Lovely Substitute Bride



After running out of the office, Luan Zhi turned around and looked behind her. After confirming that no one was following them, she felt relieved. However, the temperature of her face remained high.    


His original plan was to not meet Min Ann'ge, but today, no matter where he went, he would be able to meet him.    


Furthermore, the assistant who seemed to be very reliable always brought up the topic of conversation with Min Ann'ge for some reason.    


The people of this company also loved gossiping. As expected of the acting company.    


Luan Zhi was still thinking when she turned around and found that she was still holding Min Ann'ge's hand. She was so scared that she immediately let go.    


"That... There's no need for that. I'll go back first. "    


Then, without even daring to look at Min Ann'ge, he turned around and was about to leave.    


Min Ann'ge looked at her back and did not chase after her.    


Toot followed him with a puzzled expression and pursed her lips.    


"Daddy, did you make Mommy angry?"    


Min Ann'ge bent down and squatted in front of Duo Duo. "No, but there are some things Daddy really needs your help with."    


Duo Duo's eyes immediately lit up. Without even thinking, she replied, "No problem! Dad, just say it! Duo Duo will definitely work hard! "    


Min Ann'ge slightly raised the corner of his mouth and leaned over to whisper in her ear. Duo Duo however, frowned and appeared to be in a difficult position.    


"But …" "It's like this …"    


Min Ann'ge revealed a knowing smile and said, "I'll buy you your favorite ice cream when we get back."    




When she heard ice cream, she said it without thinking.    


Min Ann'ge smiled and warned, "You can't let your mom know about this."    


"No problem!"    


Duo Duo crossed her legs, saluted, and mischievously stuck out her tongue.    


Luan Zhi walked for a while. Seeing that Duo Duo wasn't following her, she turned her head and urged, "Duo Duo, we should leave now."    


"Got it!" Duo Duo hurriedly answered and waved goodbye to Min Ann'ge before she quickly followed.    


The two of them got into the car. Luan Zhi looked back and saw that Min Ann'ge was still standing by the side of the road. Although the distance was not too close, for some reason, he felt that the other party's gaze was on him.    


She quickly sat up straight and shook her head, as if she wanted to throw Min Ann'ge's appearance out of her mind. She secretly made up her mind that she would not come back to this company in the future.    


Don't come back no matter what!    


After making this decision, Luan Zhi finally let out a sigh of relief and turned to Duo Duo. "Duo Duo, where do you want to go for dinner? "Mommy, take you there."    


Duo Duo's small face creased into a frown as she thought about it carefully.    




"No problem!" Luan Zhi turned the steering wheel and headed in the direction of Qingzhuju.    


But the next second, Duo Duo said, "Mommy, that assistant just now said that Daddy cooked for you at the company before?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this, her feet slipped and she almost stepped on the brake to stop immediately.    


She quickly calmed herself down and turned her head to look at Duo Duo. Seeing that her opponent was looking at her with a pair of pure eyes, she was filled with doubt.    


"Mommy, are you and daddy hiding something delicious from Duo Duo?"    


Luan Zhi quickly said, "No, I just had a meal there. Next time, Mommy will make it for you, okay?"    


Duo Duo nodded, as if she had already forgotten about this matter.    


Just as Luan Zhi let out a sigh of relief, she suddenly said, "Next time, let's eat at the company with dad."    


Luan Zhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard that. She didn't know how to respond.    


"Let me try my best …"    


The two of them returned home after dinner as the sky darkened.    


As soon as he opened the door, Duo Duo ran in excitedly and dove into the bedroom.    


"Be careful."    


As Luan Zhi spoke, she switched on the television, which was broadcasting the advertisement for the Asian Games in a few months' time.    


This year's Asian Games were held at home and had been announced several months ago. Everyone was confident enough that they could achieve a good result in this competition.    


Among the major international competitions, the level of domestic athletes was very high. Each time, they would receive quite a number of medals. This time, it should not be an exception.    


With the start of the Asian Games, many projects have been implemented gradually.    


Luan Zhi was very interested in many of these competitions. After a few more months, she might be able to bring Duo Duo to watch them on the spot.    


At that moment, the phone on the table suddenly rang!    


Luan Zhi took it over, but before she could open her mouth, she said, "Hello, this is the Asian Games Recruitment Center."    


"When Luan Zhi heard this, she thought that Min Ann'ge's company had also contracted some projects for the Asian Games." "Hello, Min Ann'ge is still at the company. He hasn't come back yet, you can call him directly."    


However, the other party said, "We are here to look for Miss Luan Zhi."    


"Looking for me?" "Luan Zhi was stunned for a moment." What can I do for you? "    


The other party said, "It's the same. After the competition ended, you still haven't contacted us, so we called you to ask when we can discuss the design for the Asian Games athletes' uniforms. Is tomorrow okay? "    


When Luan Zhi heard this, she was stunned.    


"The design for entering the Asian Games, do you think it's me?"    


"That's right." "The other party spoke with a polite smile." Didn't the competition committee inform you? The champions of this competition will cooperate with the Asian Games to design the costumes for all athletes when they enter and leave the competition. "    


"What?" Luan Zhi was surprised. "No one has ever told me about this …"    


"It's alright, it's not too late to tell you. Time is running out, do you have any thoughts on this design?"    


What Luan Zhi didn't know was that Chi Lee had always thought that the champion of this year's design competition would be Chen Na, so when the competition was about to begin, she had contacted the management of the Asian Games and contracted all the rights to design the clothes for the athletes to enter and leave the competition, preparing for Chen Na to design when the time came.    


Unexpectedly, their plot was exposed and Luan Zhi won the match with an overwhelming advantage.    


After Chi Lee's imprisonment, no one informed Luan Zhi about this matter.    


It was only after such a long time that the Asian Games couldn't resist contacting Luan Zhi.    


She didn't know about this before, but when she heard that there was such a prize, she was even more shocked.    


One had to know that when the Asian Games athletes entered the competition, many designers were unable to get their hands on the clothing design. They never thought that it would actually be a prize for this year's competition.    


Luan Zhi immediately said, "No problem! "Tomorrow, I will go find you guys and we will discuss the design outline together."    


"Ok, Miss Luan Zhi. I will be waiting for you at the venue."    


With that, the person hung up the phone.    


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