Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Xinduo soaked her sleeves and wiped the sweat off her forehead.    


"Are you all right?"    


Suddenly, a cold voice came from close by.    


Min Xinduo turned her head and saw Yin Mian squatting on a big rock two meters away, staring at her.    


"Why are you here?"    


Min Xinduo was both surprised and happy.    


Yin Mian smiled. Although his whole face was covered by the silver mask, one could hear the joy in his voice.    


"Why can't I come?"    


Min Xinduo quickly waved her hand.    


"No. I mean, in the middle of the day, I've never seen you. Your appearance surprised me! "    


"Do you really think that I am an unnatural being that cannot see the light of day?" Vampires? Or is it a werewolf? "    


Yin Mian stood up and walked back and forth on the big rock.    


The water of the waterfall splashed onto the stone, causing its surface to become slippery!    


"Be careful!"    


Min Xinduo shouted.    


In the next second, she regretted her actions just now.    


The man in front of him was clearly not a simple person. How could such a stone slip and fall so easily?    


Yin Mian jumped down from the rock and landed in the shallow water in front of Min Xinduo.    


"You care about me!"    


It was a definite sentence.    


Yin Mian's voice was filled with laughter.    


Min Xinduo lowered her hand that was blocking the water. She pouted and said,    


"No matter what, you saved me before. So what if I'm concerned about you?"    


"Haha, nothing. However, your worries are unnecessary. "    


Yin Mian had his hands on his knees. His body was bent down to the same level as Min Xinduo. He stared at her with his four eyes.    


Min Xinduo fell into a daze and her face turned red very quickly.    


"You're shy!"    


Yin Mian said.    


Min Xinduo immediately covered her face with her hands. She felt her palms turn hot as she turned around and said:    


"I didn't!"    


She pulled her legs out of the stream and sat on the black stone.    


Yin Mian slightly lowered his head. His pair of white calves were as thick as a child's arm and soft. Compared to the black stone, it seemed even more white and warm.    


Min Xinduo walked to the side. Ignoring the water that was still soaking her calves, she put down her pants and turned around.    


"Seriously, why are you here?"    


"What would you do if I told you that I came here specifically to see you?"    


Yin Mian teased.    


"What should we do? Of course, I'm here to entertain you! You are my savior! "    


Min Xinduo replied as she put on her shoes, but she didn't dare meet his eyes.    


Yin Mian walked over. His silver mask was even more resplendent under the sunlight. Even his eyes were shining.    


"How do we receive them?"    


Thinking about it this way, Min Xinduo seemed to have never thanked Yin Mian for saving her life.    


She quickly said:    


"How do you want to receive me? There's nothing here, there's nothing to entertain you with! "    


She turned her head to look around, but she couldn't find anything that she could take out. She had come here to study, not to enjoy.    


"That may not be so! What do you see in there? "    


Yin Mian pointed at the stream left behind by the waterfall, only to see a few fish swimming through the clear water.    


"Fish!" But I don't know how to roast fish! "    


Min Xinduo was pleasantly surprised at first, but then she looked at Yin Mian like a deflated ball.    


Yin Mian rolled up the sleeves of his hands. Today, he was wearing a white shirt, which made his skin more white against his neck and the back of his hands.    


Who would have thought that such a thin and weak hand could save her from danger so many times?    


Who would have thought that such clean and white hands would be stained with so much blood!    


Min Xinduo didn't dare to think any further and only saw Yin Mian jump into the stream. He quickly reached his hands into the water and pinched a fat fish between his thumb and index finger.    




Yin Mian threw the fish in the direction of Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo reached out to take it, but was so nervous that she let go of the slippery fish as soon as she touched it, and the fish bounced on the grass.    


"Yin Mian, do you know how to roast fish? I don't! "Don't waste such a fat fish!"    


Her tinkling laughter pierced the forest.    


Lee Jiawen was helping Master Lai to chop firewood outside the bamboo house. His body was covered in sweat and was filled with male hormones!    


He seemed to have heard something. He stood still and listened to the sounds coming from afar.    


Laiwu walked out of the bamboo house. When he saw Lee Jiawen's actions, his long, white beard trembled.    


"Haha, if there's anything else, you can leave first! "This firewood will be split again tomorrow!"    


When Lee Jiawen heard this, he smiled at Master Laiwu and said:    


"No, I'm fine!"    


He lowered his head and continued to chop the firewood.    


His heart, however, was filled with slight pain!    


On the other side, Yin Mian had already built a bonfire in the woods. Three fishes were being roasted on the tree branches with a sizzling sound.    


"It smells so good!" I didn't expect that not only do you possess great martial arts skills, you can also cook! "    


Min Xinduo praised sincerely as she continued adding firewood to the fire and smelled the fragrance in the air.    


Yin Mian sprinkled some powder on the fish and the smell immediately became stronger. It smelled like it was ready to move.    


"I still know a lot. There is always a time when there is a person, more or less, when you learn a little. "    


Min Xinduo nodded.    


The sky had already darkened, and the firelight shone on his face, making him look even more beautiful!    


Min Xinduo couldn't help but say,    


"Is your mask silver? Isn't it hot from the fire? "    


"It's not hot!"    


Yin Mian said.    


How could he not know what she meant?    


"Well, I mean, why don't you show me your true face! "If you don't even know what your savior looks like, others will laugh their teeth off!"    


Yin Mian shook his head and looked at her face. It still looked a little similar to what he remembered.    


However, most of them were beautiful faces that had undergone a change in time.    


"Forget it."    


Min Xinduo sighed and said,    


"Then tell me your story! I can't agree to the previous request, but I can still do it now! "    


Yin Mian picked up a branch from the ground. The fish on it was steaming. He handed the fish to Min Xinduo and said,    


"Are you really that curious? Be careful not to kill the cat out of curiosity! "    


"I'm not a cat, I'm not afraid!"    


Min Xinduo took the fish and licked her lips. However, what she cared more about was the story behind Yin Mian.    


Yin Mian smiled.    


"I was abandoned by my family when I was very young and was lucky enough to survive. As you can see, it's okay now. It's just that my hands are no longer clean! "    


He spread his hands. His palms were white and his fingers were slender.    


"It's very clean!"    


Min Xinduo mumbled as she carefully ate the fish.    


Yin Mian smiled helplessly.    


"Even if you don't count to a hundred, there are still dozens of people who died under my hands! Do you still think I'm clean? "    


Min Xinduo stopped eating the fish and stared at him blankly. After a while, she swallowed the fragrant fish meat in her mouth and wiped the corner of her mouth as she said,    


"I believe in the way I look at people! I think you are a good person! "    


"Good people? Haha! This is the first time someone has described me like this! These few fish will not lose anything! "    


As he said that, Yin Mian passed another fish to Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo looked at Yin Mian, who only ate half of the fish gracefully, then looked at the clean fish bone under her feet and smiled embarrassedly.    


Yin Mian didn't care and said:    


"It's alright, eat! There was a time when I was trapped in a place where I didn't eat any food for seven days, and I was fed by the moss on the ground. "    


Min Xinduo was dumbfounded by what she heard.    


She loved to eat all kinds of food. She loved all kinds of food, so she didn't mind eating a lot.    


It was difficult to imagine, how could he survive after only eating moss for seven days?    


"It's been hard on you!"    


Min Xinduo said.    


Yin Mian shook his head.    


"People like me are always walking on the edge of the blade, and danger is always around the corner. He didn't dare to ask for anything. So don't you fall in love with me! "    


Yin Mian said the last sentence word by word while staring at Min Xinduo.    


Min Xinduo's heart was beating rapidly. The fish in her hand drooped down as she looked at Yin Mian in frustration and said,    


"Maybe I can eat moss with you?"    


She truly pitied him from the bottom of her heart!    


He was always alone. His words and even his actions were filled with loneliness.    


It was as if he was the only person left in the world!    


"I don't want you to be alone!"    


Min Xinduo added.    


After she finished speaking, there was a long period of silence!    


Until Yin Mian laughed again and said indifferently:    


"You are the young lady of Min Family, I know that your past is too different from mine. And our future, is destined to never meet! We are like two straight lines that only cross paths once in a lifetime. After that, we will move further and further away! "    


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