Lovely Substitute Bride



This has always been Loong Bo's way of teaching.    


Min Xinduo sighed in her heart. I'm finished, I'm finished! He was really done for! I can't help you anymore.    


Her head was almost buried in the table, and she blamed herself for being discovered by her teacher.    


The surrounding students also sucked in a breath of cold air!    


This kind of scene had happened countless times before. The next part of the script was that the freshman was unable to answer the question and was then scolded by Loong Bo.    


Ji Yuqing remained expressionless as he felt the sympathetic gazes from the group towards him. He lifted his long legs and walked to the podium.    


He took the chalk and began to write on the blackboard.    


Loong Bo stared at every number he wrote down, as if he was waiting for the moment he made a mistake. However, she was disappointed. Five minutes had passed, and the blackboard was full, but there was nothing wrong with it!    


Compared to the teacher's shock, the students were even more shocked!    


The blackboard was divided into three sections by vertical lines, and three different solutions were written, each with the correct answer.    


"If you still want to know the fourth method, you can come and find me after class."    


With that, Ji Yuqing walked back to his seat. When he passed by Min Xinduo's seat, he placed his finger on her smooth forehead and lifted her buried head.    


Min Xinduo had always been blaming herself for not daring to look at the situation on the podium. Just by thinking about it, it was clear to her that he would not be able to come up with anything.    


Because she had done this before, she knew that she wouldn't be able to do it even if she stood on the stage with a tigress looking at her from beside her!    


So he never raised his head.    


Ji Yuqing sat back in his seat with the blackboard full of solutions, only then did he feel a cold sensation on his forehead and raised his head.    


"He wrote this?"    


Min Xinduo turned to Faang Yuanyuan in disbelief, her eyebrows raised high.    


Faang Yuanyuan nodded, her eyes also wide open.    


She was no less frightened than Min Xinduo.    


"Min Xinduo!"    


The teacher at the podium, who was holding back his anger, gave an unhappy warning.    


"Yes!" "Teacher!"    


Min Xinduo stood up, causing the chair to rumble.    


There was no helping it, it had already formed into a conditioned reflex!    


Min Xinduo was Min Xinduo's big name, and the Faang Yuanyuan beside him was really Fang Faang Yuanyuan.    


Ji Yuqing slightly tilted his head and stared at the teacher without blinking, full of warning!    


Of course, Loong Bo also saw Ji Yuqing, who was sitting behind Min Xinduo. His eyes were like that of a falcon's, and any cold gaze would be doomed to perish.    


His heart skipped a beat as Teacher Loong Bo snappily said:    


"Deviation is not allowed in class. Sit down! "    


Min Xinduo had never seen Teacher Loong Bo let off the students so easily. While she was still confused, Faang Yuanyuan pulled her hand and she quickly sat down.    


"Alright, let's go to the next question."    


Loong Bo didn't intend to explain the solution of the whole blackboard at all, it was obviously slapping his own face.    


All of the students were well aware of her attitude. If they did not refute or criticize her harshly, then it would mean that they had tacitly agreed to it!    


No one dared to question her!    


However, in their hearts, they had long admired this new transfer student!    


There were very few people who could embarrass Teacher Loong Bo like this. It was truly a relief!    


Min Xinduo couldn't help but write on the draft of the book:    


"This newcomer seems to be the victim from yesterday!"    


Then she nudged Faang Yuanyuan, who was sitting beside her, with her elbow, and moved the draft book in front of her.    


Faang Yuanyuan's eyes widened and she almost cried out in surprise. She looked at Min Xinduo, then looked at the words on the book before quickly writing:    


"Are you for real?" He wouldn't really come to take revenge on you, right? "    


Min Xinduo's heart was already panicking, but now even her good friend had said so. It seemed like this person really had come with ill intentions!    


Why don't we admit our mistakes to him first?    


No, no, what if she got it wrong?    


There were so many people in this world who had similar voices, and they all looked exactly the same!    


Min Xinduo, who was still hoping for a fluke, didn't listen to the entire lesson. Her mind kept going back and forth between the dream she had last night!    


In the dream, the victim with half his face was chasing her, shouting, but she couldn't hear what he was saying. It only made her flustered and kept running, but it always seemed like she was walking on the spot.    


His legs felt like they were filled with lead, and he had to use a lot of strength to take a small step.    


He had spent the entire night in such a state of fear!    


"Min Xinduo!" Min Xinduo! Ji Yuqing is talking to you! "    


When Min Xinduo came back to her senses, the teacher had already disappeared. It was the classroom. Faang Yuanyuan looked at her worriedly, signalling her with her eyes.    


Min Xinduo only felt a shadow shrouding her from the side. She raised her head stiffly and saw it was Ji Yuqing looking down at her. His eyes were very bright and felt very familiar.    


"Ahaha, fellow student, you, how are you!"    


Min Xinduo laughed heartily. The man in front of her was looking at her with an expressionless face, which made her feel even more helpless. She could not help but pull Faang Yuanyuan with her hand, hoping to find someone to rely on.    


"Ah, yes, I remember that I still need to go to the toilet!"    


Faang Yuanyuan suddenly opened her mouth and hurriedly left the repressed atmosphere.    


"Hey, Yuan Yuan!"    


This heartless fellow escaped so quickly, leaving her to this monster that even Teacher Loong Bo had no way out!    


Ji Yuqing could see the distress in her eyes. It was as if she wanted to escape. He squinted his eyes and looked even more terrifying!    


"Ah, I, I also want to go to the toilet. Hey, student, if you have anything to say, wait for me to come back!"    


Without waiting for Ji Yuqing to say anything, Min Xinduo jumped off from Faang Yuanyuan's side and chased after her in a hurry.    


Ji Yuqing stood up and looked at the other side of the classroom. He glanced at the boy who was glaring at him and sat back down. He closed his eyes and did not open them again.    


Min Xinduo, who ran out, quickly caught up with Faang Yuanyuan. She pulled her arm and said unhappily:    


"How ungrateful, how could you just leave me there like that!"    


Although Min Xinduo said this, she was not angry at all.    


Faang Yuanyuan hurriedly grabbed her hand and said in a low voice:    


"You scared me to death just now! Min Xinduo, you didn't realize that the way he looked at her was so scary! Although this man is very good-looking and is like a god that descended to the mortal world, he's still too cold! "    


She could not be blamed for running away! There was no way to face it.    


Furthermore, Ji Yuqing's gaze was always on Min Xinduo, not caring about her at all. He even gave off an aura that prevented strangers from approaching her!    


That's why she ran away.    


In any case, he couldn't do anything to Min Xinduo in the classroom!    


Besides, Min Xinduo's escort was still in the classroom!    


"Oh right, Min Xinduo, that Chen Feifann, he's still chasing you?"    


Faang Yuanyuan asked in a gossipy tone.    


Thinking about Chen Feifann, Min Xinduo felt as if she had eaten a fly. She pouted and said,    


"Don't mention him! Hearing those three words, I feel very upset! "    


"He's really infatuated with you. He's been befriending you since primary school. I think he's not bad looking and his family background is also not bad. How come you don't like him at all?"    


Faang Yuanyuan had been close with Min Xinduo since she was young. She also remembered that Chen Feifann always followed behind Min Xinduo like a small tail. She wasn't too sure what exactly happened between them that made Min Xinduo hate him so much.    


"Not bad? Yuan Yuan, are you nearsighted? I'll take you to my house this weekend, and have Dr. Liang examine you properly! "    


"You're the nearsighted one! "Bad girl!"    


Faang Yuanyuan pretended to be angry. Her eyesight was quite good.    


Min Xinduo giggled as she scratched her itch and said:    


"Why else would you think Chen Feifann is not bad? "Haha, Faang Yuanyuan, you're such a narcissistic woman!"    


"You! Min Xinduo, you can talk more. I won't care about you anymore! "    


Faang Yuanyuan stood on the spot, intentionally lowering her head, as if she was angry. When Min Xinduo got closer, she immediately threw herself at her again to scratch her.    


The two girls laughed and walked towards the toilet.    


On the way back, the more Min Xinduo thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She thought about Ji Yuqing's cold face. Although it was about the same size as her, it had a maturity and vicissitudes that she could not understand.    


"Yuan Yuan, what do we do? What would I do if that person came looking for me? "It can't be that they always use the excuse of going to the toilet to escape, right?"    


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