh no! Mom is angry! What should we do?" Min Ann'ge turned around and said worriedly to Duo Duo.    


"It's not because of Duo Duo. It should be because of Father."    


After saying that, he quickly jumped off Min Ann'ge, ran a few steps, and made a face at Min Ann'ge.    


"Good, you actually dared to tease daddy."    


Min Ann'ge quickly caught up, scaring Duo Duo who was laughing as she ran.    


After returning home and settling down Duo Duo, Min Ann'ge came to Luan Zhi's side. Seeing that she was still rejecting the information on the studio, he frowned slightly.    


"Don't read too much at night. It's time to rest."    


Only then did Luan Zhi, who was sitting on the bedside, put the book down. She looked up at Min Ann'ge in surprise and said:    


"You can massage?"    


Min Ann'ge said as he rolled up the sleeves of his nightgown,    


"Won't you know in a while? Now, lie back and let me serve you! "    




Luan Zhi repeated Min Ann'ge's words as she laid on the soft bed.    


Min Ann'ge didn't answer, but kneeled by her side. His two big hands first massaged Luan Zhi's head for a while, then he massaged her neck slightly.    


Luan Zhi did the design work frequently, and the muscles on her neck were often worn out. After being massaged by Min Ann'ge, she felt an aching pain, but then she completely relaxed and felt that her tensed muscles had all been relieved.    


"Mm …" Not bad … Right... "There it is …"    


Luan Zhi subconsciously snorted.    


He had no idea how tempting it was to make such a sound!    


The self-control that Min Ann'ge was always so proud of had completely collapsed in front of Luan Zhi. His body was already starting to heat up! However, he forced himself to continue massaging Luan Zhi's back.    


Today, Luan Zhi intentionally wore high-heeled shoes. Now, her calves were aching and she felt much better after being massaged by Min Ann'ge. She praised:    


"Not bad!"    


Min Ann'ge smiled. At this moment, he was covered in sweat. It was not because the massage was too tiring, but because he had endured too much.    


When Luan Zhi saw that he didn't say anything, she turned to look at him. When she saw his face blushing, she thought it was due to his strong alcohol, so she hurriedly said,    


"Alright, alright. Quickly lie down!"    


Min Ann'ge didn't say anything, but he suddenly bent down and blocked Luan Zhi's mouth.    


After taking a bath, the wine didn't smell too bad. At this moment, it seemed more like a catalyst for emotions! The fragrance of shower gel permeated Min Ann'ge's body as he continuously approached Luan Zhi's body. His two large hands pressed her hands to the sides of her head.    


Luan Zhi also gradually immersed herself into his world!    


This little episode from the fraternity party was wiped out in Luan Zhi's mind just like that!    


But for Min Ann'ge, it was only the beginning!    


In the dark room, there was only an incandescent light that hit the man's face! At this moment, his slim body had already curled up on the ground. His originally not very tall body appeared even smaller!    


There were wounds on his face, and they were sticking out savagely, looking as if they had been whipped off, and still bleeding. It was barely possible to see his face. He was the Twin Dragon Lake's Haozi who had openly flirted with Luan Zhi at the social club!    


Suddenly, a door opened.    


Hao Zi looked towards the source of the light with a bit of confusion. He only saw a few people walking into the light. The leader of the group walked closer and saw his face clearly.    


"Yes …" "It's you …"    


Haozi's body, which had originally looked like a pile of mud, suddenly burst forth with strength from who knows where and shrunk towards the corner.    


"How have you been these past two days? "Haozi."    


Hao Zi's entire body was trembling with fear. He was stunned for a moment before hurriedly pouncing in front of that person. He held onto that person's lower leg and pleaded:    


"Let me go, please let me go. I didn't know that the woman was yours!"    


The person he hugged was Min Ann'ge!    


Min Ann'ge kicked him away in disgust and sat on the chair that the bodyguard had just put down. He looked at Haozi, who was still crying on the floor, expressionlessly and said,    


"Have you thought it over? "As long as you tell me who ordered you, I'll give you a clean death!"    


Hao Zi shook his head with all his might.    


"No, no, no, I don't want to die!"    


"Don't want to die? I'm afraid I have the final say. "    


Min Ann'ge stood up and said coldly:    


"It seems like you still haven't figured out the reality. Then I'll generously give you some more time!"    


As he said this, he walked towards the door, but the two bodyguards behind him did not leave together. Instead, they stayed behind and fished out items from a box one by one. scissors, pliers, hooks …    


Hao Zi howled out in pain and desperately tried to retreat to the corner of the wall.    


However, the room was huge and there was no safe place. No matter where he shrank, he would be caught immediately.    


The iron door was already closed, so Min Ann'ge couldn't hear the screams inside.    


Assistant Cao, who was behind him, walked up and said unwillingly:    


"How about I remind them not to go too far!"    


Min Ann'ge looked at the sun that was slowly sinking into the western mountains and said:    


"A rotten life, living is still a disaster! However, he is still useful to me, so I will leave him alone! "    


Assistant Cao looked towards the bodyguard beside him, who nodded in understanding.    


Min Ann'ge's nose twitched. He frowned slightly and said to Assistant Cao, who was driving:    


"Not yet. Go to the Empire Hotel and get a room! "    


Although Assistant Cao had some doubts, he wisely chose not to ask and didn't need to report the boss's matter to him.    


An hour later, after they left the Imperial Hotel, Min Ann'ge said to Assistant Cao,    


"Go home!"    


Assistant Cao thought as he drove home.    


Min Ann'ge closed his eyes slightly. Seeing that Assistant Cao seemed to have something on his mind, he took the initiative and said:    


"I smell blood. It's much better now!"    


Only then did Assistant Cao realize that Min Ann'ge went to the hotel to bathe before going back home because he was afraid of bringing home the smell of blood.    


Suddenly, he felt that the boss was voluntarily explaining to him! This was a rare occurrence!    


Min Ann'ge would actually explain it to him?    


Assistant Cao's heart beat even faster. He felt a bit of warmth as he carefully watched the road as he drove.    


When they arrived at Min Ann'ge's house, the lights had already been turned on.    


While Duo Duo had fallen asleep in Luan Zhi's embrace, Luan Zhi was quietly reading a book. She held Duo Duo in one hand and flipped open a book in the other.    


Seeing Min Ann'ge come back, Luan Zhi turned her head to get up. However, she didn't move for a long time. Her legs were already numb. She staggered a bit and then fell back onto the sofa.    


Min Ann'ge went up to support her, looked at her reproachfully, then cautiously took the flowers from Luan Zhi's arms and walked upstairs to the bedroom.    


When they returned to the living room, Min Ann'ge said:    


"Duo Duo is almost seven years old now. It's so heavy, don't carry it for so long!"    


She complained as she stretched her arms and legs.    


Luan Zhi smiled and said:    


"It's fine. Just now, I watched a cartoon with Duo Duo and fell asleep right after seeing her. I don't have the heart to wake her up."    


Min Ann'ge said:    


"Wake up!" "It won't be long now. If you get bruised, I won't let you off!"    


Luan Zhi knew that he was worried about her and asked:    


"Why are you back so late today? Have you eaten? "    


Min Ann'ge shook his head and said:    


"Something happened at the company office and it's just been taken care of." Have you eaten? "    


In the past, it was Min Ann'ge who came back almost every night to cook. Today, Duo Duo had already fallen asleep.    


Luan Zhi nodded and said.    


"My mom is here today. She's making dumplings for us to eat! There are still some remaining in the fridge. I'll go cook some for you right now, wait a moment! "    


Min Ann'ge was worried that she would touch the kitchen stuff so he hurriedly followed her and said:    


"Let me do it!" I haven't eaten dumplings in a long time! "    


"Is that so? This is my first time eating dumplings, it tastes really good! "    


Luan Zhi said. She took out a bag of dumplings that had been frozen hard and opened it to fill the bowl.    


Min Ann'ge boiled water and soon came out with a bowl of steaming hot dumplings!    


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