Lovely Substitute Bride



"Ya ya ya, you think I'm air?! Forget it, since my mission has been completed, I will leave first! I don't want to be ignored by you all again! "    


Reiss twitched his mouth, picked up a few more tissues and quickly ran away!    


Who knew what kind of perverted mission Min Ann'ge, who oppressed the staff, would give him!    


However, when he thought of the number that appeared in Kali's eyes, although he did not say it out loud, he was still very happy! Probably once again, he would still choose to carry out his mission!    


Who had enmity with money?    


Luan Zhi burst out laughing as she watched his fleeing figure.    


"Don't laugh at him!"    


Min Ann'ge covered her eyes with his hand.    


"It's not like he can see!"    


Min Ann'ge declared his sovereignty in a very domineering manner:    


"You are mine. And I can't laugh because of him! "    


"Well, I'm laughing at him for being so helpless because of you, not because he's happy! "Rest assured, only you can make me truly happy!"    


Luan Zhi stretched out her arms and hugged Min Ann'ge's waist. Her lips curled up because of Min Ann'ge's taste!    


Early spring morning, the cold wind was still biting cold! Scratching on someone's body in pain.    


There were many overpasses in this bustling city! However, there was one person who had been surrounded by people when the sun had just risen!    


The grandpas and grandpas, the hardworking cleaners by the roadside, gathered around Luan Feixian.    


A 60-odd year old woman patted Luan Feixian on the cheek.    


"Young man, wake up! Wake up!"    


"Aiya, if I keep sleeping like this, I'll catch a cold. Hey, that guy over there, give him half of your blanket! Look at him, he's shivering from the cold! "    


The "hero" pointed out by the passersby was precisely the aboriginal of this overpass — a homeless person!    


The homeless guy yawned and opened his eyes:    


"Aiya, this person had already rubbed against my blanket in the middle of the night, so he insisted on snatching it away from me. It caused me to not sleep well that night." Look at his clothes! He's definitely not a poor person, so don't worry about him! "    


The bystanders began to criticize the homeless guy for not saving his life! A clamor!    


Luan Feixian felt that his ears were very noisy, he felt a splitting headache and cursed before he even opened his eyes:    


"Why are you making such a ruckus? "Get lost!"    


Every grandpa and grandma had never seen such an ungrateful person, so they couldn't help but extend their hands to push him away.    


"Hey, young man, why do you talk like that?"    


Luan Feixian was pushed to wake up. His head was still in a daze. Looking at the crowd that was looking down at him from above, he felt like he was going to explode.    


"Where am I? "Where is this place?"    


He struggled to sit up, but could not get up. The injury to his knee was too painful for him to bear, so he fell back to the ground.    


When the crowd saw this, they immediately said:    


"Look at your body, what a mess you've been through!" "Young people nowadays …"    


Luan Feixian suddenly raised his head, grabbed the person who spoke and said:    


"Why am I here? Get me a car? "    


That person shook his hand:    


"How would I know?" I'll wake up early in the morning and see you rolling under this overpass with that tramp over there. Where can I get a car for you? A taxi would be fine. "    


Luan Feixian turned his head to look, in the corner of the overpass, there was an old man dressed in rags, sitting in an old bed full of cotton, a touch of snot on the bridge pier.    


He slept with someone all night?    


Luan Feixian was about to collapse! Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't recall how he came here yesterday. He could only remember that he went to Jiang Guowei's home, overheard him say that he wanted to get rid of him, then went to the club to get drunk, and then he completely forgot about it!    


"Who has a cell phone? Give me a call. "    


Luan Feixian only had a single set of clothes and it was still dirty. He had cash and cell phones all over his body.    


The surrounding people didn't want to lend it to him, so they all retreated.    


Luan Feixian jumped on the nearest person and pestered him to lend his phone to him.    


After making a call to his subordinate, Luan Feixian casually threw that person's phone away and moved to the side of the road, using his hands to support his body.    


The owner of the phone picked up the phone on the floor and saw that the screen was already broken into pieces. He immediately walked up to Luan Feixian and shouted:    


"You compensate!"    


Luan Feixian glanced at it and said:    


"Just you wait!"    


Seeing that he could not escape, that person also sat beside him. However, his sharp mouth was not idle; those curses were endless!    


That person was a rascal who was used to cursing. The more vulgar he was, the smoother his words would be!    


At the beginning, Luan Feixian replied back slowly, but in the end, he ended up with nothing! He could only endure his anger. Closing his eyes, he waited for his men to come and pick him up.    


Finally, when his men came to pick him up, Luan Feixian was helped onto the car. He took out a stack of bills from his men and threw it on the man's face.    


"Hit him!"    


After a fierce beating, he threw some money and vented his resentment before leaving!    


Returning to his villa, Luan Feixian washed himself for a long time before he finally got rid of the stench on his body. Just as he was enjoying the beauty massage, his landline rang.    


After his subordinate answered the call, he came to report:    


"President Luan, it's Mayor Jiang."    


Luan Feixian's eyes squinted as he received the phone and said hello.    


Jiang Guowei immediately said:    


"Come to my house right now. There's something you need to discuss with me!"    


Luan Feixian agreed hesitantly. After hanging up, he hesitated!    


Thinking of what Jiang Guowei said yesterday, his heart shivered. However, if he didn't go, it would be too much.    


He could only take the bodyguards and drive towards Jiang Guowei's home!    


On the other side, Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge were sitting in the office of the CEO of China Art, staring at the moving red dot on the map.    


"You've arranged everything?"    


Luan Zhi asked without blinking.    


Min Ann'ge leaned back and pulled Luan Zhi down as well. Both of them leaned back on the sofa.    


"Sigh, I can't see it anymore!"    


Min Ann'ge took out a remote control from somewhere. When he pressed the button, the white wall in front of them projected the scene on the computer.    


Luan Zhi turned around and looked at Min Ann'ge.    


"You really are something."    


The two of them watched leisurely as the red dot approached the target's area.    


Min Ann'ge picked up a special walkie-talkie and said:    


"You can begin."    


The other side simply replied with a "Yes" and began deploying.    


A few surveillance footage was displayed on the wall. From all angles, they were able to see every single movement on the street!    


"He's coming."    


Min Ann'ge said.    


The traffic on the street was so heavy that Luan Zhi could not figure out which one it was. She asked,    




Min Ann'ge pointed at the screen on the upper right corner of the screen, and a silver-grey business car slowly drove into the center of the screen.    


Suddenly, a car shot out diagonally and crashed straight into the moving MPV.    


Boom! *    


Even Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge, who were not present at the scene, could hear the loud noise from the surveillance cameras!    


Both cars stopped.    


The MPV was hit the hardest. It was knocked over and slid for more than ten meters before it hit the roadside green belt and came to a stop.    


Only the front of the other car was caved in.    


Before the passersby could react, the car made a spin and ran away!    


Only then did the passersby come to their senses. Some of them shouted, "Save me!" while others hurriedly raised their heads to memorize the license plate of the escaping car. However, they discovered that the car didn't have a license plate!    


The passerby opened the door of the overturned MPV and pulled a man whose face was covered in blood out.    


"Luan Feixian is also injured?"    


Luan Zhi shouted.    


Seeing the enthusiastic crowd pulling everyone out of the car one after the other, the one who suffered the most serious injuries was Luan Feixian, who was the first to be pulled out!    


"He should not die. You see, he can still humph with such vigour! Tsk tsk, it was too light. "    


Sure enough, Luan Feixian was sitting on the ground, pointing at this and that with both hands and shouting:    


"Who hit you? Who hit it? Stand forward for laozi! "    


The voice was loud and flustered, without a hint of injury. The only difference was that his face was covered in blood, making him look terrifying!    


Luan Zhi pushed Min Ann'ge.    


"Wait! Don't be too impulsive, there are still other plans ahead, he can't die yet. "    


Min Ann'ge looked at the person in front of him with a cold gaze. Although he wanted to kill this person, he had no choice but to stop.    


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