Lovely Substitute Bride



When Luan Zhi saw that these people were all focused on her, she felt a little uncomfortable. Blinking, she pulled on Duo Duo and walked in.    


Because under the gazes of so many people, he was afraid of walking slowly if he accidentally made a mistake!    


When they moved, it was as if a portrait came to life, becoming even more lively!    


After a while, someone finally called out.    


"Yo, isn't that our great designer, Miss Luan Zhi?"    


This harsh voice instantly pulled everyone's attention back!    


Luan Zhi turned towards the direction of the voice and recognized it!    


It was Edgar!    


He stood a short distance away, his left hand bent, a beauty in his arms, a glass of champagne in his right!    


He seems to like drinking a lot!    


I've only seen it twice, and it's been drunk both times!    


Edgar had long since seen that there were only a few flowers beside Luan Zhi. The man he feared the day before did not show up, so he was relieved. The humiliation he suffered yesterday once again surged to his heart.    


He strode towards Luan Zhi.    


The woman beside him was wearing a blue fishtail skirt. She couldn't move, so she could only follow him at a trot.    


"Miss Luan Zhi, we meet again!"    


Edgar said with a faint smile, he didn't have any intention of shaking hands.    


However, this was exactly what Luan Zhi wanted!    


Her tall and straight figure and slender neck were like an elegant and noble white swan, not allowing anyone to violate her.    


The more Edgar was like this, the more he was jealous to the point of going crazy!    


He had always regarded Luan Zhi as his biggest competitor.    


"Hello, Mr. Edgar!"    


Luan Zhi simply said that in an indifferent tone, before looking over his head into the distance.    


She was looking for someone!    


Edgar was very dissatisfied with himself being ignored. He lowered his head and saw Duo Duo looking at him. Seeing him looking at her, Edgar stretched out a finger and made a face at him.    


"Kid, why do you have such an attitude towards Mr. Edgar? How rude! "    


The woman beside Edgar screamed. Her voice was loud, as if she was afraid that others would not know.    


Luan Zhi was slightly impatient in her heart. With a slight frown, she said,    


"My apologies, but my daughter does not understand French! "I'm sorry, excuse me!"    


Without waiting for them to speak, he pulled Duo Duo away from them and walked towards the table.    




Edgar was furious, seeing Luan Zhi walk towards the Organizer of the Golden Cauldron Awards, he became nervous.    


There weren't many tables in the hall. They were all rectangular shaped and only had some fruits on them. Most of the tables were empty.    


At the central table, there was a man with a full beard sitting on the seat of honor, talking and joking with the men and women surrounding him.    


Luan Zhi walked to their side and extended her hand towards the bearded man.    


"Respected President, I am Luan Zhi. It's my first time meeting you!"    


The man with a full beard was the current president of the International Design Association. He looked Luan Zhi up and down before shifting his gaze away with slight disdain.    


The woman beside him was very observant and immediately said,    


"Just now when I was looking from afar, I was wondering which angel had arrived! "Now that you're closer, which stall did you get your clothes from?"    


The rest of the people also joined in:    


"Exactly! If you don't have the money to buy an evening gown, you can just say it to Organizer. We would be happy to provide you with a more formal evening dress. "    


"How embarrassing!"    


The few people standing around Luan Zhi were all picking on her dress with disdain.    


Even the ones on Duo Duo's body were being picky because they were made of the same material.    


Luan Zhi's expression gradually turned cold.    


Only when they finally couldn't find a new word to describe Luan Zhi did they open their mouths and say:    


"Is that enough?"    


Upon hearing that, those people immediately glared at them. Some people wanted to reprimand Luan Zhi for actually speaking to them in such a tone! One had to know that they were core members of the International Design Association!    


Luan Zhi didn't give them a chance to speak and immediately said:    


"The material of the dress I'm wearing is rather special. Maybe you all don't know who it is, but it's silk from the east! The entire dress was made of silk. As for the shape of the dress, it really was designed by me. "    


Apparently, those people had never paid attention to a dress like this made of silk. Hearing Luan Zhi's words, they were curious, but at the same time refused to show it.    


"Hmph, what is there to brag about? It was just a silk dress! "Mr. Chairman, I have personally designed this evening dress for my female companion. Many noble ladies have already booked it!"    


Edgar's voice came from behind Luan Zhi.    


His sudden entrance caused the others who had been worrying about how to retort Luan Zhi to start praising the dress of the lady beside Edgar.    


Edgar became more and more elegant. On the spot, he had his female companions stand in front of them and invite them to use their hands to feel the material of the evening dress!    


Of course, there was no lack of men!    


The smile on the female companion's face was a bit stiff! Before coming here, he had never said that he was going to be touched by another man!    


However, it was hard to stop riding the tiger now. Edgar kept showing off his skirt and touching the people in the future. No one knew if his clothes were actually made of good material or something else!    


"He has already been selected by someone else, how can he still have the nerve to wear it again?"    


A voice rang out from the side.    


As soon as that person appeared, even the Chairman became solemn and stood up to give him a seat.    


Luan Zhi took a closer look, it was actually Elder Ling!    


"Elder Ling, why …"    


Luan Zhi subconsciously blurted out in Chinese. She had never known that Elder Ling would participate in this Golden Cauldron Awards!    


Elder Ling blinked at Luan Zhi, then jokingly said in French,    


"I have nothing better to do at home, so they invited me to be their judge. I'm coming!"    


On the side, the Chairman respectfully flattered:    


"To have a master like you as a judge, this Golden Tripod Prize is the rarest and most rare award ever held. "I wonder what Elder Ling chose for the finals?"    


In the end, even the Chairman himself was unsure!    


The results of the selection had already been sealed and were waiting to be announced at the ceremony.    


Elder Ling's face darkened. He did not reply, but stood up again and said to Luan Zhi,    


"Alright, you can slowly play here. My body isn't good enough!"    


He looked down and saw Duo Duo looking at him curiously with her eyes wide open. He asked Luan Zhi,    


"Is this what you once said about your daughter?"    


Luan Zhi smiled and said humbly:    


"Exactly. Duo Duo, quickly call Grandpa Ling! "    


"Hello, Grandpa Ling!"    


Duo Duo meekly called for someone.    


Elder Ling had wanted to meet Luan Zhi's daughter since a long time ago. He didn't expect to meet her for the first time under such circumstances, so he happily patted her head.    


"Kid, what's your name?"    


Duo Duo smiled sweetly:    


"I'm called Min Xinduo, grandpa can just call me Duoduo!"    


"Good, good, good! Duo Duo be good, do you like to play here? "    


Duo Duo shook her head.    


From the moment she entered, all she saw was her mommy making things difficult for her, and not a single one of them was welcoming her with a smile! He was very honest in expressing his dislike of this banquet.    


Elder Ling looked at the few people standing around him with a cold expression. However, he did not scold them directly. Instead, he squatted down and said to Duoduo,    


"Duo Duo, why don't you go with grandpa!"    


"No, Duo Duo wants to be with Mommy!"    


She had to protect Mommy from the bad guys!    


Elder Ling, who was rejected by Duo Duo, did not get angry. Instead, he raised his head and laughed out loud. He said to Luan Zhi,    


"You are too clever!" One day, you have to come and play with me! I'll leave today. "    


In any case, he would still be staying in the city for a few more days. After returning home, he would have plenty of opportunities. On such an important occasion today, Luan Zhi definitely couldn't wait to exchange views with other designers!    


Luan Zhi nodded.    


Only then did Elder Ling leave with his hands behind his back.    


The moment Elder Ling's figure disappeared, the few people who were originally standing beside the chairman all said in a weird tone,    


"I was wondering, so there was someone backing her!"    


"That's right, she designed such an ugly dress, and she even swaggered around to wear it at our banquet!" Look at her body, without a single piece of jewelry, she is really poor! "    


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