Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo absent-mindedly sat in her car and returned to school.    


The moment he sat down, he saw Chen Feifann walk over with a small box in his hand with a flattering smile on his face.    


"Duo Duo, I heard that you took sick leave yesterday. Are you not feeling well?"    


Min Xinduo secretly rolled her eyes. "Please call me Min Xinduo. I don't think we're familiar enough to call each other by our real names!"    


She still remembered, in primary school, Mommy was framed by bad people, Chen Feifann even said bad things about Mommy! From then on, she hated him.    


Although the suspicion later cleared, Chen Feifann somehow always ran with her.    


However, no matter how Chen Feifann tried to please her, she couldn't get close to him.    


When she saw him, she thought of the little scamp he used to talk bad about Mommy when he was a child!    


Min Xinduo became even more impatient as she thought about this. She didn't even bother to give him a single glance as she continued to organize the books on the table. Suddenly, she remembered what happened last night.    


"Did you call me last night?"    


Chen Feifann was stunned:    


"What phone number?" "Nope."    


He was so busy all night that he didn't have time to make any phone calls.    


Not knowing whether he was lying or not, Min Xinduo did not continue asking. She lowered her head and her thoughts drifted to the strange phone call last night.    


"Here, I made this myself. Here, take it!"    


The small box he had been holding in his hand was finally ready for the fight. He placed it on the table in front of Min Xinduo, interrupting her train of thought.    


Although Faang Yuanyuan didn't turn her head to look, her ears were perked up as she kept a close watch on the two of them.    


Min Xinduo lowered her eyes to take a look. She didn't know what kind of strange box it was, but there was a red heart shaped mark at the most conspicuous place on the box. It attracted her attention.    


Frowning, Min Xinduo pointed at the imprint and asked:    


"What is this?"    


Chen Feifann was as excited as a child who had finally received a response. He proudly raised his left index finger and said:    


"This is what I heard from an esteemed monk. As long as you use your blood to form this shape, you'll be safe …"    


Min Xinduo raised her hand to stop him from continuing. She frowned in disbelief.    


"You said this is your blood?"    


Chen Feifann shook his index finger. There was indeed a wound on it.    


"That's right!"    


Min Xinduo felt a chill run down her spine as she leaned back as far as she could, away from the strange box, and said:    


"Take it away!" I don't want your stuff. "    


"But, this can keep us safe …"    


Chen Feifann tried to convince Min Xinduo.    


He didn't tell the truth. The original intention of the esteemed monk was to make the person who received the gift like him.    


He knew that if he had told the truth, Min Xinduo would not have accepted it, which was why she lied.    


Min Xinduo interrupted him.    


"Then keep it for yourself, I don't need it!"    


Chen Feifann finally reached out his hand hesitantly and took the box back into his hand. He was about to say something, but hearing the class bell already rang, he could only return to his seat in embarrassment.    


Min Xinduo wiped the box off the table with a paper towel in disgust. She didn't expect him to do such a thing. However, Chen Feifann just said that the call last night wasn't from him, which was strange!    


The seat behind Min Xinduo was empty and Ji Yuqing didn't come to class.    


To Min Xinduo, this was a piece of good news. After an entire afternoon's worth of lessons, she was no longer nervous, as though she was on tenterhooks.    


"Yuan Yuan, did he not come to class this morning as well?"    


Min Xinduo asked Faang Yuanyuan tentatively. She only returned to school after lunch, she hasn't seen Ji Yuqing's cold face since she returned to school.    


Faang Yuanyuan, who was busy writing her notes, did not even look up as she said,    


"Who is it?"    


"That's right, the one at the back!"    


Min Xinduo said, embarrassed.    


She didn't even bother to say the name Ji Yuqing. Was he even worthy of the name Ji Yuqing?    


Faang Yuanyuan's face was suddenly enlightened. Her eyes became ambiguous again as she looked at Min Xinduo with a smile.    


"Oh, Ji Yuqing!" "So concerned about him?"    


"What are you talking about?"    


Min Xinduo sat up straight, unwilling to continue looking at Faang Yuanyuan who was making fun of him.    


How could she tell her about yesterday's lesson?    


Then, wouldn't she be indulging in even more wild fantasies?    


Faang Yuanyuan whispered into her ear.    


"Look around, how many female students in our class are always looking at Ji Yuqing's seat with affection? They were all looking forward to his appearance! "    


Only after listening to her explanation did Min Xinduo notice that there were no less than ten female classmates who were constantly looking in their direction with an indistinct look of anticipation.    


Ji Yuqing just transferred to school yesterday, and already has so many fans in one day?    


"Aren't they being too superficial! You could only see that guy's appearance, and not his true nature. In fact, it's just a thoroughly bad peacock! "    


"Don't spout nonsense! Every class, Ji Yuqing answers to the teachers' questions head to head. His ability to learn has long since left the teachers' mouths and ears! "    


Faang Yuanyuan stopped Min Xinduo with a low voice.    


If those girls who were in love with her were to know that she had slandered the male god in their hearts, they would never know how she would scold Min Xinduo!    


"That's why I said he's a peacock. He loves to show off, so why didn't he open a exhibition hall to earn money?"    


"He's rich! You forget, Jiaqi said that her uncle bought a mountain! "    


Min Xinduo curled her lips.    


So what?    


It wasn't that his family couldn't afford it, it was just that they didn't want to!    


Min Xinduo kept a low profile. Very few people in the school knew about her family background. Even her clothes were stripped off the logo, so no one else knew the true price.    


As she was speaking, the teacher walked in and placed a piece of paper by Min Xinduo's side.    


"This is Ji Yuqing's address. Go take a look after school."    


"Teacher, why did I …"    


I'm at odds with him!    


Loong Bo frowned. As a stylistic member of the class, it's your duty to care about your new classmate! "Do you have any objections?"    


Min Xinduo was lying on the table like a cold eggplant when the teacher left. At that moment, a high-pitched voice rang out.    


"I'm free after school, I'll accompany you!"    


Min Xinduo suddenly sat up and looked at Liu Yiyi, who was standing in front of her.    




"Yes." Liu Yiyi nodded, her expression unnatural. As your classmate, of course I should go take a look. "    


Min Xinduo looked at her expression and smiled slightly. She didn't want to think that she didn't know what she was planning.    


However …    


"Alright, let's go together."    


That's all, that's what's fun.    


In the taxi.    


Liu Yiyi frowned in dissatisfaction, disdain filling her eyes.    


"I have a car at home that can take us there. Why would I take a taxi? It's so dirty!"    


Min Xinduo browsed through the news casually. If you don't like it, you can go down now. "    




Upon hearing these words, Liu Yiyi instantly quieted down and clenched her fists.    


I must teach them a lesson when I see Ji Yuqing!    


The driver glanced at them from the rearview mirror and said with a smile, "Little girl, don't be angry. Do you want to drink some water?"    


After saying that, he opened the car trunk and took out three bottles of mineral water before placing them in the front passenger seat.    


Liu Yiyi didn't know if she was sick from the car or was really stung by the stench, but she couldn't wait to open a bottle of mineral water and gulp down two mouthfuls. She felt much better and passed the remaining two bottles to the two people in the back.    


Min Xinduo took it and looked at the bottle carefully, especially the place where the cap was placed. She held it in her hand and took a sip.    


The same trees on both sides of the road quickly retreated.    


Min Xinduo stared out of the window in boredom, only to see a vulgar smile on the driver's face in the rearview mirror.    


His eyes slanted to the copilot, and he ran his tongue over his lips.    


Min Xinduo was shocked. She wanted to sit up, but found that Faang Yuanyuan had her eyes closed tightly, her delicate aura making her frown and her face turn slightly red. It was as if she was sick and had a fever.    


Pushing her gently, Min Xinduo didn't get any response.    


Liu Yiyi, who was sitting on the passenger seat, leaned weakly against the back of the seat.    


He was hit!    


Min Xinduo knew something was wrong, but she did not drink it.    


The taxi screeched to a stop.    


Min Xinduo opened her eyes and saw that the car had stopped under the shade of a tree. The mottled light spots were cast on the fallen leaves, causing no sound to be heard from the surroundings.    


The driver got out of the car, dragged Liu Yiyi out, and walked back to the car.    


Min Xinduo quickly closed her eyes and listened attentively.    


Panting as they approached, the driver grabbed Min Xinduo's arm with his rough hands and lifted her up before tossing her back into the pile of fallen leaves.    


The driver rubbed his hands together greedily, laughing as he approached, stretching out his rough palm towards Liu Yiyi.    


"Just now, you were the one who shouted the loudest. Let's start with you!"    


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