Lovely Substitute Bride



Duo Duo, on the other hand, curiously looked at her dad and mommy, and imitated Min Ann'ge's actions, wanting to take Mommy's finger!    


After a while, Min Ann'ge took Luan Zhi's finger out of his mouth and said to Duo Duo,    


"Duo Duo, go to the drawer of the tea table in the living room and bring over a Band-Aid!"    


She ran into the living room.    


"Why are you making such a fuss?" Luan Zhi reprimanded in embarrassment.    


"You're still talking! I don't know how to take good care of myself. Why did he have to deal with this turtle all by himself? Fortunately, the turtle was easy to talk to, it would loosen its mouth if it was put into the water! If you meet an old stubborn person, you will be bitten like this for most of the day! " Min Ann'ge grumbled in annoyance.    


"How do I know this thing will bite? "Isn't this what you said they want to drink …" Luan Zhi's voice got lower and lower.    


Although she didn't answer Min Ann'ge's call, she still prepared a pot of turtle soup. However, she didn't really prepare it to nourish her body. The main reason was that Min Ann'ge definitely wanted to drink it first!    


Right! He must want this taste!    


Min Ann'ge saw her shyness and knew that she bought the turtle for his sake. He mocked, "Do you still think that I should make up for it?"    


"Nope!" Luan Zhi immediately denied it.    


"Really?" Min Ann'ge approached Luan Zhi. He held Luan Zhi's bitten wrist with one hand, leaned his face close to her cheek and kissed her lightly on her rosy lips.    


Just then, Duo Duo ran in with a Band-Aid in her hand. She shouted as if she was taking credit for something:    


"Dad, dad, I found the Band-Aid!"    


It scared Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi so much that they quickly separated and ended the kiss that they had tasted before.    


However, Duo Duo had already seen it with her sharp eyes. She immediately said,    


"Ah!" Daddy, Mommy, shame! Duo Duo saw it all! "    


Luan Zhi didn't know what to say to her daughter after she was caught in such a mess. She simply turned her head away, not daring to face Duo Duo.    


As a man, Min Ann'ge was obviously unable to evade. He turned around and took the Band-Aid from Duo Duo. As he helped Luan Zhi, he said to Duo Duo,    


"Daddy and Mommy, kiss, this is Mommy!"    


Duo Duo tilted her head up and thought for a while before replying, "But we, Teacher Apple, said that we can't let others see their kiss!"    


"Ugh …" Min Ann'ge didn't know how to respond, so he said: "But Duo Duo isn't anyone else! Besides, Duo Duo doesn't want her little sister anymore? "    


"Little sister?" Does Toot have a little sister when Daddy kisses Mommy? " she asked innocently, wanting a lovely little sister very much in her heart.    


Min Ann'ge said seriously: "Of course!"    


"Oh!" Great! Duo Duo must have a little sister! " Dodo was so happy that she danced about and ran out.    


Luan Zhi's face turned even redder. She hit Min Ann'ge's back with her fist and said, "What nonsense are you spouting?" He walked out of the kitchen.    


Min Ann'ge chuckled as he got away with it. He rolled up his sleeves, turned around and started working in the kitchen.    


First, of course, it was to avenge Luan Zhi! This broken turtle dared to bite Luan Zhi. It was waiting to be stewed into a soup!    


Min Ann'ge's culinary skills were enough to subdue a turtle. It was easy for him to handle a turtle with his skilled knife skills.    


Luan Zhi walked into the living room. Duo Duo was taking some books out from her schoolbag. The first grade homework was already very heavy. There were a lot of homework!    


Since it was her foundation training again, Luan Zhi naturally didn't relax and would do her homework together with Duo Duo whenever she was free.    


"Duo Duo, you want a little sister?" Luan Zhi asked.    


Duo Duo, who was writing her homework on the small table, looked up and nodded. "Of course! Jiaqi has a little sister! "It's really pretty!"    


"Who's Jiaqi?" Luan Zhi asked.    


"She's a good friend of Dodo's. And Xinyi, Yuan Yuan, they are all good friends of Duo Duo! "    


Luan Zhi patted Duo Duo's head and laughed, "Duo Duo, if you have a little sister, Mommy can't just sleep with Duo Duo! "Mommy has to take care of her little sister. What if Duo Duo isn't happy?    


Duo Duo thought for a while with her delicate eyebrows and said generously:    


"Mommy, my little sister is younger than me. I will also take care of her with Mommy! Duo Duo will not be unhappy. "    


Luan Zhi only wanted to test Duo Duo's attitude. It would be great if she could see how much she liked her little sister!    


Nowadays, in society, due to the fact that they gave birth to a second child, there were many older children who hated their own brothers and sisters!    


This was also a problem that she was worried about.    


Now that he saw that Duo Duo didn't care about him and truly liked his little sister, that was great!    


However, that was good!    


But she really did not have any plans for another one!    


Right now, the corporation had yet to succeed her, and many members of the family didn't like her, so she had already predicted that the future would be difficult.    


However, when she heard the sounds of pots and pans coming from the kitchen, and looked at the seriously calculated flowers with her fingers, her heart was filled with hope again!    


Wasn't there one that voluntarily came to visit them?    


Luan Zhi's eyes narrowed as she thought about the male employee's road map to follow Taoist master Zhang and the photos that were uploaded to her phone.    




"Mommy, what's going on here? "No." Duo Duo shook Luan Zhi's hand and pleaded for help, feeling extremely wronged.    


Luan Zhi snapped out of her contemplation. She looked down and saw that this was a math problem. Even if she used both her hands, it still wouldn't be enough.    


"No problem, Duo Duo will definitely figure it out. Come on, lend Mommy's hand to Duo Duo!" Luan Zhi generously extended her hands in front of Duo Duo.    


Seeing that Luan Zhi had already stuck her finger onto the Band-Aid, Duo Duo leaned over and blew on it. She said,    


"Mommy, is it still painful?"    


Luan Zhi raised her finger, bowed, and said, "It doesn't hurt at all! If you breath on it, it won't hurt anymore! "    


"If that flower was given to Mommy, it wouldn't hurt at all!" As he spoke, he took another two deep breaths.    


Luan Zhi's heart felt warm as she looked with great satisfaction at the heartache she felt!    


Min Ann'ge carried a dish out from the kitchen and placed it on the dining table. He said, "It's time to start eating!"    


"Alright, Duoduo, let's eat first! After dinner, Mommy will accompany Duoduo to do her homework! " Luan Zhi took Duo Duo's small hand and led her to wash her hands.    


Min Ann'ge placed the four dishes and one soup on the table. The soup was made from turtle! Min Ann'ge originally wanted to drink the soup made by Luan Zhi herself, but after considering the fact that Luan Zhi's finger was injured and couldn't be touched by water, he gave up on that idea!    


After the family of three finished their dinner, Luan Zhi accompanied Duo Duo to finish her homework. After coaxing her to sleep, the two of them finally had time to sit down and talk.    


When Luan Zhi came out of her bedroom, Min Ann'ge was sitting on the sofa with the news on the TV.    


Luan Zhi walked over and lay on Min Ann'ge's arm.    


"Are you tired?" Today wasn't just about cooking. Washing dishes and other household chores were also done by Min Ann'ge.    


Although both of them had a rich family, and the family had a nanny, but these small matters that were within their capabilities were still done by the two of them!    


Min Ann'ge held back his laughter and said, "Then you have to compensate me!"    


"What compensation?" How come I didn't know. " Luan Zhi patted his shoulder.    


"Ouch, it hurts!" Min Ann'ge bared his teeth and shouted.    


Luan Zhi thought she hit her hard enough and asked apologetically, "What's wrong? Let me see. "    


Min Ann'ge hugged her and laughed, "It's alright, I'm just teasing you!"    


"Humph!" You only know how to tease me! Also, tell Duo Duo about your little sister. How old is she? "    


Min Ann'ge laid on the sofa, pointed at his shoulder and said, "Darling, help me pinch it! "So tired!"    


Luan Zhi was skeptical. Seeing that he didn't have a smile on his face, but was instead showing signs of fatigue, she started to gently rub it for him.    


Min Ann'ge closed his eyes comfortably and said, "Duo Duo isn't young anymore! And Duo Duo was so sensible! I think it's time for us to get another one! "    


"But now there are so many people in the corporation who are against me, especially Luan Fei'ann and Luan Feixian. They are always thinking of ways and means to kill me!" Luan Zhi asked worriedly.    


Min Ann'ge said lightly: "These two people, Luan Fei'ann is a little smart, but narrow-minded and doesn't have much foresight! Luan Feixian is a brute who only knows how to solve everything by force, so there is nothing to be afraid of! "    


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