Lovely Substitute Bride



"It's not meaningless."    


Min Ann'ge said with determination. The light of the fireflies shone in his eyes, as if it had hidden itself in the vast star.    


His voice was very light, but it carried an incomparable weight.    


"Seven years ago, I said that fireflies can only emit light for a very short period of time and they have spent their entire lives preparing for these few days. Looking at these fireflies in front of you, do you still think that there's no meaning?"    


Luan Zhi opened her mouth and wanted to retort, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't know what to say.    


Min Ann'ge's gaze slowly turned gentle as he said, "It's getting late, let's go back. The tide may be rising soon."    


Luan Zhi recalled that when she came here before, she encountered high tide and was trapped here for an entire night. It was Min Ann'ge who found her and saved her.    


"Let's go." Min Ann'ge stretched out his hand towards her.    


Luan Zhi looked at his hand and hesitated.    


Just as she was about to make a move, Min Ann'ge quickly grabbed her hand and walked outside.    


At this moment, the tide had already started to rise. The three of them quickly boarded the boat and headed outside.    


As the last firefly slowly flew out of the cave, the surrounding light dimmed.    


Luan Zhi turned on the flashlight and a beam of light shone down, illuminating the surrounding area.    


By now, the outside world was completely dark, the sea water dark blue, and the sound of water could be heard.    


The oar fell into the water, lifted again, and there was a dripping sound.    


Luan Zhi slowly calmed down. She raised her head and saw the white light in the sky. The moon had already appeared, covering the surface of the sea with a layer of gauze, making her look like a gentle beauty.    


Luan Zhi raised her head and looked at the full moon. Under the contrast of the sea water, the moon seemed to glow a faint blue, like a beautiful Blue and White Porcelain …    


Her eyes immediately lit up as vivid and lifelike images appeared in her mind. If she were to focus on the design, it should have quite a good effect.    


Under the moonlight, Luan Zhi's eyes were sparkling. She couldn't wait to memorize the plans in her mind.    


"Mommy." "Duo Duo suddenly opened her mouth." "I …"    


She was about to speak, but was stopped by Min Ann'ge.    


"Shh —" Min Ann'ge raised his index finger and stopped her. He said in a low voice, "Don't disturb her."    


Duo Duo turned her head to look at Luan Zhi. At this moment, she was completely immersed in her own thoughts and didn't seem to have noticed their words.    


With a frown, Duo Duo's face quickly turned serious. She withdrew her hand and sat obediently at the side, not daring to make a move or disturb Luan Zhi.    


Even Min Ann'ge slowed down and slowly slid down the oars.    


As soon as they got back to the villa, Luan Zhi got off the car and hurriedly walked into the study. She quickly grabbed a pen and a paper and recorded down the inspiration that had flashed through her mind.    


Shua shua shua.    


The pen's tip rapidly moved across the paper, and soon, a long skirt appeared on the paper. The smooth lines and unique design, with a tinge of elegance and elegance.    


After spending three different designs, she finally stopped. Looking at the design in her hand, she revealed a satisfied smile.    


Seeing the design that she had just completed, she was stunned. After a long while, she finally put away the few pieces of paper that she had drawn.    


Although these designs were a little different from what she had planned before, they were also different from what Master Hu Lin had taught them before, and they had to follow a different design process.    


This time, Luan Zhi's design was a bit extreme. People who liked her would definitely fall in love with her, but those who didn't like her might not be able to accept it.    


This wasn't something that could be done in a match. Generally speaking, no one would do such a thing.    


But Luan Zhi loved her design and wanted to take the risk.    


Just as all the participants were busy preparing their works for the competition, the director and Organizer of the design competition were invited to a hidden restaurant.    


The two didn't know that the other side would also come. They looked at each other and sat there facing each other. In their minds, they were both wondering why the other side would pay attention to this match.    


Although the design competition was the first time it had been held in the country and the results were quite good, it was not worth it for that family to pay so much attention to it.    


They were a little worried and very nervous.    


A young assistant in a suit stood to the side and bowed his head slightly. "Please wait for a moment, Mr. Zhang will be arriving soon."    


The two hurriedly nodded, not daring to say a word.    


After a few minutes, the door to the private room was pushed open again. The two of them hurriedly stood up and greeted each other respectfully.    


When he turned around, he saw a young man in a beige casual attire, his hair dyed a pale maroon and hanging down on his forehead. From the look of it, he seemed to be a very gentle and friendly person, but at this moment, he had a very serious expression on his face.    


The director looked closely at the person in front of him, and his eyes widened as he recognized him.    


"Zhang Ann'yuv?" He cried out in surprise, realizing that it was too impolite to call the other party by name. He hurriedly covered his mouth, but he still couldn't cover his shock. Mr Zhang, do you have any instructions? "    


Everyone knew that the youngest son of the Zhang Family, Zhang Ann'yuv, liked to design and was very talented. A few years ago, there were several pretty good press conferences, and they were all Master Hu Lin's students.    


He was engrossed in design and did not care about his family's business. However, the Zhang Clan doted on him very much. Even though he was dissatisfied, he could only get used to it.    


In the past, when they were outside, Zhang Ann'yuv had said that he would never use the power of the Zhang Family. He never expected that the Zhang Family who had met them today was Zhang Ann'yuv.    


Zhang Ann'yuv sat down on the chair and said, "Sure, let me get the two of you here. Regarding the design competition this time, do you guys have any plans? "    


He looked very serious. Last time, he had asked his men to play for Luan Zhi behind her back. He didn't expect there to be such a flaw. This time, he had to make sure Luan Zhi would be the champion.    


The director and Organizer looked at each other, not really understanding Zhang Ann'yuv's intentions.    


Seeing that they didn't say anything, Zhang Ann'yuv directly said, "Let me be frank with them. In this competition, there is one person who must win the championship!"    


Half an hour later, the director and Organizer left the dining hall in a hurry with serious expressions.    


From the time the proposal for the competition was put forward, they already expected that someone would be behind the scenes. They also thought of a plan to let this competition be fair, but they didn't expect that Zhang Ann'yuv was the one to make this request.    


They couldn't refuse at all, they could only do as they were asked.    


The director hurried home and kept thinking about what Zhang Ann'yuv had just said. After thinking for a moment, he took out his cell phone and contacted the main judge, Chi Lee.    


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