Lovely Substitute Bride





It was during dinner time that Luan Zhi rejected the other employees' invitations and stayed alone in the studio, constantly pondering over new designs.    


The few he had prepared previously had all been overturned by her.    


Although it was a good design, it was not suitable for this competition.    


Seeing that more and more people were uploading her work, she became even more anxious. The more she looked at it, the more she could not come up with a solution.    


Time passed minute by minute.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.    


Luan Zhi was still thinking about her plans and didn't even lift her head. She thought it was her colleague who was looking for her. She casually said, "I'm not going to eat. You can go by yourself."    


"Not eating anymore?" A familiar voice came from the door.    


Luan Zhi looked up in surprise and was slightly surprised to see Min Ann'ge, who was standing at the door. Why is it you? "    


In order to prevent Luan's mother from discovering their current relationship, the two of them would go out together every day and go home together. However, they rarely saw each other in the afternoon.    


"Is something wrong?" she asked subconsciously.    


"I want to take you out for a meal." Min Ann'ge walked into the room and saw several crumpled pieces of paper in the corner. On them were Luan Zhi's previous designs.    


It seemed that she had indeed encountered some difficulties in her design process.    


However, Luan Zhi still hesitated.    


"I'm not hungry yet."    


Min Ann'ge slightly raised his eyebrows and purposely said, "Can't you think of a good design?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her expression instantly stiffened.    




She had always had a strong competitive spirit, so she wouldn't show it too clearly in front of others. However, if Min Ann'ge was the one in front of her, then she would reveal her true nature without any precautions.    


He turned his head and said with some awkwardness, "I'm just thinking about what topic to use for the competition."    


As she said that, Luan Zhi quickly blocked those designs of hers so that Min Ann'ge wouldn't see it.    


Min Ann'ge did not go any closer. He just said, "Since you're not in a hurry, let's eat first and then come back."    


Luan Zhi wanted to refuse, but she was worried that her current situation would be discovered.    


Yesterday, when Min Ann'ge gave her the promotional pamphlet for the competition, Luan Zhi had confidently said that she would definitely win. However, she didn't expect that she would encounter such a situation right after the preliminary auditions.    


"Alright then."    


Luan Zhi stood up and walked outside with Min Ann'ge.    


After getting on the car, Luan Zhi was still thinking about the competition's design. She had a few ideas in a row, but they were all overturned in the end.    


When she looked up, she saw that they were not going to the center of town for dinner, but were heading outside.    


"Aren't we going to eat?"    


Min Ann'ge just said, "I'm going to a special place today."    


Luan Zhi became even more confused when she heard this.    


The black Bugatti Wyvern left the road and actually changed direction, heading towards a small path on the other side.    


They gradually entered a small district.    


The surrounding houses looked rather old, with dark-green vines climbing up the windows, which was very suitable for living.    


The car continued to move forward. After a while, more and more people started to gather around, and it gradually became lively.    


This was a residential area. Although it was far away from the center of the city, there were many residents here and many different types of people.    


There were native-born natives, youth from the north who pursued their dreams, and even those who had retired to recuperate here.    


As they continued forward, the surrounding area became more and more lively.    


Turning in a different direction, a few streets appeared in front of him!    


It was noisy everywhere, and there were shops all around. Although it was noon, there were still many people who were buying and were not affected in the slightest.    


"We're here." Just as he was thinking, Min Ann'ge stopped the car, opened the car door and said, "Come down."    


Luan Zhi was still confused, so she followed Min Ann'ge and continued to walk down the stairs.    


She had never been to a place like this before, and her gaze was fixated on the people around her, her eyes filled with surprise.    


There were a lot of shops on the street, and a lot of snacks, clothes, and daily necessities.    


Some of the storefronts looked simple enough to be called crude, but Luan Zhi had never seen some of the designs inside before.    


The collisions of different styles of clothes brought about astonishing results.    


And the design of those clothes looks very good, so they should be professional.    


"Who designed these clothes? Why haven't I seen it before? "    


There was no sign on it, no brand name. It was very strange.    


Min Ann'ge seemed to have known that she would say that, so he said: "There are a few universities nearby, and many students will rent a room here. Those are the students' own designs."    


Luan Zhi looked over in surprise.    


These are all student designs?    


She picked up a few pieces of clothing and carefully inspected them. Sure enough, she saw some flaws in the design.    


Daily wear is the best design, but also the easiest to get to. Students can completely let go of the thoughts in their hearts.    


As soon as Luan Zhi walked in, she completely forgot about eating. All her attention was focused on the designs with different styles. Occasionally, she could even see some good thoughts from them.    


Min Ann'ge didn't say anything as he followed behind Luan Zhi, silently following her inside.    


Luan Zhi's eyes lit up slightly. Sparks flew from her mind as new designs appeared one after another.    


After watching for an hour, she still hadn't stopped and was preparing to head to the next store.    


"Wait." Min Ann'ge pulled her back. Let's eat first. "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she turned around with a slight blush on her face. It was obvious that she was very excited. Only now did she understand why Master Hu Lin used to say that all design came from life.    


The more experience one has, the more different the design will be.    


Luan Zhi had always been unsure of what design she should use to participate in the tournament, but now she had found the right direction.    


After they finished their meal, she couldn't wait to return to the studio.    


After he got out of the car, he didn't even say anything else and hurriedly walked inside. Quite a few design ideas had already surfaced in his mind.    


Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi's back. Although he didn't ask her about the current situation, he could tell from her appearance that she had passed his bottleneck.    


When Luan Zhi returned to her office, many of her colleagues had already finished their lunch and returned.    


She moved quickly, plunging into the office and getting busy.    


It was only until the evening when the few employees who had not seen Luan Zhi's appearance finally walked in, puzzled.    


As soon as she entered, she saw that the floor was covered with different design drawings. Luan Zhi was sitting in the middle with a pencil in her hand as she continued working on her design.    


The few of them were shocked and did not dare to enter.    


"Miss Luan, are you alright?"    


Luan Zhi didn't reply. She lowered her head, focusing only on completing the final part of the design. Only then did she raise her head.    


There was some pencil powder on his cheek, but his eyes were glowing.    


"I've thought of a plan to participate in the competition!"    


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