Lovely Substitute Bride



The two men gradually approached Luan Zhi. Luan Zhi had no choice but to retreat, but there were two men behind her, surrounding her!    


Although there weren't many people at the exit, there were still some commuting to and from work. However, those people all wisely chose to not disturb them. After taking a few glances, they quickly left.    


Just as Luan Zhi was two steps away from the vulgar man behind her, she heard a screeching sound of brakes!    


Not far away, on the tarmac, a black Bentley came to a steady halt. From the driver's seat, a figure quickly appeared!    


Luan Zhi recognized the car the moment she turned around. It was one of Min Ann'ge's cars.    


As expected, the person getting out of the car was Min Ann'ge. He looked at Luan Zhi, who was surrounded by four people, narrowed his eyes and quickly walked over.    


The expensive car door was slammed shut by him with a "bang" sound! It shook the four people surrounding Luan Zhi!    


Coupled with Min Ann'ge's unfriendly face, he walked straight up to them without stopping at all. The few of them immediately panicked!    


They knew that Luan Feixian's knee was shattered by this evil god!    


The two people standing in front of Luan Zhi couldn't help but slightly move to the side to avoid Min Ann'ge's anger.    


The only one who could still laugh was Luan Zhi!    


Watching her hero walk over, she smiled and said:    


"Why are you here?"    


Min Ann'ge walked up to Luan Zhi and held her in front of his chest.    


"I also happen to be resting."    


Then he looked up and down at those people and said:    


"I guess it's a coincidence. If I didn't come today, Zhi would have been injured!"    


Saying the word "hit", Min Ann'ge's eyes turned cold. Those people quickly waved their hands and said with a bitter face:    


"How would we dare?"    


"I don't dare."    


Min Ann'ge lightly smiled and said:    


"I don't dare to do it today, but what about another day?"    


Those few people could also read the situation and immediately said,    


"There's no other day. We will definitely disappear in front of President Luan in the future! "No, it's Miss Luan!"    


Luan Zhi looked at the few people who had suddenly become cowardly and raised her eyebrows. She was highly appreciative of Min Ann'ge's deterrence and said,    


"Alright!" Let's go! "    


Luan Zhi said as she held Min Ann'ge's arm.    


Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi's hand, turned around and said coldly to these people:    


"Hurry up and get lost!"    


Those people said "yes" as they quickly got into a van parked by the side of the road and escaped.    


While leading Luan Zhi to his car, Min Ann'ge asked what those people had done to Luan Zhi. Luan Zhi explained one by one before saying:    


"I guess the branch office couldn't hold on for much longer, so they thought of me."    


"Hmm, how about I arrange two more bodyguards for you? What if they come to harass you again? "    


Min Ann'ge suggested. He couldn't imagine what kind of treatment she would suffer if he didn't pick her up on a whim today! The van windows where the men had left were all black. It looked like a movie ride for kidnapping.    


"No need! That would be too much of an exaggeration. I'll just try to get off work with my colleagues. I don't think they would do anything to me if they asked for it. "    


Luan Zhi refused.    


Min Ann'ge was still worried. He just made up his mind that he would come to pick her up when he got off work every day.    


Sure enough, in the next few days, Min Ann'ge would always notice a few people sneaking up on him while he was waiting for Luan Zhi downstairs. Seeing him running away in panic, someone else came to repeat the same thing the next day!    


Min Ann'ge didn't go up to argue, but he came to Luan Zhi's side more diligently!    


After a few days, the branch office still hadn't found a chance to talk to Luan Zhi alone, so they had to give up the plan temporarily. Instead, they started spreading rumors online with hatred.    


The first thing that appeared was a status that was issued by a Weibo certification big video:    


"I, Luan, abandoned my past subordinates in the company. I ignored the company's predicament and resolutely sought out the second spring of my career!"    


Then, a comment immediately pointed out that the 'I am Luan' mentioned in this state was Luan Zhi!    


Some of the hired cyber-navy began to crazily praise and forward the status and comments, and added fuel to the fire by fabricating Luan Zhi's many dark histories!    


Just as the situation was getting more and more intense, Luan Zhi's fans finally broke out!    


The fans took over this big video Weibo, while the comments and comments were all taken over by the fans' words of justice!    


At the top of the comments page, there was a message that received the most Likes:    


"Correction!" When Luan Zhi left the company, it wasn't because the company was in a predicament, but because she had left the Luan Building due to personal reasons. Furthermore, the design was Luan Zhi's dream, and she had always been fighting for it! "Please pay attention to your words and actions!"    


In addition, there were many comments about Luan Zhi's injustice:    


"The employees of that company are all on Luan Feixian's side. When Luan Zhi left the company, they were still mocking her! "What right do you have to say that Luan Zhi abandoned them?"    


"Now that Luan Feixian is going to throw the blame on Luan Zhi due to his poor management, isn't he being too petty!?"    


"Luan Feixian did not manage the company properly, and he actually has the heart to frame someone else. This big V must have been bought!" "From then on, we'll just cancel our focus!"    


"The reason Luan Feixian's company has so many problems that they haven't resolved them is to divert attention away from them! I can't be confused. I've heard that Luan Feixian's company has a seven-figure tax evasion.    


"Also, there is a big problem with the quality of the projects this company has recently taken over. The victim wants to go on an interview but gets beaten up and kept silent!"    


A dark cloud was blown out by the powerful fans. Some of them even @ related departments' Weibo.    


Therefore, a comprehensive inspection of the branch company managed by Luan Feixian began!    


Luan Feixian was enjoying his villa being massaged by a beauty, but he was startled by the police officer who suddenly barged in. Seeing the leader of the police with a sullen face, he quickly asked,    


"Who are you people? How dare he barge into a house! I want to call the police! "    


The man with a crew cut, dressed in a Chinese tunic, said:    


"Call the police? We are the police! Open your dog eyes wide and see clearly, this is the anonymous report you evaded tax proof! Please come with us! "    


The lady behind Luan Feixian had already retreated to the side due to fright, not daring to step forward.    


Luan Feixian's heart was beating like a drum. His face was covered in sweat, but he still insisted:    


"This is a frame-up! I'm looking for my lawyer! "    


He wasn't too stupid. He knew he had a right to his own lawyer now.    


Actually, this couldn't be considered as him being smart. His first reaction from a young age to becoming a troublemaker was to find a lawyer to incriminate him! It had already become a habit!    


The man with the crew cut smiled and said:    


"Sure, call me!"    


Luan Feixian fumbled for his phone but didn't call the lawyer. Instead, he dialed his grandpa's number.    


After explaining the current situation to Fourth Master Luan, Luan Feixian begged,    


"Grandfather, you must save me! Now that these people are here, I don't know what to do! "    


Fourth Master Luan felt a headache coming on due to this grandson's ability. However, he had no choice but to save him because beside him, Luan Fei'ann was quietly lying down and was still lifeless!    


Fourth Master Luan used the contacts he had accumulated over the years to contact the top leadership of the Public Security Office. After giving a large number, the other side finally accepted it with satisfaction.    


After just one phone call, the man didn't question Luan Feixian anymore and left with the policemen.    


Luan Feixian said while wiping away the sweat on his forehead:    


"Granddad has a way!"    


At this time, the girl walked forward again, bowed, and said:    


"This incident suddenly happened, I'm guessing it has something to do with the recent developments on the internet!" "This Luan Zhi is a really good person!"    


A single blow from the wind blew Luan Feixian into a rage. He gritted his teeth and said:    


"Luan Zhi!"    


Thinking about all the problems that had occurred in the branch company recently, he suddenly had another headache. However, this girl beside him was quite smart. In order to show off in front of Luan Feixian, she wracked her brains and gave him an idea!    


Luan Zhi was in the design room talking about the design concept of a piece of clothing with her assistant when she suddenly received a call from Luan Feixian.    


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