Lovely Substitute Bride



Ji Jingchen looked at Wen Tiantian with a funny expression. "He is currently recuperating in the thermos. Even if I want to show him to you, the doctor would not agree."    


A thermostat?    


Wen Tiantian was shocked and her first reaction was that something was wrong with the child.    


"Is he unwell?"    


That must be the case. When all of the poison in her body had been absorbed by the child, who knew if it would have a bad effect on the child!    


Wen Tiantian could no longer calm herself down and rest.    


Ji Jingchen saw how worried she was and was annoyed that he said the wrong thing. He quickly coaxed, "Although he looks a bit small, his crying sounds very loud. Don't worry about him."    


How could he not be worried …    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips. Right now, she urgently wanted to see the child. Only when she saw that the child was perfectly fine would she be able to rest at ease.    


Such a stubborn appearance made Ji Jingchen feel both pity and helplessness.    


"I'll go ask the doctor if you can go to the ward now. You just wait obediently in bed for me to come back."    


Ji Jingchen kissed Wen Tiantian's forehead and told her everything before turning around to find a doctor.    


He had just taken a step when Wen Tiantian pulled him back.    


"What's wrong?" Ji Jingchen turned around.    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips. After hesitating for a long time, she still couldn't help but ask.    


"I'm fine, I'm staying."    


This sudden sentence had no beginning or end.    


Ji Jingchen looked at her and guessed what she was going to say.    


Wen Tiantian continued, "So, you can't blame the baby."    


When Ji Jingchen heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.    


"Of course not, he's my and Tiantian's child, I love him."    


Wen Tiantian nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.    


In the operation room, she vaguely heard Ji Jingchen's voice of despair as he tried his best to escape the gates of hell.    


Not only for the children, but also for Ji Jingchen.    


Ji Jingchen leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead.    


"I'll be back soon."    


After closing the door carefully, Ji Jingchen went straight to the attending doctor's office.    


"What happened again?"    


The attending doctor saw that Ji Jingchen came to look for him again and thought that something had happened to Wen Tiantian.    


He was especially interested in Wen Tiantian. Not only did she persevere and complete what could be called a miracle in the history of medicine, but she also did it because of Ji Jingchen's constant protection.    


He was moved by their feelings and hoped even more that this young couple and their parents would have a beautiful future.    


Ji Jingchen shook his head. He told the doctor about Wen Tiantian's wish to see her child and asked, "Can she get off the bed now? Or can I go out and get the baby? "    


The attending physician hesitated for a moment. After weighing the pros and cons, he suggested, "Go to the equipment room and fetch a wheelchair. Take Miss Wen to the ward."    


Ji Jingchen frowned as if he had noticed something. He then asked, "Is the child in bad condition?"    


"It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's a little difficult to predict."    


The attending physician stood up and handed an examination report to Ji Jingchen.    


"The two children, although low in all measures, were within the range of premature infants. But there are several figures that go beyond the preterm and even beyond the average infant's criteria. "    


The doctor pointed out the indicators.    


Ji Jingchen's eyebrows furrowed even deeper, "Then what harm will it do to his body?"    


"That's what I'm worried about."    


The attending physician frowned as he spoke with a hint of seriousness, "If you can find out if there's any harm to the child, you can avoid the risk by preventing or treating the child in advance."    


"But what's bad is that we can't predict the child's condition at the moment because he is still developing very rapidly, especially the brain, which is in the final stages of development."    


"We can't interfere too much during this time, or the baby will be stunted and it will be hard to predict the future."    


The words of the attending physician were like a heavy hammer, hitting Ji Jingchen's heart.    


This caused his originally relaxed heart to once again become more relaxed due to Wen Tiantian's safety and the safe birth of her child.    


"No matter what, I must do my best to heal him."    


Ji Jingchen said in a deep voice.    


The attending physician nodded. This had always been his responsibility.    


Besides, it would be a great pity if a child they had spent so much effort to save got an incurable disease.    


When Ji Jingchen walked out of the office, his steps were heavy.    


Even though he had only seen the child once and hadn't even seen his appearance, that feeling of blood being thicker than water couldn't be forgotten.    


Hearing the doctor's diagnosis of the baby, Ji Jingchen knew that the matter was far from over.    


Following the doctor's instructions, he went to the equipment room and asked for a wheelchair. Then, he pushed the wheelchair back to Wen Tiantian's room.    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's gaze, Ji Jingchen's worry disappeared in an instant.    


As long as she was still alive.    


He would not be afraid of any difficulties. The only thing he couldn't do was lose her.    


"What did the doctor say?"    


Wen Tiantian didn't notice the change in Ji Jingchen's mood. Perhaps she did, but she didn't think too deeply about it.    


What she was most concerned about right now was when she would be able to see the baby.    


Her desire to see the baby had taken over all of her thoughts. Other than this, she had no room to think about anything else.    


Facing Wen Tiantian's anxious gaze, Ji Jingchen didn't have the heart to tell her what the doctor told him about the child's illness.    


He pushed the wheelchair to Wen Tiantian's side and whispered to her, "The doctor says you can visit him, but the baby is still in the intensive care unit. Don't touch him."    


It's a pity you can't touch it.    


The light in Wen Tiantian's eyes dimmed a little, but it was quickly replaced by the excitement of being able to see her baby.    


This was her and Ji Jingchen's child, their blood flowed through his body!    


"Quick, take me to see him!"    


I wonder who the baby looks like? By the way, the nurse said she was giving birth to a boy.    


It was still like Ji Jingchen. Like Ji Jingchen, he would be tall and handsome in the future.    


It was better to have a better personality than Ji Jingchen. Otherwise, she would be troubled if she was the same as Ji Jingchen.    


The expression on Wen Tiantian's face alternated between happiness and distress.    


Ji Jingchen looked at her in amusement. In the end, he couldn't help but pick her up and place her on the wheelchair.    


Only then did Wen Tiantian notice the existence of the wheelchair.    


Obediently she leaned back in her wheelchair and urged, "Push me over."    


Wen Tiantian even pictured the child in her mind.    


The excitement in her eyes was seen by Ji Jingchen. He was delighted, but a hint of worry flashed across his eyes.    


The child's true condition could be kept a secret for a while, but not for a lifetime.    


However, Tiantian was still recovering. It was best not to let her know that the baby's body index was abnormal.    


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