Lovely Substitute Bride



Min Ann'ge looked at Luan Zhi proudly with a smile in his eyes. How about it? Even the driver thinks highly of me! You didn't lose face, did you? "    


The meaning behind his words was that if you have a good man like me, then you should secretly laugh!    


"Alright, alright. You're the best!" Luan Zhi smiled sweetly.    


Min Ann'ge pulled a strand of hair from her cheek behind her ear and said bewitchingly, "Then why don't you give me a reward? "We haven't seen each other in a long time …"    


Luan Zhi blushed. Fortunately, it was night and although there was light on, it was not as obvious as during the day.    


With her skirt raised, Luan Zhi turned around and took two steps forward. Suddenly, she had the thought of teasing him. "Then come and chase me! If you catch up to me, I'll let you hehe!"    


After saying that, he quickly ran back into his villa.    


Min Ann'ge immediately reacted and chased after her.    


He ran up to the second floor. To get into their bedroom, he also needed to go past Duo Duo's bedroom. Luan Zhi suddenly took light steps and made a silencing gesture towards Min Ann'ge who was a few meters behind her.    


Min Ann'ge also understood, and his landing became a lot lighter.    


However, this caused the two of them to slow down. It was as if the flow of time had been slowed down, and both of them were moving slowly!    


However, the door of Duo Duo's room actually opened with a creak!    


Duo Duo, who was wearing a small nightgown, rubbed her eyes as she stood in front of the bedroom door.    


It scared Luan Zhi and Min Ann'ge so much that they froze on the spot!    


Duo Duo probably wanted to go to the toilet, because her mind was still in a daze. She mumbled, "Duo Duo, you have to shush …" He walked towards the bathroom next door.    


Luan Zhi quickly pulled Duo into the bathroom and sent her back to her cot.    


Duo Duo kept her eyes half closed and yawning while pouting. She pouted slightly and subconsciously followed Luan Zhi's instructions, not showing any signs of waking up at all!    


After closing the door gently, Luan Zhi gestured to Min Ann'ge, who was still waiting on the spot, to sleep. Then, she ran back towards their bedroom.    


Min Ann'ge was tall and had long legs. Although Luan Zhi was a professional model, she was still slightly inferior to Min Ann'ge. Soon, she caught up with Luan Zhi and threw herself onto the soft bed!    


"Hehe!" Luan Zhi lowered her voice and laughed.    


Min Ann'ge also laughed, but after laughing for a while, he stopped laughing. Instead, he held Luan Zhi's face. He would definitely be able to see her expression!    


"What are you looking at?" Did I spend all my makeup? " She was still wearing her stage makeup, did she already become a big flowery cat?    


Min Ann'ge raised his head and said, "You promised me that."    


His gaze moved down to Luan Zhi's feet. Min Ann'ge saw the dust on them and asked anxiously,    


"Where are the shoes? Have you been barefoot all this time? "    


Luan Zhi raised her upper body and shook her feet, saying indifferently, "It's fine, I have socks!"    


Min Ann'ge didn't care about her explanation. He pulled over the quilt and covered Luan Zhi with it. Without saying anything, he got off the bed and walked into the bathroom that came with the master bedroom.    


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!    


The sound of running water came from the bathroom!    


After a moment, Min Ann'ge walked out and carried Luan Zhi. They sat in the bathtub that was already filled with hot water.    


Taking off Luan Zhi's socks, Min Ann'ge carefully examined the soles of Luan Zhi's feet. After he saw that there were no wounds, he snappily said,    


"Count yourself lucky!" What if it breaks? "    


"Hehe!" High heels are too much of a hindrance! It's not fast! " Luan Zhi said straightforwardly.    


Min Ann'ge immediately frowned and said, "Did you throw your shoes away yourself?"    


Luan Zhi covered her mouth and didn't dare to look at Min Ann'ge.    


Min Ann'ge picked up her foot, stretched out a finger and gently scratched her foot.    


"No no no, I'm ticklish!" Luan Zhi pleaded for mercy. Her body was abnormally sensitive, and her feet and armpits were extremely itchy!    


"Speak, are you wrong?" Min Ann'ge paused.    


Luan Zhi stopped laughing and held back her laughter. She just wouldn't admit her mistake!    


Min Ann'ge continued scratching, and this time he switched to five fingers, punishing his foot in turn!    


Luan Zhi could not stand it and quickly admitted her wrongs, "I was wrong, I was wrong! "Stop scratching!"    


Min Ann'ge finally stopped his torture only after seeing tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.    


Luan Zhi rubbed her stomach and said, feeling wronged, "My stomach is hurting from laughing!"    


This move was always a trial to Min Ann'ge!    


Although Min Ann'ge still had a straight face, he had already let go of her feet. Instead, he reached out his hand to help rub Luan Zhi's stomach.    


"Ai, I really can't do anything to you!" Min Ann'ge sighed.    


On the second day of the successful fashion show, many newspapers and magazines also reported on it! Although the provincial television station's live broadcast might have already had a high number of hits, as long as a few small fish and shrimp were missed, it would be enough for the media to relish in the news for a very long time!    


After all, the media's ability to dig up gossip was well-known to be outstanding! He would take the opportunity to count those who were missing in as well. Even if he had to take advantage of this wave, he would at least be able to get to know each other in front of the public.    


Of course, there were also news in the media that even Luan Zhi, the client, did not know about!    


For example, after the end of the exhibition, some celebrities from the fashion industry were taken away along with a young lady whose name was unknown!    


Or perhaps, the big curates' praise of this fashion show is like a tide! There were even clips of Da La being interviewed by reporters. Thankfully, the reporters finally let them go and didn't try to link up.    


The next afternoon, Luan Zhi and her colleagues from the design lab held a small celebration feast! Victory in the first battle! Isn't it worth celebrating?    


In short, Luan Zhi, the leader of the group, drank a lot during this celebratory feast.    


After all, he was their leader. The others did not continue urging them to drink, and instead, they started to spread the flames of war on the others.    


In the end, only a small portion of the people still maintained their consciousness and arranged for their colleagues who were drunk to go home to their cars before the battle ended.    


While Min Ann'ge was telling the bedtime story to Duo Duo on the bed, he received an unfamiliar phone call.    


"Luan Zhi?" After picking up the phone, Min Ann'ge's deep and magnetic voice flowed out.    


It was a colleague from Luan Zhi's design room on the other end of the phone.    


When they saw that Luan Zhi was already drunk, they excitedly discussed calling Min Ann'ge. The phone number had already been recorded by Luan Zhi when she was working on the file, so that the design room wouldn't be unable to find her.    


"Ahh, it's really Min Ann'ge!" "The girl on the phone said excitedly to the other two.    


"Are you for real?" I even suspected that it was fake! "I was just giving it a try, but it really is President Luan's husband's number!"    


"What an enchanting voice!"    


Although they had moved their phones a little further away, they could not do anything about the quality of their phones' calls! Min Ann'ge heard it clearly from the other side.    


It was clear from their infatuated conversations that they were Luan Zhi's employees.    


Min Ann'ge frowned slightly. Did something happen to Luan Zhi? "    


"Mr Min, Miss Luan is drunk. Can I trouble you to come and pick her up?" After clearing her throat, she turned on the release button. The girl pretended to be calm as she hurriedly said.    


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