Lovely Substitute Bride



A group of people were shouting loudly, and occasionally, waves of laughter could be heard. Cheng Xue’er raised her head and looked at them in horror. Although she had been in jail for the past few days and looked much more haggard, her foundation was still there. Furthermore, for those who had been locked up here for several years or even several decades, as long as it was a woman, it was fine.    


A few of them reached out to touch her, grinning.    




Cheng Xue’er screamed in fright as she looked at the gazes that fell on her. If she were to stay here any longer, she would definitely be killed by them!    


She turned around and was about to run away when she was stopped by several policemen.    


"What is it? You want to run after all the bad things you've done? "You better stay here and atone for your sins."    


"No!" I don't want to be here! " Cheng Xue’er cried as she held onto his clothes and pleaded, "Change a place for me. Don't ever leave me here. I will die. I will really die …"    


Several policemen pushed her away.    


"If I knew earlier, why would I have done what I did before?"    


As he spoke, he turned around and left, closing the door behind him.    


"Don't go! "Help me!" Cheng Xue’er tried to follow him out, but she could only reach the closed door.    


A few voices came from behind.    


"Big star Cheng, don't worry. We won't let you down."    


"That's right, we will definitely take good care of you!"    


Terrified, she turned around and saw several people approaching her. She quickly backed away, but her back was against the wall and she had nowhere to run.    


"Don't come over! Go away! "Don't..."    


Luan Zhi brought Min Ann'ge out of the court. As she was about to return to the hospital, Min Ann'ge suddenly said: "I still want to go to another place." He raised his head and gazed into the distance, his vision becoming blurry. It's been a long time since I've gone back to take a look. "    


When Assistant Cao heard this, his face quickly became serious. President Min, are you leaving now? "    


"Yes." Min Ann'ge replied.    


"Luan Zhi was still puzzled and followed them to the car." Where are we going? "    


Something seemed to have changed in Min Ann'ge's eyes as he said solemnly: "To my old home."    


"The past …"    


Luan Zhi opened her eyes halfway as if she had already guessed it.    


Was Min Ann'ge's previous home the same place he lived with his family when he was young? That was why he had such an expression on his face.    


"Can I go?" Luan Zhi was a bit nervous. This was a wound in Min Ann'ge's heart. After being buried in the deepest part for so many years, was he willing to take her there and tear the wound open?    


Min Ann'ge smiled. The atmosphere gradually became gentler as he held Luan Zhi's hand. I want to take you to see her. Mom said that if you have someone you want to spend your life with, you have to show them to her. "    


Luan Zhi was stunned for a moment. It was clearly a sad thing, but why did a sweet feeling surge up from the bottom of her heart and spread out along with the bitterness, bringing about all kinds of feelings.    


It seemed like this wasn't Assistant Cao's first time here. He drove out of the city and slowly arrived at the outskirts. He entered an old residential area and stopped downstairs.    


Luan Zhi got out of the car behind Min Ann'ge and looked around.    


This district was very old. The books in the yard were tall and big, and there were even some swings and tables and chairs under the trees. Luan Zhi could almost imagine Min Ann'ge playing here as a child.    


Assistant Cao walked Min Ann'ge onto the elevator and stopped on the first floor. He didn't follow up with Min Ann'ge as if he had always maintained the same posture every time he came here.    


Luan Zhi thought about what Min Ann'ge told her before and felt heavy. She followed Min Ann'ge upstairs.    


When he pushed open the door, he could feel the aura of time within the room.    


There were some old tablecloths on the table, and the sofa was a design from a long time ago. The curtains and decorations created an ancient atmosphere. In the blink of an eye, the two of them seemed to have traversed through time and space, arriving back to more than twenty years ago.    


At that time, Min Ann'ge was still a child. Perhaps he would run around the kitchen begging his mother to make him good food or act like a spoiled child for a toy. However, after his father passed away, everything slowly changed.    


Luan Zhi couldn't imagine how many things had happened to Min Ann'ge that caused him to appear, but she also didn't dare to imagine it.    


"You used to live here?" Luan Zhi looked at her surroundings as she spoke.    


"Yes." In order to treat my mother's illness, the house was sold. After I entered the entertainment circle, the first money I earned was spent on buying it back. Right now, this place is exactly the same as how I remember it. " Min Ann'ge said softly.    


After Ye Zichen bought back the house, the layout was already messy. However, Min Ann'ge used his memory to rearrange the house bit by bit, and recovered just like before.    


"Come here."    


Min Ann'ge pulled her to the other side of the living room and stopped her at the other side.    


Luan Zhi looked up and saw a cabinet against the wall. There was a picture of a young woman with a smile on her face. She hugged a tall man tightly.    


And the child in their arms should be Min Ann'ge.    


Are they Min Ann'ge's parents?    


Luan Zhi turned her head and was about to call out to Min Ann'ge, but she found that he stopped not far away and didn't actually move closer.    


"Aren't you coming?"    


Min Ann'ge's expression was a bit stiff, he forced a smile. You can go. "    


Luan Zhi felt a little odd. She walked over, but her body was extremely stiff and she didn't know what to do. Hello, Auntie. "    


"What's his name?" Min Ann'ge asked.    


Luan Zhi thought about it.    




Min Ann'ge finally laughed. That's more like it. "    


Luan Zhi's face instantly turned red. She turned around and glared at him for a while before continuing, "I'm Luan Zhi, Min Ann'ge's wife. We also have a daughter, named Duo Duo. We'll bring her here again."    


Min Ann'ge sat not far away as he watched her with a smile on his face. Luan Zhi spoke for a while before she couldn't help but turn to look at him.    


"Are you sure you won't come?"    


This was Min Ann'ge's home, and in front of him was a photo of his parents. Why was he standing so far away?    


However, Min Ann'ge said, "No need, I've been here many times before."    


The more Luan Zhi looked at the person in the photo, the more she felt that Duo Duo was similar to Min Ann'ge when she was young. She turned around and asked, "Duo Duo is similar to you. Aren't you also very naughty when you're young?"    


Min Ann'ge reached out his hand towards her and pulled Luan Zhi over. He lowered his eyes slightly and said lightly, "I forgot. It's been too long. I don't want to remember anymore. "    


"Then forget it."    


"Luan Zhi smiled. It is good to forget those bad memories." You just need to remember what happened in the future. "    


She hugged Min Ann'ge and gently caressed his head, as if she was trying to coax him.    


"Don't worry about Lee Daimei and Lu Yuan anymore."    


Min Ann'ge leaned on his shoulder and could feel the warmth and faint fragrance coming from her.    




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