Lovely Substitute Bride



Luan Zhi frowned, feeling depressed and depressed.    


"Luan Zhi!" At this moment, Zhang Ann'yuv's voice came from behind him.    


Luan Zhi turned around and looked at him. Zhang Ann'yuv walked over and said with a smile, "It's about to start. Let's get ready for the show."    


Luan Zhi nodded. She put down the curtain and turned to leave.    


At that moment, at the entrance of the stadium, a car slowly stopped.    


It was already too late. Many reporters had already left and were preparing to take photos of the venue. Only a few reporters were still at the entrance.    


Besides, they had already taken enough photos. They were just staying here to organize everything.    


As soon as he heard that there was a car parked in front of the door, he didn't even look back.    


The moment the door opened, a slender figure walked out. His chestnut colored hair hung down on his forehead, and his amber eyes looked somewhat gentle. However, when he looked carefully, he felt that it was abnormally cold.    


He was wearing a black coat that accentuated his slender figure. The moment he got out of the car, he walked towards the interior with hurried footsteps.    


The few reporters who were organizing the photos at the side vaguely sensed someone walking past them. They hurriedly turned around and saw the back of the person who had just left. They felt that it was a little familiar.    


"Is that Min Ann'ge?"    


The others turned to look but realized that the other party was already gone. "How is that possible?" It's already beginning to show off. If he really did come, how could he have just arrived? "    


"I bet he must have been waiting inside for a while now, right?"    


The man nodded. "That's right, with the relationship between Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi, he will definitely come for such an important event."    


As soon as they started, Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv's designs were displayed one by one in front of everyone.    


This time, Luan Zhi showed him all the results of his two years abroad, bringing out her best designs.    


From the design of the clothing to the decorations of the exhibition, even the models were carefully chosen by her.    


The appearance of the unique design made many people's eyes light up with amazement.    


Originally, most of them came because of the relationship between Min Ann'ge and Luan Zhi. Some directly treated this place as a show to earn more attention and increase their visibility.    


Unexpectedly, the moment they entered the stadium, they were stunned by the decorations here. They were once again subdued by Luan Zhi's design.    


If not for the sight in front of them, they would have forgotten that Luan Zhi was once the most popular supermodel in the world and not just a vase.    


At the same time the costumes were displayed, many of the clothes designed by Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv had already been sold at high prices and there were countless orders.    


There were reports of people praising their clothing show. It was a very successful show and had raised their design to a very high level!    


Luan Zhi had been busy backstage all this time, so she hadn't noticed the stunned gazes of everyone in front of her.    


She did not appear along with Zhang Ann'yuv until the end of the exhibition and the entrance of the designer.    


Both of them were wearing clothes they had designed themselves.    


Luan Zhi was wearing a light green dress with high heels of the same color. Her hair was long, and she was only wearing light makeup. However, the moment she appeared, her aura overshadowed all the other models.    


The crowd couldn't help but cry out in alarm. This was the power of a supermodel!    


Although he hadn't gone on stage for two years, the moment he appeared, it would definitely be extremely stunning.    


With a faint smile on her face, Luan Zhi nodded at them.    


Feeling the cheers from below the stage, he felt even more elated, and the smile on his face grew even wider.    


She finally succeeded!    


Luan Zhi could not help but look towards the audience. When she saw Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen, she nodded at them.    


Following that, he searched the area again. He searched in circles, but he still could not find a familiar figure.    


His high-spirited heart immediately sank, and a hint of disappointment appeared on his face.    


Min Ann'ge, is he still not here?    


They clearly said that they would share their dreams together.    


Zhang Ann'yuv, who was standing at the side, noticed the change in her expression. He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled encouragingly.    


The corner of Luan Zhi's mouth twitched with great difficulty as she regained her spirits.    


After the final performance, everyone stood up and couldn't help but let out thunderous applause!    


This show had exceeded everyone's expectations and had resulted in tremendous success!    


Almost everyone was discussing the clothes designed by Luan Zhi and Zhang Ann'yuv and couldn't wait to give it a try.    


After the show ended, there was a party.    


The table had not been dismantled yet. On the other side, there were many fresh delicacies placed on the grass. The fragrance filled the air.    


The celebrities and staff, who were watching the fashion war with a serious expression a moment ago, were now all smiling and happily chatting while enjoying the delicacies before them.    


As soon as Luan Zhi left the stage, Duo Duo pulled her excitedly.    


"Mommy! Mommy! Let's go find Qing! "    


When Luan Zhi saw her happy expression, her previous dejected mood immediately turned for the better as she nodded.    


"Let's go."    


After saying that, he pulled her towards the exit.    


When he walked out, he discovered that because the show this time was extremely successful, many people outside were extremely excited, as if they had been injected with chicken blood. The scene was bustling with noise and excitement.    


Just as he walked out of the backstage, he suddenly disappeared.    


Luan Zhi looked around anxiously, but couldn't find any small figures.    


"Duo Duo!"    


She called out, but got no response. She could only look around.    


Although this was her slender figure, she had invited so many people today. The fish and dragons were mixed together, so it was better to be more careful.    


He had just taken a few steps when … whoosh!    


Luan Zhi was caught off guard and was pushed from the back. A whole glass of champagne spilled onto her body.    


She was still wearing the long skirt that she wore when she left the stage. However, her skin was still wet from the champagne.    


The surroundings immediately quieted down. Then, a voice came from behind.    


"Aiyo, I'm really sorry. I didn't see you just now. Are you alright?"    


"Luan University's designer?"    


When Luan Zhi heard this voice, she had already guessed his identity.    


Cheng Xue’er, she's here too?    


When she turned around, she saw Cheng Xue’er dressed splendidly and standing behind her with an empty glass of champagne in her hand. Although she was apologizing, there was a proud smile on her face.    


"You did it on purpose?" Luan Zhi said coldly.    


Cheng Xue’er quickly waved her hand.    


"Of course not, I just treated you as a staff member who came here to pick up trash. I was wondering why there would be someone here to pick up trash, I didn't expect it to be you."    


She looked Luan Zhi up and down, and shook her head: "Who told you to wear such clothes? You designed it yourself? "    


"Those designs on the stage just now were one thing, but why is this one so ugly? Are you really studying design for the past two years? "    


Cheng Xue’er covered her mouth and laughed.    


"I didn't expect this kind of design, how could I have the nerve to demonstrate it?"    


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