Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi tossed the folder in her hands onto the table. Looking at how the reporters below the stage were not trusting her, she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She could not help but want to step back!    


However, looking at Fann Leeming's smiling face, she told herself, you can't retreat!    


"I guarantee in my own name that I will produce true evidence. I hope that you all will remember the doubts you made against me today! And you, Fann Leeming! "    


Fann Leeming was noncommittal. There were so many reporters standing behind him.    


He had already won!    


"At any time!" Fann Leeming said.    


Luan Zhi turned around, not wanting to look at his hypocritical face any longer. He had been lying to her for so long, what an ingrate!    


And those reporters with no discernment at all!    


However, the reporters did not want Luan Zhi to leave so easily. Someone stood up and asked loudly,    


"Miss Luan, are you really slandering Mayor Jiang today?"    


Before he could finish, another reporter stood up and said:    


"Showing Mayor Jiang dirty water, Miss Luan, do you also intend to run for governor? Or someone else you support? "I heard that the mayor of another city is also very popular. Are you more supportive of him?"    


"Please explain it to me!" "Miss Luan!"    


One after another, aggressive questions were asked from those who had already squeezed under the stage. Microphones with their own media labels hung up one after another, just like bamboo shoots that had just sprouted out of the ground!    


If there were not some security guards blocking the way, they would probably rush up the stage!    


Luan Zhi stopped in her tracks and turned around abruptly. Looking at those people who were like wolves and tigers, she hated Fann Leeming even more!    


She wanted to say something, but those hundreds of reporters questioned her almost at the same time. Even if Luan Zhi tried to defend herself, it would be to no avail.    


Hurrying to the backstage area, Luan Zhi suppressed the rage in her heart.    


Min Ann'ge watched from behind the curtain as Luan Zhi walked towards him step by step. His steps were unsteady and his heart was bleeding. His hatred for Fann Leeming deepened!    


The moment Luan Zhi stepped over the curtain, her legs gave way and she fell into Min Ann'ge's arms!    


"Zhi …"    


Min Ann'ge said nervously.    


Luan Zhi waved her hand and said weakly:    


"I'm fine."    


However, from the looks of it, she was obviously exhausted!    


Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi and looked at Fann Leeming, who was also looking at him, as well as the reporters who were standing in front of the cameras. He snorted and turned around to leave with Luan Zhi.    


"I forgive the lady!"    


A voice suddenly rang out and a few people appeared at the door behind the reporter.    


Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were both standing high up on the stage. They immediately saw Jiang Guowei, who had just entered the press conference. He was accompanied by several leaders and cadres as he leisurely walked in.    


The reporter standing at the back turned his head and saw Jiang Guowei's arrival. He quickly pulled on his colleague. Word spread quickly, and in just half a minute, all the reporters knew Jiang Guowei had arrived!    


They all turned around and walked towards Jiang Guowei, wanting to interview him.    


However, the bureau chief beside him glared at the reporter, causing the reporter to halt in his advance! This harsh director was the leader of the organization that was in charge of managing the media. Once you offended him, he would close you down immediately!    


Jiang Guowei, on the other hand, was quite benevolent. He had a round belly, a flushed face, and a smile that made him look like Maitreya Buddha! Compared to the bureau chief just now, all the reporters' affability level with Jiang Guowei shot up!    


Jiang Guowei waved his hand and said:    


"Everyone, don't push! Be careful not to push!"    


Just as he was talking, a female reporter in the front row was pushed forward by someone behind him and fell forward.    


Jiang Guowei quickly supported her and said:    


"See!" "Everyone's safety is not guaranteed, my heart aches a lot!"    


Luan Zhi, who was supported by Min Ann'ge, stood on the stage. Watching Jiang Guowei's actions from a distance, she could not help but mock him.    


"What a hypocrite!"    


These words were as fake as they could be! How disgusting it could be!    


The bureau chief, who was standing beside Jiang Guowei, raised his head and snapped at Luan Zhi.    


"What do you say?"    


He looked just like a dog!    


Jiang Guowei still did not get angry. Instead, he patted the bureau chief's arm and said:    


"It's nothing, it's nothing! This lady was too emotional! Let me talk to her. "    


With that, he walked towards the stage.    


The reporter automatically opened up a path and watched Jiang Guowei lead his few cadres swaggering towards Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge.    


The security guards did not stop them.    


Jiang Guowei went up on stage and walked to the side of Fann Leeming. He took the initiative to shake hands with Fann Leeming and said with a tinge of excitement:    


"Thank you! Thank you very much for your maintenance! However, I am not afraid of the shadow slanting. I will not disappoint your trust! "    


With that, he walked to the side of Luan Zhi with a smile and said:    


"My lady, if I am not mistaken, your name is Luan Zhi! Although we've met a few times and heard rumors about it, Miss Luan Zhi, I've never done the things you just said. I don't know whose rumors you've heard. "    


Luan Zhi laughed and said:    


"Oh? Is that so? Mayor Jiang had a good memory! How could he forget what he had done so quickly? However, you don't remember, we victims still remember it very clearly! "    


Jiang Guowei had his hands behind his back as he stared at Luan Zhi, but he didn't say anything.    


The one who spoke was another man beside him. He shouted,    


"Speak with evidence! This is a legal society, who can make you falsely accuse others with your white teeth? "    


Luan Zhi turned her head to look at the pile of scrap paper on the table, but remained silent.    


On the other hand, the bureau chief who asked the question saw that Luan Zhi was stumped and immediately said,    


"How can a government official be framed by someone like you? Be careful that we accuse you of slander! "    


Jiang Guowei stood up and said:    


"Well, how can you be so rude to a woman? "Miss Luan Zhi, don't worry. I'm only here to tell you not to be tricked by others and not to send you to jail."    


"Who did you say was going to prison?"    


Min Ann'ge could no longer hold it in and said. At the same time, he swept his gaze across the group of people opposite him!    


On Jiang Guowei's side, there were all high-ranking officials, plus Fann Leeming who had temporarily turned the tables. On Min Ann'ge's side, there were only two people, and they didn't have any proof!    


"Yo, Big Star Min!" You came too! "    


Jiang Guowei said in surprise, as if he had just seen him, those who didn't know him would think that he had a deep relationship with Min Ann'ge!    


Min Ann'ge ignored him. Instead, he helped Luan Zhi to the only chair on the table and sat down. Then, he turned to Jiang Guowei and said:    


"Mayor Jiang is in a really good mood!" In this situation, if he still dared to come out and wander around, he was not afraid of losing his tongue! You and I both know the truth! "Why do you need to fake it?"    


Min Ann'ge turned his head to look at the reporters off the stage and sneered. His tone was like the cold winter wind blowing in winter. Each word was as cold as frost as he said:    


"However, this show is a success. At the very least, these people will believe you!"    


His gaze swept across the reporters in the audience coldly. The reporters looked at each other in dismay.    


"Mayor Jiang is such a good person, yet he was framed by you two! The heavens were truly unable to tolerate this! Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning when you go out? " said one of the directors fiercely.    


"Thunderclap? "Then you all just wait and see, just how long does this lightning have to grow eyes!"    


He slowly walked to Jiang Guowei's side, narrowed his eyes and looked at him.    


Jiang Guowei had seen Min Ann'ge's strength before, even the assassins that he hired at a high price couldn't beat him. He suddenly felt weak inside, but after seeing the few people that were glaring at Min Ann'ge and the hundreds of people below the stage, he forced himself to calm down.    


Min Ann'ge said,    


"I advise you not to go out in the future, especially on a thunderstorm!"    


With that, he looked at the few officials around him and intentionally glared at Fann Leeming who was standing not far behind them. Then, he turned around and walked to Luan Zhi's side.    


Luan Zhi looked at Fann Leeming. She still couldn't believe that she had trusted the wrong person and sent the evidence to him for nothing.    


"Let's go!"    


Min Ann'ge held Luan Zhi's hand and walked to the bottom of the stage together with her.    


"You're not allowed to leave!"    


one of the directors called out.    


The reporters below the stage also quickly surrounded the two of them and said,    


"Please say something!"    




Min Ann'ge swept his gaze across the reporters. All of them shut their mouths, but they still stood there unwillingly, unwilling to leave.    


Jiang Guowei, who was on the stage, said generously:    


"Miss Luan Zhi, big star Min, as long as you don't slander me anymore, I won't pursue today's matter!"    


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